Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Will these kids find new home?
by Barbora Misakova

The case of 10 Baptist missionaries attempting to kidnap about 33 Haitian children aroused a scandal. And this scandal leads to nothing else than another chaos and fear. Six orphans could be now in Miami with their adoptive parents, if missionaries didn’t try to take a busload of children to the Dominican Republic without proper documentation. Such rash decisions always destroy more than they construct. Until all the documentation is properly prepared, none of Haitian children won’t find new home. Among the couples waiting for adoption are Sara Vanzee and her husband Tim. Their 13-month-old son, Albert has to wait as well. Even though the situation has been stre! ssful for this couple, they understand the suspicions surrounding adoptions. “Our hope is that they are OK with it, that they can see that we absolutely love these children and that we want to provide for them.” Vanzee told the Associated Press. There is nothing worse for parents than lose their children, but if you are not able to give them proper education and care, then adoption is the best thing you can do. Thousands of desperate Haitian parents are unable to care for their own children. They are eager to give the youngsters away in hope for their better life. But how could they be sure, their children won’t be enslaved or sexually abused? Haiti’s government immediately halted new adoptions and allowed only those already approved to move forward. Interested in adoption of Haitian children are also couples and families from other countries all over the globe.

related story (sgx16586):
by Barbora Misakova
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