Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More weather extremes this winter
by Milota Sidorova

This winter seems to be never ending. The mass of the cold ice got stuck over European continent bringing back weeks of below normal temperatures. The Central Europe has been having sunny but extremely freezing weather – what is more favorable than in its border parts. The Mediterranean region is fighting with the most unusual soon-to-be spring time. From Spanish Barcelona, French Provence up to Greece and Bulgaria, the land is undercover of a layer of heavy snow. The traffic and a lot of services have been stuck and people who haven't survived such spring time for decades are failing to get to work or to school. The unusual snow storm riding in Spain last days moved ! to France last night. It brought up to 40 centimeters of snow in France's central southern region (Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence and the Rhône valley). According Météo France the storm should move east on Monday. Until then it will cost a lot of energy to put things in normal. Southern region are vulnerable because of its crops, for example grapes. If plants get frozen, the flowers may be damaged and won't bloom. If there won't be enough flowers there won't be a lot of fruits, that means several times smaller yields and harvests.Some of the plants may be especially vulnerable to open freeze and may die at once. The weather has been unexpected during last ten years. There have been more extreme weather conditions in unusual part of the year. There is either very cold and long winter or there is very hot and long summer. The transition period of spring and autumn – that are the key moments for the cycle of nature, are getting shorter. The climate is chan! ging – it is either warmer or colder. But if it looses i! ts balan ce, the consequences will be irreversible. Now, right now we are witness of such disharmony.

related story (sgx16722):
by Milota Sidorova
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