Rusija žali po 40-te žrtvi na bliznačkite samoubistveni bombardiranja na moskovskoto metro. Toa e golema tragedija i ogromna zakana za svetot deka našite životi posebno vo metropolitie, se sé povekje nesigurni. Tažnite Rusi palat svekički, položuvaat cvekinja, plačat za onie čii životi bea odzemeni vo tie napadi na dvete različni metro stanici, za vreme na najgolemata gužva. Na stanicata „Lubjanka“ kade bea ubieni najmalku 23-mina i 12 lugje gi izgubija nivnite životi vo eksplozija na stanicata „Parkot na kulturata“. Četvorica drugi počinaa vo bolnica, no kako š! ;to velat vlastite, mnogu e vozmožno deka smrtniot bilans nema da završi so ovie cifri. Se čini deka sega posle katastrofata, pretsedatelot Dmitri Medvedev narača pogolema bezbednost vo ruskiot glaven grad. Iako ovie napadi se poradi dve sestri samoubijki, sepak postojat ušte nekolkumina osomničeni koi im pomognale. Ruskite vlasti gi obvinuvaat ruskite militanti od Severen Kavkaz. Ruskite mediumi ja obvinija državata deka ne se bori dovolno so terorističkite grupi. Luzgheto se plašat da zemat metro. „Ova e navistina strašno. Stanuva opasno da se voziš so metro, no jas ke prodolžam da go pravam toa. Mora nekako da se odi na učilište, na koledz, na rabota“ – reče 16-godišniot Vasilij Vlastinin, za novinskata agencija „Asošiejted pres“. Spored analitičarite, ovie napadi se navistina retka zakana za Rusija, i golema e verojatnosta deka militantnite grupi ! od Severen Kavkaz planiraat da udrat na ruskoto centralno kopn! o. Toa b i bil vistinski problem. Spored analitičarite, ovie napadi se vistinksa zakana za Rusija. Sekoj saka kazna za kriminalcite. Gnevot e prvata pridružnička za ruskiot narod denovive. Bombardiranjeto vo metro stanicite vo Rusija se čini deka ne e retka pojava. Pred šest godini, se sluči katastrofa so sličen smrten bilans.
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Russia is grieving for the 40 victims of the twin suicide bombings on the Moscow Metro. That is a big tragedy and a great threat to the world that our lives, especially in the metropolis are more and more insecure. Sad Russians light candles, lay flowers, cry for those whose lives were taken in those attacks on two different metro stations, during rush hour. On Lubyanka station, where killed at least 23 people and 12 people lost their lives in the explosion at the Park Kultury station. Four other people died in hospital, but as officials say, it is very much possible that the death toll is not going to end on these figures. It seems like now after the catastrophe, president! Dmitry Medvedev ordered bigger security in the Russia’s capital. Though these attacks are due to two suicidal sisters, still there are more people suspected to be helping them. Russian officials blame Muslim militants from the North Caucasus. Russian media accused the state that doesn’t fight enough with the terrorist groups. People are scared to take the metro anymore. "It's really terrifying. It's become dangerous to ride the Metro but I'll keep taking the Metro. You have to get to school, to college, to work somehow" - Vasily Vlastinin, 16, told the Associated Press news agency. According to the analysts, these attacks are a real threat to Russia, and it is very much possible that militant groups from North Caucasus are planning to hit Russia’s mainland. That would be a real problem. Punishment for the criminals is what everybody wants. Anger is the first companion to the Russian people these days. Bombings in metro stations in Russia seemed! to be not so rare. Six years ago, a disaster with the similar! death t oll happened.
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The old allies, as Obama called themselves like that, USA and France stand together on the issue of sanctions for Iran. This attitude was recognized after French president visited his US colleague, with his wife Carla Bruni. France and US are not the only countries that want to fight against Iran’s aggressive nuclear policy, Britain and Germany as well, join them in their mutual fight. It seems like Russia and China are the next to be persuaded on this issue. Iran so far rejects the diplomacy and negotiations on the nuclear weapon’s theme. "My hope is that we are going to get this done this spring. I'm not interested in waiting months ... I am interested in se! eing that regime in place within weeks. The door remains open if the Iranians choose to walk through it," - Obama said. His country talked about deadlines for agreement on sanctions since last December, but its partners didn’t say yes. As usually, US are always the first to start the war, it seems like US politicians can’t sleep at night if there aren’t American soldiers to kill other nations. The policemen of the world, this phrase has all the legitimacy when it comes to the US. Sarkozy as well shouted for loud counter-Iran activities, calling this “mad race”. He agrees as well that it is about time for the big forces to bring a decision how to punish their common enemy. The idea of Sarkozy’s visit to Washington was to make the friendship between the two countries. They also discussed about other international issues, like Afghanistan, US peace efforts in the Middle East and the global economy recovery. But all these issues seem so sec! ond handed when it comes to Iran “mad race”. ! < tr>
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Oko za oko a celý svet ostane slepý. by Milota Sidorova
Je tak ťažké vôbec popísať veci, čo sa dejú. Objektívna pravda neexistuje, neexistuje ani informovanosť. Ostáva zmätenie... Včera ráno moskovské metro zasiahli dva bombové atentáty. Fakty a reakcie sme už počuli, 37 mŕtvych, dve ženské samovražedné útočníčky, smútok verejnosti, bolesť pozostalých, plamenné reakcie politikov. Počuli sme, aké tvrdé kroky sa chystajú proti týmto neľudským tvorom. Ale povedz mi milý čitateľ, pravdepodobne žijúci v relatívne! bezpečnom meste, s relatívne bezpečným príjmom, relatívnymi ambíciami, rodinou, priateľmi, aký obraz si môžeš utvorť z tejto udalosti po prvom počutí? Oficiálne správy hovoria, že z útokov doteraz nebola obvinená žiadna extrémsticka skupina, avšak scenár a prevedenie útokov pripomína severo kaukazskú skupinu "čiernych vdov". Ide o čečenské ženy, vyškolené v špeciálnych táboroch, aby sa stali samovražednými atentátničkami. Sú však preto neľudské? Sú fanatické, zapredali svoju dušu diablovi v koži teroristu? Alebo to bola len odveta? Ale to by mohol byť každý z nás. Ak by ste prežili vojnové zločiny páchané ruskou armádou na čečenských ženách, ak by vá! ;m pred očami zastrelili rodinu, zničili dom, ukradl! i peniaz e a ponížili, znásilnili, skúste si predstavit tú buducnosť, ktora by čakala, každým pomalým dňom. Tieto ženy sa ako moslimky nemajú šancu opätovne vydať, preto žijú doslova izolované s deťmi, s príbuznými, bez peňazí, zraniteľné voči špekulantom. Veľa politicky