Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dalai Lama meets Obama
by Barbora Misakova

Relations between Tibet and China are well known. There is one of the biggest and most powerful countries on one side, and on the other there is Tibet– plateau region with indigenous Tibetan people fighting for their freedom. The 14th Dalai Lama is on his visit in the USA. He is going to meet with President Barack Obama and also with the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. While the Nobel Peace Prize laureate’s plan is to talk about Chinese treatment of his homeland, China considers Dalai Lama’s private meeting to be a step which could worsen relations between the Pacific powers. Dalai Lama landed in Washington on Wednesday and met with group of fellow Tib! etan exiles. As his lead negotiator in on-off dialogue with China Lodi Gyari said, Dalai Lama hoped to speak about global concerns but also the situation in Tibet. He said: “His Holiness will be asking the president to help find a solution in resolving the Tibet issue that would be mutually beneficial to the Tibetan and Chinese people.” Even though Dalai Lama accepts Chinese rule over his homeland, he refuses the brand “wolf in monk’s clothes”. Accusing him of advocating separatism is a reason why is China so upset. Obama not only refused to cancel his meeting with Dalai Lama, but he is not even afraid of damaging delicate US-Chinese relations. As Clinton’s spokesman said: “It’s a complex relationship. There are areas where we agree on, there are areas where we disagree on. And we are going to continue to pursue that relationship vigorously.”

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by Barbora Misakova
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