Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Terrorisam - never ending story
by Zivka Deleva

Terorrisam won again. The „dangerous“ guys from Al-Qaeda wing of Islamic Maghreb (AQMI) gave the Mali state an ultimatum to release four Islamist prisoners and in return to free Frenchman Pierre Camatte. So they succeeded in the idea. After three months under hostage by AQMI, Camatte has been finally released yesterday. The release was mediated by the state of Mali. The Islamist prisoners were released last week. North African wing of the teroristic organisation gave Mali an ultimatum to free the prisoners till February,22. The four terrorists were free on the night between Sunday and Monday. They were citizens of Mauritania and Algeria. These countries official! s were angry at Mali government for this swap. During the years. Algeria especially has put a lot of efforts to fight the terrorisam and is against all kinds of deals with the rebels. Their attitude is that, that way, the country only will support the terrorisam. The reason Camatte, 61 travelled in Mali was the fight against malaria, and was kidnapped in November in a hotel in the town Menaka. AQIM has been pretty active in the Sahara countries. Analysts are getting more and more sure that the organisation fights for money, but for political purposes, as well. But the Sahara states among which are Algeria, Libya, Mali, Mauritania and Niger so far haven't achieved some big goals in the matter of fighting against the growing terrorisam. The main goal of the AQMI, which is known as Group for Call and Combat is to act in Algeria and has French, Spanish and American targets. We are talking about Ismamist militia that wants to ruin the Algerian government and create an Islamic ! one. The group is not so big, it doesn't have more than thous! and memb ers. They exist since 2002 . However, they are pretty dangerous and stubborn to quit their goals.
by Zivka Deleva
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