Monday, March 8, 2010

Hurtlocker, nothing, but the cowboy movie.
by Milota Sidorova

The Hurtlocker movie won 6 Oscars the other night. I thought it would never happen.Bigelow, who even dared to dedicate this movie to “all men and women”who risk their lives on a daily basis in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the world. But she did the opposite – with a little knowledge of the taste of life of a soldier she produced dull glorification of adrenalin dumped solo players. She insulted American soldiers and she has thrown her cliche upon cliche crap into their faces. And she was generously gifted for this.As a movie fan, you are obviously thinking that times of Steven Seagal actions are over. One doesn't get machistic bulk of muscles, going arou! nd and killing without conscience. Oh, yes, one shouldn't forget of the popularity of such actions. Heroes don't feel mercy, regret and they kill at their will. They never obey rules, even the inner military regulations and they risk their lives just to jump into the middle of faceless enemies who don't deserve anything, but death. This is the main plot of Hurtlocker – the low minded simplification of such cruel thing as war. The stupid and dull glorification of war lovers. War lover, according Bigelow is a member of higher breed. This is a man who isn't definitely suited for a civilian life. He, obsessed with erratic sexual desires, seeks for war to satisfy his manias. This is not a tribute to thousands of soldiers who pass extreme daily test and work with the lowest risk possible, this is a tribute to last of the cowboys. You can see that from the plot – bomb killing veteran gets blown after years and years of service. He is replaced by three man team that sta! rts to violate orders and always does solo actions – for! example , they always continue to search the buildings without safe guard, although there is more than dozen of soldiers hanging around.In real life, bomb killers always come to the places after soldiers clean it up and assure its security. Not in this movie. In this movie, the hero is able to run in the middle of the scene with no backup and survive. Get real, dear observer – He would risk the direct shot if not worse. The script is full on mistakes and prove it was obviously written by a superhero comics fan lover. The movie is definitely far from reality.I am ashamed for Bigelow who failed to even depicted depth of her characters – her boys are always seeking for death risking places, full of adrenaline and typical muscle not brained yahoos.That is not the real life. Bigelow should be ashamed for linear and low dehumanization of Iraq civilians who represents either pure evil or demented ones, deserving the bloody revenge. She used the worse fim-making tool possible to! fall into B thriller western genres where only sadistic hero is able to choose between good and bad. She feeds average consumer with false war pictures and she gets paid for it. It's no longer secret that U.S. Army generously supports the movies with the war theme. The condition is simple, the Army controls the script. This way one can even believe Pearl Harbor, the holy purpose of dying for the country, the evil of enemy's civilians and soldier's equality to God.And if one wants to get a real picture of this movie, he should visit some movie discussions and read critics of real soldiers. Personally I haven't find one, written by veteran or current soldier that would consider it a real war movie.Sad and frustrating. That was the performance of Academy Awards 2010.

related story (sgx16692):
by Milota Sidorova
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