Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Will the indirect talks resume?
by Barbora Misakova

If a man is not able (or maybe he just doesn’t want to) keep a promise or a deal, is there any chance to live in peace with him? I would say, absolutely not! Every time I hear about Palestinians and Israelis I get angry. How do they want to achieve a peace if they don’t want to fulfill mutual agreements? Do they really want a peace, and do they want it enough? Sometimes it seems to me like the rest of the world was more interested in signing the peace than Palestinians and Israelis. These two sides held their first indirect talks in more than a year, which started on Monday, as Philip Crowley, US State Department spokesman, informed. “As to how substantive! the discussions were today, George (G. Mitchell – US Middle East envoy) is on his way back (to Washington)” where he will report to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Everything looked good, but Israel made decision that made Palestinians angry. Again. On Monday Israel gave the go-ahead for 112 new homes to be built in a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank despite a partial moratorium. But Israel is defending – Environment Minister Gilad Erdan said the project was an exception to the partial halt of settlement activity announced in November. The Palestinians called on the USA to intervene as this was the first item on the President Mahmud Abbas’ agenda. As chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said: “The president said this cannot stand. We cannot tolerate that each time we have discussions on peace-making the Israeli government tenders more settlements, more incursions, more provocations.” Crowley’s words: “W! hen you’re in talks of this kind, you have to recognize ! the inte rests and perception of the other side” are fully true and I totally agree!

related story (sgx16696): http://www.france24.com/en/20100309-mideast-biden-peace-talk...
by Barbora Misakova
for SigEx Ventures (http://sigexventures.com)

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