Monday, March 1, 2010

Chile: like having a cramp...
by Barbora Misakova

It is hard to believe, that few days ago I was grieving over Haiti and now all the attention goes to Chile. As earthquake was followed by other aftershocks, about 500,000 buildings were destroyed or badly damaged and 708 people were killed. As President Michele Bachelet said, Chile was facing such a huge catastrophe that it would require a giant effort to recover. But as newspapers inform, it is not only about electricity and water services which are out of service. There is no food or drinking water as inhabitants of Concepcion are pillaging supermarkets, gas stations, pharmacies and banks. As a curfew was imposed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. looting should stop. If it really hap! pens, no one knows. While the fear is still with people any kind of command won’t be valid for them. People are scared and fearful to return to their homes because of continuing strong aftershocks. Hundreds of them are leaving their homes as nightfall is drawing near. Even though Bachelet announced that essentials from major supermarkets would be given away for free, Chile needs more than that. Houses, bridges and highways were damaged and that’s why the field hospitals, temporary bridges, water purification plants and damage assessment experts and rescuers are needed there. As there is still a threat that other buildings will be toppled, Chile is just like having a cramp. Rescuers are looking for a life under the wreckage and police is monitoring situation and determining the names of missing people. But anything they do, it is all full of fear that aftershocks will come again.

related story (sgx16615):;_ylt=AizHxkDI...
by Barbora Misakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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