In a picture of someone else's tragedy, one can realize his own happiness.
by Milota Sidorova
I woke up this morning and heard the news there was another earthquakein Turkey. I know these things happen, but it seemed to me it was too much.We haven't heard enough from Haiti, the last week it was a catastrophe in Chile and this morning it is a Turkey.The sharp memory of a friend came to my mind. He came here for a study trip and when I asked him whether he liked my city, he said he was very fond of it. I couldn't understand his point, because I considered my city as a bourgeoise province town with less than 100, 000 inhabitants. Here in the middle Europe, it seems, nothing really happens. People are usually bored and looking for more excitement. And what kind of excit! ement? Where was the point of his opinion?He told me he loved that peace, the certainty on not being shot just by walking down the streets. The certainty of not being a victim of bomb attack or earthquake.After hearing this I had to realize the value of my place.Now I hear it had happened again, my feelings are bit mixed. I know these things happen, but can't help feeling sorry and angry for at least 38 victims of the catastrophe. I know it is not in my direct power to help them, but as more important I see the the importance of peace in my home. Such security from a war or a nature is never guaranteed. Ever.It could be me or you, waking up next morning to the earthquake or floods.It could be me or you loosing everything you have, loosing your family, friends and dreams of promising career. It could me or you to start from the scratch.It could be me or you reported as a victim of such tragedy. Nothing is certain, except of the death. These news only repeat the truth one fea! rs the whole life.
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by Milota Sidorova for SigEx Ventures ( |
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