Iraqi women fight for being taken seriously in politics
by Zuzana Zelenakova
Change of the constitution in Iraq pushed by the US requires at least twenty five percent of parliamentary seats to go to women. However, first women elected according to this change in 2005 have not managed to break through the wall of male dominancy. Women in Iraq hope the upcoming national elections will mark the beginning of new era in this area. The second post-invasion parliamentary elections are scheduled for March 7. "The quota was very important in the previous elections because we live in a male-dominated society and the quota was necessary to give women a chance to have a political role," said parliament member Maha al-Douri. "But in the future this quota should! be removed and women should compete equally with men, because women politicians have proven their competence and reliability in politics.” Emerging Iraqi female political sphere has been recently strengthened by a new political party founded by twelve women that focuses on women rights´ and jobs program for Iraqi widows. After the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iraqi women were calling for quota in parliament hoping for the support from the US. Originally, they claimed 40 percent of parliamentary seats. However, they were bitterly disappointed by the American attitude, which according to them had other priorities. “We took pictures with the president and the secretary of state,” said another parliament member Safia Taleb al-Souhail. “This is not support. Support is letting the leaders know there also female leaders.” Together with some other women in Iraqi politics she is opposed to the article in constitution that supports the creation ! of the legislation giving religious leaders power to decide on! matters such as marriage, divorce, and so on. “In comparison with other regional countries, Iraq is formally advanced, with many female M.P.’s and ministers,” says political analyst Haider al-Musawi. “But this is only a false bright image. In reality, Iraq is left behind other countries.”
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by Zuzana Zelenakova for SigEx Ventures ( |
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