teroristických akcií, nie je v skutočnosti vôbec politicky teroristickými, ide o krvnú pomstu, o citovú manipuláciu, ktorá jedinca dovedie do stavu, keď obetuje svoj život len preto, aby so sebou stiahol "nepriateľov" - aj keby s osobnou katastrofou človeka nemali vôbec nič spoločné. Nenávisť, zúfalstvo, to všetko vedie k skratovitému konaniu. Zverstvom najhrubšieho zrna je zneužitie osobnej tragédie pre vlastný prospech, nie je novinkou, ž! ;e extrémistické skupiny naberajú ženy v podobnom rozpoložení. Ak neostal život, využijú smrť. Tak ako palestínske deti, tak sú tieto ženy dvojnásobnými obeťami vojnových zločinov. Vezmú im všetko, pre vidinu dôstojnej smrti, ktorú bude uctievať hŕstka priateľov. Pre zvyšok sveta ostanú v najlepšom poľutovaniahodnými teroristami. Napadá ma pieseň Karla Kryla: "píseň neznámého vojína", v ktorej obracia svoj hnev proti pokrytcom, kladúcim vence na jeho pomník. Vojak nechcel zomrieť, ale títo ľudia z jeho smrti profitujú aj po smrti. Zásluhy, ponižujúca medializácia, oslava boja proti boju. Absurdné, absurdné! Čo ostáva tejto žene, ak uspeje a stiahne so sebou tridsať či štyridsať ľudí, ktor! ých nikdy nepoznala? Dostáva sa jej zadosťu! 9;inenia ? Veríte v niečo ako dôstojnú smrť? Videla som interview s 15 ročným palestínskym dievčaťom, ktoré prežilo vlastný samovražedný útok.S do krvi režúcim nihilizmom vravelo, že žiadne siedme nebo nebolo, nebol žiaden raj. To čo cítila bol strach a bolesť. Vydaná napospas nadriadeným a tak strašne sama. Mechanizmus pomsty nikdy naozaj nefungoval, pretože pomsta, utrpenie druhých nedokáže uspokojiť vlastný žiaľ. A žiť s prírzakmi ľudí, na ktorých ste sa pomstili je najhoršia forma utrpenia na tomto svete. Je univerzálna, nerobí rozdiely medzi mladými, starými, bohatými, chudbnými či mocnými. Toto utrpenie si berie svoju hroznú daň. Hoci, dnes tejto myšlienke nevenujeme ani chvíľu. Dnes nám v hlave bzu&! #269;ia politici vyjadrujúci ľútosť, sľubujúci ďalší boj voči týmto ľudom. Tí, ktorí sú zodpovední za masakry, si ruky umyjú najlacnejším spôsobom - akciu označia za teroristickú a tým pádom nadobudnú sväté právo na odvetu. Tí, ktorí by mali po zvyšok života vynakladať všetko svoje úsilie preto, aby priniesli mier národnostiam, aby sa ospravedlnili za vlastné zlyhanie, zlyhanie propagandy, či najnižších ľudských pudov, tí označujú zúfalstvo dvoch žien v moskovskom metre za teroristický čin. Tieto akcie im dokonca nahrávajú do karát, napádajú verejnosť strachom. Vytvára sa priestor pre "pohotovostné riešenia", ktoré sú odsúhlasené aj bez kontrolných mechanizmo! v orgánov, inštitúcií alebo verejnej mienk! y. Strac h a nevedomie vyvtára priestor pre najhoršiu formu terorizmu - despotizmus. V záujme naozaj mocných ľudí nie je mier. Vojna je mier. Mier je vojna. Táto pieseň neprestáva... Oko za oko a celý svet ostane slepý.
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The darkness, the smell of coal, taste of the sweat mixed with the ground, smell of petroleum, the weak light from the helmet, the only light that resembles of the world outside. It is the only company, the reminder that it could have looked different above. You remebered the touch of wind, grass, shadows of the trees, you could think of the laugh of your comrades after the shift. You remebered the dirty road out of the mine, sharp light contrast when you reached the entrance of the mine, It's amazing. Barely you could feel yourself, your muscles, breath and your eyes suddenly got burnt by the sunlight. You felt yourself again - you heared - how could be this true? You hav! e've been trapped for so long that you even forgot you had a wife and a daughter. She was in the school when it happened. When the Earth covered you. You could remeber that. Water, falling water, slashing, the sound was horrible and awesome at the same time, but you knew, you had this painful idea flashing your brain, you knew she was coming to embrace you. You saw the roof becoming the floor, you saw your friend buried under the hill of coal, blood and stone. Your only instinct was to get out of there. But you couldn't. You felt this was going to hurt, you imagined all the moments waiting for you outside this hell, you knew how strongly you wanted to survive. Come on, faster, leave them, get away, hit it, squeeze, machine, darkness. You knew it was only mistake. You didn't want to die like that. And even now, you don't believe it. You can see rescuemen getting away, stone by stone, just to reach your cold hand. You can see youself lying defronted along the road, untill t! he car comes to get you. You saw them - you saw your family, y! our daug hter couldn't even cry. They all went to silence and you couldn't do anything. In a moment you knew this was going to be aired to billions of people in evening news, before they went to bed, made love and carried on the other day. You saw yourself becoming the part of amuzing evening show for the rest of the planet. You heard that fucking businessmen talking of great sorrow about this loss. You knew you were not alone. And you knew this was not going to end... In memory of 2,600 miners who died last year of insufficient safe conditions in Chinese mines.
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Sarkozy Welcomed American Healthcare reform by Milota Sidorova
So called "controversial" health care reform was passed in the U.S. last week. Critics and defenders, they both called it a victory for American President Barack Obama. The tune, however was different. The most crucial aspect of the reform were establishment of general insurance for all American citizen and increasing payments for richer groups of people. So far, there's been around 32 million uninsured Americans. For us Europeans it seems unbelievable - American health care system was working this pay and cash system - for each step done by the doctor, whether it was merely a prescription or a surgery was paid by check. Now these things are going to change, the insuranc! e will be obligatory, in a way more available but will increase deficit up to $2.5 trillion that seems to be more than a lot for debt ridden United States. Although Republicans hate the reform, many of European politicians agreed the passing and welcomed Americans in the club of "states caring for the poorest". For some of them the discussion that took more than a year and included massive advertising campaigns and media attention, this discussion was kind of "hard to believe". French President Nicolas Sakrozy visited the U.S. on Monday and gave cheering up speech on health-care reform at Columbia University in New York. President Obama who just returned from his night visit of Afghanistan wasn't scheduled to meet President Sarkozy that time. Sakrozy stays in the U.S. and is about to meet Obama during the dinner in White House and to somehow to warm-up French-American direct relationships.
