Promised Help to Haiti
by Barbora Misakova
I don’t know how about you, but I do not believe into promises, more when they are political ones. French President Nicolas Sarkozy promised Haiti help, which should consist of aid package of 270 million Euros plus cancellation of island’s debt worth 56 million Euros. I don’t know how France wants to manage this especially when the world and Europe as well is in the financial crisis. Anyway it is more than generous offer. The aid package will provide mentioned amount of money over two years to help Haiti’s economy to recover. Help from France will include 1,000 tents and 16,000 tarpaulins to built shelters for more than 200,000 people. Besides that F! rance will provide 10 experts who will be working with Haitian Prime Minister and his staff during these two years. As it wouldn’t be enough, France has pledged to carry out a preparatory study which should later lead to reconstructing Haitian Presidential Palace. Sarkozy’s visit of capital Port-au-Prince was a first visit of French head of state to the former French Caribbean colony, which won its independence in 1804. If the France is trying to right the past wrongs or is it just a way how to send its sympathies to Haiti, is not important. The question is if all those money and help will really find its way to Haiti. Even though his words “I have come to tell the Haitian people that they are not alone” are nice, I can hardly believe in them. It is sad, how easily can be money made, but how slowly they are getting to its recipient.
related story (sgx16501): h ttp://
by Barbora Misakova for SigEx Ventures ( |
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