Haitian people still can’t sleep still
by Zivka Deleva
Two months after the tormenting earthquake took place on Haiti, the poor people on this island are still exposed on the danger that new weather changes can bring them. They still feel the aftermath of the 7 magnitude quake that hit on January,12 and killed more than 220.000 people and left five time more homeless. The rain that dropped last week killed 15 more people. That shows how fragile still the situation in this country is. It is good to know that the world wasn’t deaf to their cry for help, and everyone handed as they could, more or less to make these people lives less miserable. Hollywood stars got together and delivered help to the Caribbean people, even sm! aller countries like Macedonia, through the Red Cross sent around $48.000. OK one would say, that it is so not enough, but from a small country and so distant one from Haiti, that is a big thing! Nevertheless the biggest financial and medical help came from the United States of America. So far they donated $712.7 million, unlike China that gave $1 million! Almost seven weeks, United States Navy Ship Comfort floating hospital was in the Haiti region, taking care of 871 patients. Around 843 surgical procedures were performed only abroad, and ten childbirths were done. On the last meeting with Haitian President René Préval, US President Barack Obama expressed his fear that Haiti officials shouldn’t relax on the question of the crisis, because it doesn’t mean that the earthquake is so far behind us. He promised more help for Haitian people. "We must draw the lessons from what occurred in Haiti. These are lessons for all of mankind. The massive, spontaneo! us, generous help was a good response to the disaster. However! , its ef fectiveness must be improved, because effectiveness depends on the quality of coordination" – said Obama.
by Zivka Deleva for SigEx Ventures (http://sigexventures.com) |
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