Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It breaks where it's thin!
by Zivka Deleva

The Earth seems angry with us! She looks so tormented, quaking, flooding, burning. People die and it seems like nothing can stop her from taking the tax. First there was Haiti earthquake that took around 200.000 lives and injured 300.000 and 1 million homeless, than came Chile with less victims but a lot of aftermath shocks for the Earth. The latest bad weather news came from eastern Turkey, where 51 people were killed on Monday. People are devastated not only for human victims, but for their livestock, because it is the main preoccupation and existence for these impoverished people and areas. "Stock breeding is the only thing we rely on, but 70 per cent of our animals are ! dead," said Nurettin Yildirim, the elderman of the neighboring Yukari Demirci village. Lots of people are left without their stone and mud-brick houses. The worst day for all was the Kurdish village of Okcular, which is almost flatten. Again, as the storm Xynthia happened 10 days ago, people were caught at sleep and the consequences were bigger than expected. The biggest problem is that these are not cement built. "The number of deaths is related directly to the construction quality. Unfortunately, Turkey is a country poorly prepared for earthquakes in terms of building quality" - said Okan Tuysuz, a geologist from Istanbul University. According to the seismology center, the quake had 6.0 magnitude. But, more that 100 aftershocks a little bit smaller hit the next day, so officials warn local people not to enter their ruined homes. The term earthquake is not so rare in Turkey. There’s been few bigger quakes than this one, when few ten thousand people have died.! Scientists say that there is no close connection to the thre! e big qu akes. But, one thing is for sure, it seems like it always hits on places where poor people live! Seismologists are not so scared of the quakes frequency. The world is hit by about 134 earthquakes a year in the 6.0- to 6.9-magnitude range - or about two a week.
by Zivka Deleva
for SigEx Ventures (http://sigexventures.com)

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