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"An Eye for and Eye Makes the Whole World Blind" by Milota Sidorova
Oh, it's so difficult to speak even to describe things going on - for example in Moscow. There have been two suicidal bomb attacks in central Metro yesterday' s morning. We' ve already heard the results and reactions - 37 deaths, mostly young people, two female bombers dying along with them. We've heard angry politicians, President, Prime Minister talking of tough steps towards extremist's organizations, the end of the rope, mercy for these unhuman beings. Who could blow up dozens of innocent people on their way to school, to work, to doctor or everywhere else? No terrorist organization has been accused so far, but the hints point to North Caucasian region of Chechenya and! the case of "Black Widows possibly rising again" crossed the borders of Russia to get international attention for a while. But, tell me, dear reader, living in safe town, possibly with regular income, ambitions and group of friends or even family. What kind of picture can you get at first impression? Were they not human? Is this the simplfication of what comes to your mind? Were they were fanatists, selling their souls to violence, military regime or just revenge? No, it could be me or you. If it would happen the same that happened to them during Russia occupation of Chechenya, if you saw hatred Russians killing your family in front of your own eyes, it they destroyed your estate, stole the money, if they raped you what kind of future what be left for you? So called "terrorist" attacks are many times not terrorist at all - they point to something that was covered and shut up for more than a long time. These groups often feel great sorrow, injustice, so bloody injustice! they would do anything to taste even the slightest revenge. ! I don' t know if it was a Black Widow, but killing those innocent Russians could seem equal in her eyes, for killing innocent civilist of her country. There are two more things, no, three more things I want to tell - As Ghandi said "An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind" I know this action won't ease the sorrow of such woman, nor it can comfort her, even if she survived and had to deal with the consequences of this crime till her last days. Revenge is not working. Not really. Though, I feel great anger for those women, being raped twice, maybe three time, because of the sacrifice they were willing to take. Extremist groups are very comfortable recruiting these women, because of their despair. They simply use them to do the dirtiest work, they wouldn't do by themselves. And many of them gain enormous provisions if this woman succees and kills herself. These groups are very often cooperating with the power groups of the country. The woman is a double looser. What does she g! et for herself? The honorable death in the circles of comrades and her name accused among billions out there? And the third loss is coming as soon as politicians, responsible for massacres label them terrorists and instead of finding every possible way to peace and apologize, they provoke greater anger, war tastes and intolerance among people. The world today is scared to death from the word terrorism, but no one really knows, what the terrorism really is. Politicians do profit from such actions as well, because it gives a space for extreme and emergency solutions. And the war song carries on and on. History teaches us, there will be always people who profit and those despair ones who make the profit. At any cost.
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Soldier is saved from the evel hands of columbian rebels by Zivka Deleva
After one year under hostage, Colombian soldier Josue Daniel Calvo from the Red Cross mission, was freed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. One more soldier is now the next to be released. One year ago he was wounded and captured in the southern jungle. His father and sister waited for him. He, normally, didn’t want to talk. The happiness was endless. He was not the only hostage that the FARC held, even for longer time. Some of the recent released hostages that have spent more years in camps when they suffered from tropical diseases. The rebels announced a releasing of Calvo and another soldier Sgt. Pablo Emilio Moncayo an year ago, but then disagreement! s showed between them and the President Alvaro Uribe, because he accused them that they use hostages to gain some political attention. It is very well known that Uribe is an aggressive fighter against FARC and very often negotiates with them, like when he had to rescue former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, three U.S military contractors and 11 other captives. This event happens just few months before the new presidential election in May. Another 23 police and soldiers are FARC hostages. The other soldier should be released today, after 12 years when rebels took over his army base. He is maybe the longest held hostage by now from FARC. It is a public secret that this organization finance it self with cocaine trafficking and kidnapping. It operates the most in the southern jungles, where the state security is still very weak. Not rarely, these outlaws kidnap famous politicians.
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Obama on night visit in Afghanistan by Milota Sidorova
Some from 100,000 American and European soldiers had had the chance to meet the U.S. President Obama on unexpected, strange visit of Afghanistan President Karzai yesterday.Covered with the darkness of the night Obama made his performance with complicated ally Karzai, earlier regarded a controversial person for suspicions from corruption. Karzai who is in cut to bone dialogue with President Obama, even more than with his predecessor President Bush showed his hospitality – the press conference was laid in strange and stuffy atmosphere and with no man answering the questions. But still, Obama showed his style talking and cheering up the man who wasn't definitely on the t! op list of White House friends. Both presidents talked vaguely and said almost nothing, one didn't hear before. President Obama praised Karzai's efforts against extremists in his country, but showed him the angry finger telling him, there was just too much corruption. Well, it seems kind of bitter humoresque when the U.S. is able to judge everyone in this world. Its institutions are releasing warning reports about abusing civil rights from Afghanistan down to Czech Republic or Poland. And it's been even more dummy if the report is obviously written by people with no knowledge or understanding for the “enemy”country, culture and realms. So let debt-ridden U.S. rule and dictate the manners of well-being to the rest of the world. It's like the story of three blind man leading each other to the river and certain death.Obama did his part with appropriate honor, but then he visited the group of soldiers and before the sunrise he ended this necessary diplomatic evil.!
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Maliki refused to accept the elections, UN & US hailed the results. by Milota Sidorova
If there would be the looser of the day (maybe more than a day) it would be Iraq Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after his bloc got the second place (or minus two seats in parliament) against his rival Iyad Allawi. Similar poll result was post on March 7th, but Maliki apparently didn't consider it relevant. Now when the results were finally released he called it a fraud and asked for manual recounting.His request, however was turned down not only by IHEC (Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission) but also by United Nations. Maliki addressed his anger to UN envoy Ad Melkert, he said the United Nations should have been more keen and pushy to the IHEC to accept the “re! quest of the people”. But Merkelt claimed both as poll such election results as regular and called all parties to accept it. Results showed that Maliki's State of Law Alliance got 89 seats from 325-member Council of Representatives, even two less than fellow Iraqiya bloc – led by Shiite Allawi. According to results any of both parties would be able to form the coalition that may become a procedure lasting several months. Malikii stays as Prime Minister and the caretaker until the new government is formed.United Nations and opposition were not alone joined by satisfaction, the United States ambassador Christopher Hill and the top US commander General Ray Oderno regarded the elections with no sign of fraud or malfunction. Washington is planning to withdraw American troops from the country in five months – so another important progress is waiting for country squeezed by wars, political and business cruelties.
