Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dalai Lama has some health problems
by kristina leskova

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people. He is often called as His Holiness. Lama means teacher and it is a title given to many different ranks of Tibetan Buddhist clergy. People believe that Dalai Lama is a current incarnation of Tulkus. Tulku is a Tibetan Buddhist lama who has been reborn. Dalai Lama chooses voluntarily to be reborn to this place and he wants to teach the humanity. When we take a look on the meaning of the word Dalai Lama, we find out that Dalai means ocean and Lama is spiritual teacher. So when we put these words together it means that Dalai Lama is a teacher spiritually as deep as the ocean. The residence of Dalai Lama is since 1959 in Dharamsala which is a small town situated in northern India. The 14th Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso – he was born in 1935. He was born into a family with 15 siblings. He is very charismatic and as first Dalai Lama he travelled to west to teach Buddhism. But he is also only a human and in the last days he had some health problems. At first on August 27, 2008 he was hospitalized in Mombai hospital and he had to cancel two international trips. But the doctors said that he was only exhausted and recommended more rest for him. On Friday he was hospitalized in New Delhi after a medical checkup. Today the doctors removed a gallstone from his body. It was a surgery major, but the doctors called it “a simple routine procedure”. The people in Tibet were worried about his condition, because Dalai Lama means hope for Tibetan people; they believe that something good will happen when he is alive.

related story:;_ylt=AoKI.3gJfdsenvID_KBTDV.s0NUE

by kristina leskova
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