Iraqi people deserves decent live, no matter who wins
by Zivka Deleva
Iraq is in the middle of national parliamentary elections, actually in the middle of counting votes. By some preliminary numbers, it is going to be impossible for one political party to constitute a government on her own, but it will have to make a coalition. By far, two Shiite, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and ex-premier Iyad Allawi are fighting for the first position, but the final results are going to be done on March, 18. Eighteen provinces in Iraq are total. Malaki’s bloc State of Law Alliance is leading in two provinces. According to an official in the election commission, Allawi leads in two majority Sunni provinces, north of Baghdad. No matter the winner, Ir! aqi people wants job and decent living standards. They say, we are rich, but still live like servants. The whole elective process hasn’t been as “clean”, react some blocs. Some party observers had been evicted from counting rooms. All the parties want for the Commission to put the results on its web site so all the blocs can simply check out their numbers. The commission has received around thousand complaints. I mean, we are talking about Iraq here, it’s not like in democratic countries that doesn’t happen. Can we even talk about democracy, when the country is in war for some years now? Officials say that the violence has been lowered in comparison with last year. Officials from the European Parliament have accused Iraqi Electoral Commission that has entered false data on the election computer. One thing is for sure, the country must stabilize as soon as possible, so it would avoid the possibility of Al-Qaeda to try to destabilize the count! ry. Some 19 million Iraqis were eligible to vote for fully 86! faction s who are fighting for 325 parliamentary seats. The Parliament later will choose the Prime Minister and the President of the country. It is interesting to know that since 2003, the Parliament must have at least 25 per cent representatives, which means, 82 females in the legislative body. But, the parties haven’t succeeded to fulfill the quota by far. Iraq is under US invasion since 2003.
by Zivka Deleva for SigEx Ventures ( |
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