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Eurozóna Grékom v prípade potreby poskytne pôžičku. by Milota Sidorova
Lídri eurozóny sa na včerajšom summite v Bruseli dohodli na pomocnej stratégii voči dlhom postihnutému Grécku. Hoci sa na počiatku zdalo, že členovia eurozóny ponechajú Grécko svojmu osudu, dopad na spoločnú menu vyvolal tlak na spoločné riešenie. Grécka ekonomika by na oživenie potrebovala do leta takmer 22 miliárd euro. Členovia eurozóny sa zhodli na poskytnutí tejto čiastky, v prípade, že by šetriace opatrenia, ktoré zaviedla grécka vláda, minuli účinku. Gréci by mali šetriť v každej ! oblasti – od štátnej správy, po pološné zasavenie bonusov a prémií, zmrazenie dôchodkov a zvýšením dôchodkového veku. Nutné dodať, že tieto opatrenia sa nestretli s veľkým úspechom medzi verejnosťou, krajina sa počas tohto a minulého mesiaca dostala niekoľkokrát do stavu generálneho štrajku.Nateraz to vyzerá, že Damoklov meč prestane visieť nad krajinou, v prípade zlyhania by mala byť istená európskou pôžičkou. Dlho diskutovanou témou bol aj vstup Medzinárodného menového fondu do hry – táto pomoc by výrazne oslabila imidž spoločnej meny, avšak lídri sa zhodli na tom, že pomoc je vhodná, nakoľko je eurozóna jedným z hlavných donorov medzinárodného fondu.Grécky premiér George Papandre! ou vyjadril spokojnosť s rozhodnutím, nemecká k! ancel 25;rka Angela Merkelová, zasa povedala, že Grécko ešte žiadnu pomoc nedostalo.Merkelová si vynútila právo veta jej krajiny, keďže Nemecko je najväčšou európskou ekonomikou. Na zasadnutí sa prejednal aj plán tvrdších disciplinárnych, stále však preventívnych opatrení pre všetky štáty eurozóny. Hoci sa o osude dlhmi postihnutej krajiny rozhodovali len členovia eurozóny, do ďalších rozhovorov by mali pristúpiť všetky krajiny európskej dvadsaťsedmičky. Euro v stredu kleslo na desaťmesačné minimum oproti americkému doláru a na historické minimum oproti švajčiarskému franku.
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Bolivian president Hugo Chavez would be the first president sharing his ideas with the world via his personal blog. The news came out this week when Chavez said it would be progressive step against opposition and counter-revolutions spreading on Web. With a glimpse of pathetical mood, he expressed it was the next fight in socialism against capitalism holy war and promised to stay tuned with millions of users outside to provide many informations and details of his regime.This is something new, truly progressive, because a lot of movements have their basis on internet. Still it is the last safe and free place to express the ideas. But it may not be forever. Critics fear that ! Chavez would use his interference to block out opposition and anti-Chavez posts. President didn't hide his intention to counter counter-revolutions in this virtual space. Chavez stands behind closing of opposition radio and TV channel last months. The country would be attacked by stronger one-political-party influence.Some commentators suggested it would be of no longer use – just like presidential radio program “De repente, Chavez” that appeared and disappeared without significant influence. Miami based opposition blogging group called “Caracas Chronicles” greeted president entering the world of bloggers. Bloggers also called president's blog “Chavington Post”.Chavez aimed to communicate almost daily from his palace in Miraflores, Caracas with the public.So far, a post signed Hugo Chavez appeared on internet, but detection proved to be opposition joke. Bolivian president haven't specify when he would start on-line blogging.So let's! see and read.
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Euro zone agreed to aid Greece, if needed. by Milota Sidorova
European leaders have agreed the next steps towards Greece on yesterday's summit in Brussels.As expected the main question was whether members of eurozone would offer supporting loan to the country able to crack down the common European currency.Greece that was missing more than 22 billion euro before summer, however didn't asked for this help. So far it has been reluctant to get a loan from International Monetary Fund, members of euro zone or Chinese investors. Greek government prepared a package of saving procedures in the country. Among the major cuts were decreasing numbers of state employees, cutting down benefits, freezing retirements and increasing the entrance age o! f retirement.Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou expressed satisfaction, because if the package wouldn't work, the country's economy was still covered with the amount of money.Representatives of euro zone agreed they would offer combined loan with the share of IMF. There's been also calls to drop off IMF, but european leaders explained, eurozone was one of the biggest IMF donors. The aid is conditioned by approval of the biggest European economy – Germany with the right to veto the process. Leaders also agreed on putting tougher economy discipline rules on all members using the common currency.Right now, it seems euro zone is doing everything to save the image of the currency. Two days ago, euro hit 10-month low against dollar and lifetime low against Swiss franc. The next meeting of 16 members of euro zone is expected to happen in the nearest future but the talks of international aid should be extended to all 27 members of European Union.
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Silent and dummy talks in White House by Milota Sidorova
n silence and without routine media work, such was meeting of Israeli Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu with American President Barack Obama. Netanyahu visited White House on Wednesday and both leaders were expected to solve so called problem of Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem.But fifteen hours after Netanyahu's departure no information, no detail was published. There was no press conference during this meeting. And it was strange, because according American politicians it was one of the most important disagreements between political and military allies. White House released a report in which it said, leaders come to some agreements and disagreements as well. One had to! guess the disagreement implied the problem of settlement. Israeli Prime minister has already shown no will for discussion toward this step. In his fierce speech on Monday he said Jerusalem, the place that Palestinians consider the capital of their future state, Jerusalem, according Netanyahu was not a settlement. He has clearly shown his part was not going to apologize not to bow for anyone else's expectation or obligation. The U.S. seemed to understand this behavior and didn't commented Israeli mistake no more. Israel that broke international law, by allowing the settlement on an occupied area didn't accept its fault, but it kept on threatening Palestinians and American diplomacy. Israeli Prime minister warned that American business and efforts to stop the settlement would blocked the Peace Talks in the Middle East for about the year.Netanyahu left White House three hours later. Americans didn't make any confession. Still seemed like well planned theatre piece.
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Israeli diplomat expelled over Hamas killing by Magdalena Rosova
An Israeli diplomat was expelled from Britain because of the misuse of British passports in Dubai where the murder of a Hamas leader took place. David Miliband, Foreign Secretary of United Kingdoms, believes the Israeli state was involved in the murder. Expulsion of the Israeli diplomat disappointed Israel's Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman. But the minister told that Israeli state would not retaliate. Miliband said UK had serious reasons that made government believe that Israel was behind the murder of Mahmud al-Mabhuh that happened in January. As a result of the affair Miliband asked a member of the Israeli embassy to withdraw from the UK. Miliband told the go! vernment took that matter extremely seriously and that such misuse of British passports is intolerable. However, he did not specify the compelling reasons that led him to belief that Israel is responsible for misuse of the British passports. Reports in the Times and Telegraph newspapers say that the expelled diplomat was a senior Mossad agent. The British government believes he was chief of Israeli spy agency's station in London. In spite of the fact that Mossad has been widely blamed for the murder of the Hamas chief, Israel do not want to admit that Mossad is guilty. Mossad's expulsion was hailed by Hamas which further hopes that Mossad would be brought to trial. In February Dubai police released photographs and names of people who used misused passports. The suspects used the 12 identities of people from Britain and also of people from Australia, France, Germany and Ireland. In connection with the murder Interpol issued arrest notices for 27 suspects.
