Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Medvedev wants to quit the fights in Georgia
by Livia Cseresova

The Kremlin has ordered to stop Russia’s five days lasting attacks on Georgia. These air and ground attacks left homes in ruins and therefore left people homeless, and also killed hundreds of human beings.

Georgia still claims that the bombs were coming even after declaring the cease-fire and according to its president, Mikhail Saakashvili, the aim of Russia was in fact to “destroy” the smaller nation- a former state of the Soviet Union and currently a big ally of the United States- and not to gain control of two disputed provinces.

Dmitry Medvedev, the president of Russia believes Georgia has paid sufficiently for its assault in South Ossetia, a region with close ties to Russia. Medvedev said that the aggressor “has been punished and suffered very significant losses. Its military has been disorganized.”

A couple of hours after Medveded expressed his will to stop the fighting, Saakashvili said he agreed to the “general principles” of the pact but has no reason to sign it, because it was only a political document.

Despite the Medvedev’s order, there’s evidence that Russian forces were assaulting Georgia during the order, and probably even after it. According to reporter of Associated Press, there were 135 military vehicles going toward Kodori Gorge in Abkhazia.

Just a short time before Medvedev’s expression the city of Gori, which is near South Ossetia was bombarded by Russians. Saakashvili said the Russians „just don't want freedom, and that's why they want to stamp on Georgia and destroy it. “

This conflict plays out on international stage. The leaders of five states which belonged to Soviet bloc in the past –Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine- are against the domination of Russia at a rally of Tbilisi. And George Bush also believes the invasion of Russia is not acceptable.

by Livia Cseresova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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