Saturday, February 27, 2010

Homo Homini Lupus Est
by Zivka Deleva

Human irresponsibility once again evoked a catastrophe that can bring a lot of consequences! This time I am talking about Italy! The small Northern Italy Lambro river turned black since Tuesday, when tones of oil spilled and easily reached to Po river to which Lambro is a tributary, passing through Piacenza and Cremona. Po is the biggest river in Italy, and it crosses almost the whole country, from Piedmont in the west, across Turin and Ferrara and than flows into the Adriatic sea. The Officials couldn’t stop the spreading of the oil and now the disaster is even bigger. The reason of the catastrophe is a sabotage of former refinery. Officials say that someone has broke into the deposit of Lombardi Petroli in Villasanta, near Monza and opened the faucets. “The cisterns were opened by someone who was familiar with the plant and knew how to operate them," said Cinzia Secchi, a spokeswoman for the Milan provincial government. By far, there hasn’t be a suspect! , and Italian news suspect that maybe some of the workers that have been laid off from the depot not so long ago, might be responsible. "Some criminal decided to intervene in a harmful and cowardly way, putting at risk an asset that belongs to all of us," said Lombard regional president, Roberto Formigoni, who is very serious saying that the provocateurs deserve to be prosecuted and punished severely. The environmental groups are concerned that the wildlife is very much endangered, like fish, wild ducks and herons. No matter how big will the impact be after the catastrophe, the aftermath are going to be even bigger, because the Po river valley is the most important agricultural region in Italy, and the Po is used extensively for irrigation.
by Zivka Deleva
for SigEx Ventures (http://s!

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