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French people prepared for their president Nicolas Sarkozy very unpleasant surprise when his party was defeated in regional elections over the weekend. For the Sarkozy right-wing UMP party it was the worst electoral defeat in more than five decades. From 26 France’s regions leftist parties swept to power in 23 of them. And president now controls only one of France’s 22 mainland regions. Before the poll president Sarkozy was insisting that regional elections have no impact on national politics, but now he has to reconsider his point of view. As it is usual, the growing discontent is always addressed to government policies and personal style of management. That! 217;s why is Nicolas Sarkozy preparing for his first postelection cabinet meeting and is already modifying his agenda. President was overseeing a re-jig of his cabinet. Former labor minister Xavier Darcos, who was to lead negotiations on pension reform, was fired. The new Budget Minister and new head of the Labor ministry is Eric Woerth. He will also continue with pension talks. While Sarkozy tries to save as much as possible, Union leaders consider reshuffle to be useless, as it would do nothing to revive the economy. Some critics say Sarkozy is simply not listening to the public’s concerns. The mood had changed in France as the press of economic downturn and government’s steps are pushing them down. That led to the nationwide strikes of French workers that hit schools, hospitals, postal services and public transportation across the country. Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets asking for attention. As Francois Chereque, head of the CFDT union sa! id: “There are real worries about the future of the coun! try.R 21;
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Where is no trust, there is no deal – that would probably characterize the relations between Palestine and Israel the best. The peace talks between these two rivals ended up sooner than they actually began. The whole situation was messed up by Israeli side, when Israeli occupation authorities authorized the construction of 112 new apartments in the West Bank despite a promise to slowdown settlement building. A low-key meeting took place on Tuesday at the White House, where US President Barack Obama led talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu. In the meantime, Israel officials gave the green light to build 20 additional new homes for settlers in East Jerus! alem. The meeting was held just a day after fresh U.S. criticism of Jewish home construction. But Natanyahu says: “If the Americans support the unreasonable demands made by the Palestinians regarding a freeze on settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, the peace process risks being blocked for years.” Although “President Obama and the prime minister met privately for an hour and a half and the atmosphere was good”, neither this short visit yielded sign of a breakthrough in the stalled Middle East peace process. Leaders’ advisers should continue discussions on the ideas raised at the meeting and should hold further talks today. Netanyahu, during his three-day stay and under pressure from members of his right-leaning coalition didn’t show intention of backing down on settlement construction. During his meeting with congressional leaders, Netanyahu allegedly said: “We must not be trapped by an illogical and unreasonable demand.! ” But what is more illogical and unreasonable than this ! constant and mutual accusation that is keeping peace process in limbo?
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Fondot Klinton i Buš planira golema pomoš za Haiti by Zivka Deleva
Barem za kratko vreme, kako da napravime lugjeto od Haiti da prestanat da živeat od den za den i da živeat barem od mesec za mesec, da znaeme deka kje bidat dobro barem za eden mesec, nivnite deca kje bidat dobro za eden mesec – reče poranešniot amerikanski pretsedatel Bil Klinton včera, pri posetata na Haiti, dva i pol meseca posle užasniot zemjotres. Zaedno so negoviot kolega Dzordz V.Buš, so kogo ja osnovaa organizacijata za pomoš na žrtvite od zemjotresot, tie gi posetija pretstavnicite na ovaa siromašna zemja vo Port-o-Prins, ja skeniraa situacijata i spodelija deka tie ne go zaboravile haitskiot narod. Celta na! ovoj fond e da i pomogne na najsiromašnata južnoamerikanska država vo nejzinoto obnovuvanje. Taa vekje dosega ima sobrano 36 milioni dolari. Nekolku stotici iljadi preživeani se preplašeni od pretstojnite doždovi i posebno od uraganskata sezona. Posle katastrofata, 1.3 milioni lugje ostanaa bez pokriv nad glavata, a povekje od 220.000 počinaa. Ovaa poseta se slučuva deset dena pred sredbata vo Njujork na tema pomoš za Haiti, koga se veruva deka amerikanskata država kje donira 11.5 milijardi dolari za dolgoročna rekonstrukcija! Se znae deka atastrofata predizvika šteta od rečisi osum milijardi dolari, togaš ovaa suma e povekje od dobredojdena. E, toa vekje može da se nareče pomoš, a ne kako voobičaeno što pravat političarite, koga izrazuvaat samo samo sočuvstvo, kažuvaat samo prigodni rečenici i koga doagja vremeto za vistinska pomoš, tie ne se kaj š! ;to treba da bidat. Poranešnite amerikanski pretsedateli ! vetija d eka kje se obidat da go ubedat Kongresot da mu pomogne na osiromašeniot haitski narod vo industrijata za obleka. „Zatoa što ako go storime toa, i velime deka kje go pravime toa za podolg period, možeme da predizvikame masovni investicii i da sozdademe desetici iljadi ili možebi i 100.000 rabotni mesta. Korejskite biznismeni vekje go izrazija nivniot interes da investiraat vo dopolnitelni fabriki za tekstil vo Haiti, dokolku pomine pomošta“ = reče Klinton.
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Clinton and Bush fund plans big help for Haiti by Zivka Deleva
In the short-term, how can the people of Haiti stop living from day-to-day and at least live from month-to-month, know they'll be OK for a month, their children will be OK for a month – said US ex-president Bill Clinton yesterday, on his visit to Haiti, two and half months after the terrible earthquake. Together with his colleague George W. Bush, with whom they have founded a relief organization for the victims of the quake, they visited the representatives of this poor country in Port-au-Prince, scanned the situation and shared that they haven’t forgotten Haiti people. This fund aims to help the poorest South America’s state in its reconstruction. It has ! already raised 36 million dollars. Few hundreds of thousands of survivors are frightened from the coming rains and especially the hurricane season. After the catastrophe, 1.3 million people became homeless, and more than 220.000 people died. This visit is happening ten days before a meeting in New York on Haiti subject, when it ought to believe that the US country is going to donate 11.5 billion dollars for long-term reconstruction! If it is known that the disaster caused almost eight billion dollars damage, than this sum is more than welcomed. And that is already some help, and not as usually politicians do, only pledge, only say convenient phrases and when comes time for a real help, they are not there. Ex US presidents also promised that are going to try to convince the Congress to help Haiti impoverished people in the garment industry. "Because if we do, and we say we're going to do it for a longer period of time, we can get massive investment here and create tens o! f thousands or perhaps even 100,000 jobs. Korean businesses ha! ve alrea dy expressed an interest in investing in additional textile manufacturing facilities in Haiti if such an extension is passed” - said Clinton.
