Sunday, February 21, 2010

Coup in Niger
by Barbora Misakova

Justice will find you. Former president of Nigeria Mahmadadou Tandja knows it better. Tandja, who was the country’s strongman for the past decade was presiding over a cabinet meeting on Thursday evening when armed soldiers assaulted the presidential palace. Tandja was kidnapped and is believed to be held at the unknown place, probably in a military barracks on the outskirts of the capital. Niger’s new military junta announced today the government was dissolved and the President Mamadou Tandja was toppled. Even though the government does not exist anymore, public business will be run by secretaries of ministries and local government administrators, the Supreme Co! uncil for the Restoration of Democracy, as the junta called itself, informed. In spite of gunfire and loud explosions which was able to hear across the capital, the coup runs without violence (except three killed troops). Although this act is condemned by the world powers, most of them are conscious of the fact that Tandja is the one to blame. US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said: “President Tandja has been trying to extend his mandate in office. And obviously, that may well have been, you know, an act on his behalf that precipitated this act today.” Salou Djibo, a new head of CSRD is not satisfied with Niger’s development what was ranked at 182 on the UN Human Development Index for 2009. That’s the reason his junta calls on the people of Niger to be calm and to unite around its ideals of “restoring democracy and good governance”. Niger – the world’s third-biggest uranium producer due to its poor education, infras! tructure, health care and poverty still belongs among to the p! oorest d eveloping countries in the world.

related story (sgx16516):
by Barbora Misakova
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