Revolutionary Iran
by Barbora Misakova
Islamic revolution also known as the Iranian Revolution took in 1979. This revolution refers to events which overthrew Iran’s monarchy under Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and replaced him with an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Even though it is more than 30 years celebrated revolution still causes troubles. Clashes between opposition protesters and regime supporters shook Teheran on Thursday. This 31st anniversary of the revolution is celebrated by “tens of millions of people” who attend rallies in support of it. On the other side there are opposition supporters who are still protesting against Ahmadinejad’s election victory and pre! sidency. Ahmadinejad enjoying vast number of his followers told them, that Iran is now able to enrich uranium to more than 80 percent purity. As experts say they are coming very close to levels needed for a nuclear bomb. He didn’t forget to mention that Iran is not afraid of Western enemies when he said: “The Iranian nation is brave enough that if one day we wanted to build nuclear bombs we would announce it publicly without being afraid of you.” Of course Ahmadinejad stressed that regardless Iran’s ability it had no intention of producing nuclear bombs. While Ahmadinejad’s supporters are celebrating and waving with flags, supporters of opposition leader Mirhossein Mousavi were attacked by security forces that fired shots and teargas at them. Some people were arrested. There is also information that Mousavi’s wife was beaten with batons during Thursday’s rallies even though no official comment was given. Most of the reports couldn&#! 8217;t be verified as foreign journalists were not allowed to ! cover op position rallies.
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by Barbora Misakova for SigEx Ventures ( |
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