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Rio Tinto Group is British-Australian mining and resources group which was founded in 1973. Since then, the company has become one of the world leaders in the production of many commodities such as aluminium, iron ore, copper, uranium, coal or diamonds. It has operations on six continents, but mainly in Australia and Canada. In 2009 four Rio Tinto employees, including one Australian citizen, were arrested in Shanghai. They were accused of corruption and espionage. Australian citizen Stern Hu was detained on criminal charges such as stealing Chinese state secrets for foreign countries and taking bribes. After almost a year from their arrest, the trial has begun. An Australia! n executive was pleaded guilty Monday to taking bribes. According to attorney Tao Wuping, Stern Hu was charged with accepting six million Yuan in bribes, what represents 880,000 dollars. The other defendants Wang Yong and Ge Minqiang were charged with accepting 70 million and 6 million Yuan in bribes. Although Stern Hu and Liu Caikui had pleaded guilty, they were contesting the bribe amounts. The trial should continue today with more bribery hearings. First sessions on the trade secrets charges should follow as well. But these charges are going to be heard in separate close-door sessions. No foreign journalist were allowed in, only a handful of reporters from state-run domestic media. Canberra has called for transparency in the trial, but it is hard to say, if it will be reached. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rud said the world will be watching the case very closely. Actually, there is nothing more they can do…
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Netanyahu: We are prepared to risk, but not to play with our lives by Zivka Deleva
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had an impressive speech in front of the members of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which met on Monday. All 7.500 delegates at the annual conference applauded. Netanyahu was the most inspired by US condemnation of the announcement of Israel for 1.600 new homes in east Jerusalem.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton comment was that the settlements would require newly-agreed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. He tried to explain how important security is to Israel, using the example with United States compressed to the size of New Jersey. It’s eastern neighbor would be Iranian terroristic group Hezbollah, that f! ires 6.000 rockets into the state, but has ten times more for you. He put New Jersey another Iranian proxy, called Hamas, with the same weapon capacity as the other neighbor. How safe would you feel? “This is why a peace agreement with the Palestinians must include an Israeli presence on the eastern border of a future Palestinian state. If peace with the Palestinians proves its durability over time, we can review security arrangements. We are prepared to take risks for peace, but we will not be reckless with the lives of our people and the life of the one and only Jewish state” – said Israeli PM Netanyahu. Calling it the greatest nation on earth, Israeli PM said that together with the American people, Israeli people share an enduring friendship. Meaning mostly on the help with the fighting skills, military assistance, intelligence. The two countries have the same ideals, he added. He reminded about the US president that first recognized Israel, Harry Trum! an: "I have faith in Israel and I believe that it has a glorio! us futur e - not just as another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
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ETA moves forward 'on path of political change' by Barbora Misakova
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or Basque Homeland and Freedom is a name of armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization known as ETA. It was founded in 1959 and in its 41-year campaign for independence for the Basque region of northern Spain and southeastern France is responsible for 829 deaths, thousands of injured people and dozens of kidnapped individuals. That’s why the group is proscribed as a terrorist organization not only by the Spanish and France authorities, but also European Union as a whole and the United States. ETA used to have a very hierarchical organization with a leading figure, but as reports from Spanish and France police point, there were significa! nt changes done in recent years. Former three substructures – logistical, military and political sections – were divided into a total of eleven as a response to recent captures and also possible infiltration. Permanent ceasefire announced by the group in March 2006 was broken when they set off a bomb at a car park at Madrid’s international airport. In 2007 the Spanish government redoubled its efforts against ETA. But ETA announced on Sunday it is ready to move forward “on path of political change”, but it stopped short of renouncing violence, what was a demand of Spanish government. The political party Batasuna, which was banned by the Spanish Supreme Court as an anti-democratic organization, called for the Basque question to be resolved through a democratic process and without use of violence. Batasuna, as ETA’s political wing, informed that ETA wants to resolve the conflict and they “will not stop before reaching freedom.” A! s it seems, the fact there are more than 700 members of ETA in! carcerat ed in prisons will not change their determination to “struggle staunchly for the Basque country”.
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France regional elections: Sarkozy go home! by Zivka Deleva
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his party Union for popular movement (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire) was defeated on the second round of the regional polls that were held this weekend. The Socialists overwhelmingly gained fully 22 French regions, and 4 were left for the center-right party! Expressed in numbers, together with it’s left-wing partners, the Socialist Party gained 54.12 percent, and Sarkozy’s party got 35.5 percent. But, unfortunately for the socialists, they didn’t make it to rein in the mainland regions, except for one - Corsica. Still, Sarkozy won Alsace, one of the most important ganglion of the conservatism. UMP won in French Guia! na, the oversees department in South Africa and in the Indian Ocean island of Reunion. Sarkozy was generous to admit the defeat, but shared that he would go on with the reforms he has already started. These are the worst ever results for his party in 30 years! This undoubtedly will reflect on his presidency, which already stands on icy table legs. The leader of the Socialists, Martine Aubry was happy to pronounce the victory as an “unprecedented one for the left”. Sarkozy and his ruling party were definitely punished. “By voting but also, for many people, by abstaining, the French people have also expressed their rejection of the policies of the president and his government. I really believe that they have punished an unfair policy, of fiscal gifts for the most privileged to the detriment of employment and the fight against unemployment and to the detriment of the purchasing power.” The Socialists gained the upper hand over the center-right, winnin! g 30 percent of the votes in the first round, and Sarkozy̵! 7;s part y together with its coalition partners won 26.5 percent. Maybe that is not the biggest problem, like the fact that fully 52 percent of the people with the right to vote, didn’t do that! France next elections are going to be held in two years, when it is going to be questioned the presidential place of Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy.
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Jedna naša slovná hračka hovorí o tom, že kde sa dvaja bijú, tretí vyhráva. A v politickej sfére to platí dvojnásobne. Zdá sa, že snaha Iraku vybudovať demokratický štát je oveľa ťažšie dosiahnuteľná, ako sa pôvodne predpokladalo. Výsledky volieb zo 7. marca ukázali, že strana ministra Nuri al-Malikiho – Právny štát zaostáva za stranou jeho najväčšieho rivala Allawiho o viac ako 11,000 hlasov celoštátne. Hoci posledné výsledky boli založené na 95 percentách hlasovac&! #237;ch volebných lístkov, Maliki naliehal na volebnú komisiu, aby prikročila k manuálnemu prepočítaniu hlasov. Stovky Malikiho prívržencov demonštrovalo vo svätom meste Najaf a žiadali prepočítanie hlasov, hoci Maliki týždeň dozadu povedal, že žiadne volebné sťažnosti nemôžu zmeniť výsledky volieb. IHEC – the Independent High Electoral Commission odmietla túto požiadavku s odôvodnením, že prepočítanie všetkých hlasov by trvalo „príliš dlho“. Ako povedal vedúci tejto komisie: „Ak majú pochybnosti a myslia si, že došlo k pochybeniu, môžu požiadať o prepočítanie hlasov v jednotlivých centrách, nie však v celom Iraku.“ Milióny Iračanov riskovalo svoje životy – voľby boli sprev! ádzané raketovými a bombovými explózi! ami. Hro zba extrémistov sa tak naplnila. Tí opakovane varovali, že ak ľudia pôjdu voliť, budú voľby narušené násilím. Celkový počet mŕtvych je 38, pričom ďalších 110 bolo zranených. Všetci títo ľudia riskovali až príliš, a to len preto, aby sa teraz spochybňovali ich volebné hlasy. Čo je azda ešte horšie, tvrdý boj medzi dvoma rivalmi dáva povstaleckým skupinám a Al-Káide šancu ďalej narušovať stabilitu Iraku. A to by azda mohlo znamenať jedinú vec: odloženie odchodu amerických vojsk, ktorý bol Barackom Obamom ohlásený na rok 2011.
