Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Israel ignores U.S. peace talks. Palestine gets furious. U.S. diplomacy fails to mediate.
by Milota Sidorova

U.S. Vice president Joe Biden got a fresh setback from American ally Israel. Israeli offices approved building more than 112 new homes in Beitar Illit in the war zone of the West Bank.Although Israel suspended its development in war zone, the obligation didn't include East Jerusalem territory where Palestinians claim area for their future state. Israel has been considering East Jerusalem being Israeli since 1967 occupation and its annexation to the rest of the country. The international community, however recognizes this zone as occupied, war area. According international law, building new settlement is illegal on such territory. Israel apparently doesn't give a damn about ! the rest of the world.Palestinians got angry and informed Joe Biden who suddenly got an image of the old man two step back that “the dangerous decision would have serious consequences”. Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina reported his part would hinder the negotiations. Biden for a moment officially failed to represent U.S. being an effective mediator in peace talks. Israel reported the decision had no connection to Biden's visit and it was the part of long term procedure. According them it was a necessary step to assure the security of Israeli inhabitants.But that doesn't change the fact Israel knowingly succeeded to disturb and irritate its long time enemy.Biden who was a supporter of indirect peace talks had recognized it is the way of small achievment. If Israeli behaves on its will there is no word of making a deal. Not in such bloody situation, not with the decades lasting conflict, now with enormous hate among two ethnic groups. One man can'! t change it at his will in one man lifetime. No Biden, no Obam! a, no on e.

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by Milota Sidorova
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