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Volcano erupted in Iceland, hundreds were forced to evacuate by Magdalena Rosova
A volcano in southern Iceland, 120 kilometers from Reykjavik, erupted in Sunday and forced more than 500 people to evacuate their homes. The volcano erupted in the area of the Eyjafallajoekull glacier in southern Iceland. Sigurgeir Gudmundsson of the Icelandic civil protections department told that even though there had not been any immediate threat, authorities had decided to evacuate about 500 people. Airspace and roads in Icelandic have been closed and transport connection have been disrupted. Iceland declared state of emergency in southern part of the country. Icelandic public radio RUV reported that three flights out of Boston, Orlando and Seattle that flew to Ic! eland, had been ordered to turn back to the United States. Domestic flights have been suspended as well, but few international flights will depart on Sunday. The eruption happened shortly after midnight and sent lava a hundred meters high. Authorities evacuated residents because of the possible risk of flooding caused by melted glacier waters. Radio RUV further reported that the ash had already begun to fall in Fljotshlid and people living close by saw bright lights coming from the glacier. Even though there is no evidence or sign of flooding, experts advice to be patient and careful because the floods can come unexpectedly. Experts further investigate where exactly the eruption is taking place. Experts are concerned that the eruption can cause more activity nearby at the Katla volcano. Such eruption could cause local and global damage. Last time the volcano erupted in 1821 and 1823. More information and developments can be read on website of radio RUV.
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One saying says that where two (men) are fighting, the third one will win. And in the political sphere it is valid even more. Iraq’s effort to build democracy seems to be harder than expected. The poll’s results from March 7 showed that Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s State of Law Alliance is trailing Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc by 11,000 votes nationwide. Even though latest figures are based on 95 percent of ballots, Maliki urged the election commission to proceed with a manual recount. Hundreds of his supporters demonstrated in the holy city of Najaf also calling for a recount, even Maliki just a week ago said the election complaints cannot affect the results.! IHEC – the Independent High Electoral Commission rejected these demands as it would take “too long”. As commission chief Faraj al-Haidari said: “If they have doubts and think that there are errors, they can ask us to hold recounts at particular centres, but not across all of Iraq.” Millions of Iraqi people hazarded their lives – the elections were attended by missile and bomb explosions. The threats of extremists fulfilled – they repeatedly warned they will try to disturb the elections with the use of violence. Total number of killed people is 38 and 110 were injured. All these people were killed or risked their lives and now the doubt is cast upon their votes. What is more the tight race between the two main rivals could give insurgent groups and Al-Qaeda a chance to further destabilize Iraq. That would mean the only thing: the American troops won’t leave Iraq as Barack Obama promised, in 2011.
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France regional elections: Sarkozy go home! by Zivka Deleva
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his party Union for popular movement (Union pour un Mouvement Populaire) was defeated on the second round of the regional polls that were held this weekend. The Socialists overwhelmingly gained fully 22 French regions, and 4 were left for the center-right party! Expressed in numbers, together with it’s left-wing partners, the Socialist Party gained 54.12 percent, and Sarkozy’s party got 35.5 percent. But, unfortunately for the socialists, they didn’t make it to rein in the mainland regions, except for one - Corsica. Still, Sarkozy won Alsace, one of the most important ganglion of the conservatism. UMP won in French Guia! na, the oversees department in South Africa and in the Indian Ocean island of Reunion. Sarkozy was generous to admit the defeat, but shared that he would go on with the reforms he has already started. These are the worst ever results for his party in 30 years! This undoubtedly will reflect on his presidency, which already stands on icy table legs. The leader of the Socialists, Martine Aubry was happy to pronounce the victory as an “unprecedented one for the left”. Sarkozy and his ruling party were definitely punished. “By voting but also, for many people, by abstaining, the French people have also expressed their rejection of the policies of the president and his government. I really believe that they have punished an unfair policy, of fiscal gifts for the most privileged to the detriment of employment and the fight against unemployment and to the detriment of the purchasing power.” The Socialists gained the upper hand over the center-right, winnin! g 30 percent of the votes in the first round, and Sarkozy̵! 7;s part y together with its coalition partners won 26.5 percent. Maybe that is not the biggest problem, like the fact that fully 52 percent of the people with the right to vote, didn’t do that! France next elections are going to be held in two years, when it is going to be questioned the presidential place of Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy.
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Poborničkata za ženski prava Vej oficijalno stana akademik by Zivka Deleva
Eminentnata 82-godišna francuska političarka, borec za ženski prava, poranešna ministerka za zdravstvo i ušte mnogu drugo, Simon Vej, oficijalno stana člen na Francuskata Akadamija. Iako taa beše izbrana za člen ušte vo noemvri vo 2008 godina, včera nejzinoto členstvo beše potvrdeno na ceremonija. Na nejziniot vlez vo najprestižniot intelektualen klub, dojoda da í čestitaat dvajca francuski pretstedateli, Žak Širak i Valeri Giskar Destenj, kako i aktuelniot, Nikola Sakrozi. Vo isto vreme koga se slučuvaše ceremonijata, stotici lugje se sobraa da protestiraat protiv nejzinoto pri! fakjanje vo Akademijata, narekuvajkji ja ubiec, zatoa što taa beše političarot što se zalagaše za legaliziranje na zakonot za abortus vo 1974 godina. Koj bi poveruval deka vo 21.vek sé ušte ima lugje kako tie nadvor od Akademijata! Kutrite tie! Vej bila zatvorena vo Nacističkite koncentracioni logori vo Aušvic-Birkenau za vreme na Vtorata Svetska Vojna. Nejzinite roditeli i brat í počinale vo založništvo. Vej se vratila na istoto mesto vo 2005 godina, za da zboruva po povod 60-godišninata od osloboduvanjeto na kampovite. Taa stanala advokat. Kako ministerka za zdravstvo važno e da se napomene i nejzinata založba za donesuvanje na ušte eden važen zakon na strana na toj za abortusot koj go dobil nejzinoto ime, taa se boreše za zakon vo koj na ženite im se dozvoluva kontracepcija i informacii za kontrola na ragjanjeto. Poradi ovoj uspeh, taa imala golemi politički kavgi so! nejzinite maški kolegi. Taa bila prvata pretsedatelka n! aEvropsk iot Parlament vo 1979 godina. Vo istorijata na Akademijata što postoi 371 godina, Vej stana šestata žena što stana „besmrtna“, kako što akademcite popularno se poznati vo Francija. Taa go zede mestoto na pisatelot od 17.vek, Žan Rasen. Za vreme na nejziniot govor, Vej spodeli deka go obožava francuskiot jazik. „Mojata majka koja isčezna vo pekolot a Bergen-Belsen nekolku dena pred da bide osloboden, go počituvaše francuskiot jazik. Duri i povekje od mene vo momentot, taa bi bila včudonevidena deka njezinata kjerka bi bila tuka da go zeme sedišteto koe nekogaš pripagjalo na Rasen! – reče Vej, čija biografija e polna so golemi megjunarodni nagradi. Pred četiri godini, taa gi iznenadi političkite analitičari koga ja poddrža neokonzervativnata pretsedatelska kandidatura na Sarkozi.
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Women right champion Veil officially became an academic by Zivka Deleva
The eminent 82-year old French politician, women rights defender, former minister for health, and a lot more, Simone Veil officially became member of the French Academy. Though she’s been proclaimed one since November 2008, yesterday the membership was consigned on a ceremony. On her entry of the most prestigious intellectual club, came to honor her two former French presidents, Jacques Chirac and Valery Giscard d'Estaing and the current one, Nicolas Sarkozy. At the same time as the ceremony took place, hundreds of people gathered for protest against her acceptance in the Academy, calling her a murderer, because she was the one that legalized the abortion law in 1974! . Who’s to believe that in the 21-st century still live such people like those outside the Academy! Poor them! Veil has been interned in Nazi concentration camps in Auschwitz-Birkenau during the World War II. Her parents and brother died in captivity. Veil returned to speak in 2005, for the 60-th anniversary of the liberation of the camps. She became a lawyer. As a minister for health it is important to note that another very important law aside the abortion law that had her name, she fought for the law opening access to contraception and information about birth control. Because of this success she had big political fights with male colleagues. She’s been the first president of the European Parliament in 1979. In the Academy’s 371 year history, Veil has become the sixth woman that became “immortal” as members are popularly known in France. She took 17 Century writer Jean Racine’s seat at the Academy. During her speech, Veil shared that ! she adores French language. “My mother, who vanished in! the hel l of Bergen-Belsen a few days before it was liberated, revered the French language. Even more than I am right now, she would have been dazzled that her daughter would be here today to take the seat that had once belonged to Racine ” – said Veil, who’s biography is full with other big international awards. Four years ago, she surprised political analysts when she gave support to neo-conservative presidential candidate Sarkozy.
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French policemen slain by ETA separatists during the check by Milota Sidorova
France on the chase of members of separatistic group ETA. The incident came late Tuesday after gun attack on French police officer stopping the car for speeding up. While doing routine check, Jean Serge Nerin, 52 was shot to the chest with the bullet tearing the bullet-proof vest. The check turned into a gunbattle after Nerin disarmed one suspect pulling the gun on police. Officers handcuffed the rest of the group when two more vehicles showed up and finished the attack. Nerin succumbed to the wound in the hospital. According Spanish police officials .357 magnum revolver was stolen from the package, assured in October 2006 near Nimes, France.The accident made French public ! and politicians furious, President Nicolas Sarkozy spoke by phone to Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero about increasing efforts to stop and dismiss ETA group. It is the first time French police officer being killed in France by ETA. International community along with EU labeled ETA as terrorist group last years. According them ETA was responsible for more than 828 deaths during its over 40 years long struggle for independence of Basque region. Spanish government's been practicing hard policy against the group since attacks in mid-2007. Spanish-French cooperation led to massive arrest of about hundred of ETA members last year and thirty arrested in 2010. Many of them were arrested in FranceSo far French police has began the investigation, suspecting 6 ETA members including one woman. 27-year-old man, known being a member of ETA was arrested. The police officers called for a peaceful protest for their colleague.
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Pendulum of American Diplomacy. by Milota Sidorova
United States foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton has been having rush days. After Israel undermined American position of successful mediator in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks she's on the hot line with Russia. Early this morning she arrived to Moscow to meet her counterpart Sergei Lavrov and President Dmitry Medvedev to decide the details of upcoming treaty. The document aims to decrease the nuclear weapon program of both countries. According both sides more than 90 percent has already been agreed, this meeting should come with serious solution. Still, the meeting will be held by the locked doors and the treaty, if so should be signed before April summit in Prague or Kiev. ! But still, the deal may be coming too late. The interesting perspective of this mission is followed by suspicion whether U.S. aims to cold down the ties with Europe. So far, president Obama has refused each European summit this year, he also hesitate to comment more open on Israeli issue and right now, his government is directly dealing with Moscow that is in open opposition to many of EU issues. It is suspicious twice more if U.S. Politicians spent whole one year negotiating with Poland and Czech Republic to build there anti-missile shield. Critics at that time commented, it was American aim to reach the borders of Russia. It has never been so close. All of a sudden, Moscow opens up and make collateral plan of Russian-American military base. Clinton is scheduled to attend the meeting of Middle East diplomatic quartet with Lavrov, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on late Thursday and Friday. She is expected to comment and explain! Israeli faux-pas to international community.
Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.
French policeman killed in suspected ETA attack by Magdalena Rosova
On Tuesday a French policeman in a Paris suburb stopped a car for speeding and consequently was shot and killed. French police accused the Basque separatist group ETA of the murder. Six suspected members of ETA are being searched by French police. French Prime Minister Francois Fillon called the Tuesday's events a "cold-blooded assassination by a terrorist group" and vowed to punish those responsible. French anti-terrorism police arrested a 27-year-old member of ETA and is still searching for five others, including one woman. The incident took place near Dammarie-Les-Lys, southeast of Paris. The victim was 52-year-old Jean Serge Nerin. He stopped car for high speed and ! after a routine police check he was fatally shot to the chest, the shot tore through his bullet-proof vest. President Nicola Sarkozy telephoned to Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and they decided to redouble efforts to destroy ETA. For more than 40 years ETA has waged an armed fight for an independence for Basque region of northern Spain and southwestern France. ETA was banned by the European Union and the United States as a terrorist group and is blamed for 828 deaths. After long negotiations with Zapatero's government ETA decided to attack and cancel negotiations. The Spanish government adopted a firm line against the group. About 100 members of ETA were arrested in 2009 and 30 have been arrested since the beginning of this year. Many of the members were arrested in France, because Spanish and French police closely cooperate on ending ETA in the countries. However, ETA has not claimed responsibility for the assumption of the French policeman ye! t.
Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.