Thursday, April 29, 2010

Paris-Beijing line
by Milota Sidorova

With French president Sarkozy visiting Beijing the new “page”of Sino-French relations has begun. The silence, or more freezing silence among two countries took more than two years. President Sarkozy welcomed and met Tibet Dalai Lama and commented Olympic Games that naturally insulted Chinese officials. For two years Chinese top politicians avoided Paris and French alliance. But this all, including Tibet seems to be over with Sarkozy shaking hands with his counterpart Hu Jintao over warming business and politic deals. According Sarkozy both countries were going to “think and work” together. Although it was Sarkozy getting better image, the real domin! ance belonged to Chinese part. Even Sarkozy confirmed the character of this relationship by saying that economic growth without global stability guaranteed by greater involvement of China wasn't possible. Sarkozy sought for Chinese support over Iranian nuclear program. Iran has been accused from preparing nuclear weapon and U.S. called for sanctions against it. France supported this idea. But the resolution is hanging on Chinese agreement or disagreement. China has had a right to veto global nuclear policy. Since it was the biggest oil partner of Iran, one can guess the decision wouldn't be that transparent or at least not easy. Iran sent its Ministry of foreign affairs to Beijing to deal the support for Iran last month, but U.S. vice-president Joe Biden said last week, China was ready to back up new sanctions over Teheran. Sarkozy and Hu Jintao except of this topic spoke about new global monetary policy.So far, Chinese economy has been the third largest economy in the worl! d with ambition to get in front of Japan or the U.S. still hol! ding the first seat.

related story (sgx17123):
by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Les chemises rouges ont bloqué le système ferroviaire élevé de Bangkok
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Les protestataires thaïs appelés "les chemises rouges" ont bloqué brièvement le système ferroviaire élevé de la capitale mardi. Le trafic à Bangkok a été paralysé pendant que les protestataires jetaient des pneus sur la plateforme dans l'effort de susciter des élections immédiates. La fermeture s'est passée le matin à l'heure de pointe ayant pour résultat le chaos, qui a été encore plus accentué grâce de centaines de soldats armés dispersés aux gares et aux boulevards. Après les négociations avec les protestataires, ils étaient disposés à en! lever les pneus avant le midi, a informé le commandant de police Gen Anuchai Lekbumrung. « Nous avons parlé aux chefs des Chemises rouges, et les gardes et ils ont enlevé les pneus, » il a dit. « Ils ont placé les pneus sur la plateforme, pas sur les voies. » Le mouvement des Chemises rouges est mené par le Front uni pour la démocratie contre la dictature (UDD) et est opposé au coup d´état 2006 de la Thaïlande qui a eu pour conséquant l'enlèvement du premier ministre Thaksin Shinawatra de son poste qu'il avait tenu depuis 2001. Le coup militaire a été résolu par le décommandement des élections prochaines, la dissolution du Parlement, arrêtant des membres du conseil et, en conclusion, déclarant la loi martiale. Selon les Chemises rouges le premier ministre actuel Abhisit Vejjajiva est parvenu au pouvoir d'une manière illégitime grâce à l'aide! de l'élite militaire. Ils exigent qu'il dissout le Parle! ment et proclame de nouvelles élections. Les protestataires avaient occupé des parties de Bangkok depuis mi-mars faisant de divers efforts démonstratifs comme par exemple les fermeture des hôtels ou des centres commerciaux. Au moins 26 personnes ont été tuées et environ mille ont été blessés depuis lors. Le gouvernement a répété plusieurs fois qu'il espère une solution paisible du malaise. Cependant, prenant en compte le dernier mouvement de protestataires, les fonctionnaires les ont menacé d'une réaction plus dure si les chemises rouges ne mettent pas un terme à leurs actions bientôt. « Dans le pays, il y a des gens qui négligent leurs devoirs, mais vous pouvez donner un exemple qu'il y a ceux qui effectuent leurs fonctions strictement et honnêtement, » a dit le Roi de Thailand à l'âge de 82 ans Bhumbhol Adulyadej dans son premier discours public depuis le commenc! ement de la crise.

related story (sgx17135):;_ylt=AhA6mpG...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to you! r world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some are more equal than the others
by Zivka Deleva

I wonder all the time, how comes they the law gives the rights to the criminals to choose whether they would be called prisoners of war or not. If you have been laundering money and trafficking drugs, what’s on your mind to think that some judge should have the magical power to fulfill your desires. And especially if your main argument is that once you were president of a country. And who invented the institute “immunity of an ex-head of state”? What that means, that you can do whatever you want and still not be charged by anything? OK, we are all equal but some are more equal than the others. Panama’s former dictator that ruled the country from 198! 1 to 1989 Manuel Noriega, has been extradited to a Paris court saying to the judge that he wants to be sent to his home and treated as a prisoner of war. The 76-year old general looks week, explained his lawyer. He thinks that Mr. Noriega has the right to “repatriation at the end of captivity”, according to the Geneva Convention. Noriega has been convicted absent in France in 1999 for laundering drug profits and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He has transferred 2.3 million euros from Colombian drug dealers into French bank accounts. Noriega left the prison of Miami few days ago, after 21 year s as a political prisoner. He was suppose to stay 40 years there, but on the behalf of a good behavior, he has been released. He was caught by former US president George Bush troops, that had the mission name “Just cause”. What a strongman! He has convictions everywhere you can turn. Even at his home country, he is expected with another conviction. !
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Niečo za niečo
by Barbora Misakova

V politike platí jedno základné pravidlo: niečo za niečo. Dobré vzťahy medzi dvoma krajinami môžu byť v priebehu jedinej minúty zničené. Naopak dve hlavy znepriatelených štátov sa môžu v skutočnosti nenávidieť, no ako náhle ide o ich záujmy, dokážu veľmi rýchlo zmeniť svoj postoj a predstierať, že k svojmu rivalovi nikdy necítil iné ako sympatiu a rešpekt. Aj preto politika tak smrdí. Nicolas Sarkozy, ktorý mieri do Shanghaia má podobný cieľ – zapôsobiť na nie príli&! #353; priateľskú Čínu a tak znovu vybudovať zničené vzájomné vzťahy. Ako informovala Reuters, francúzsky ministerský predseda chce zakopať vojnovú sekeru a získať podporu Číny v dôležitých globálnych otázkach. V roku 2008 sa vzájomné vzťahy ochladili najmä kvôli protestom v Paríži, ktoré narušili slávnostný Olympijský sprievod s pochodňou. Stretnutie Sarkozyho s Dalai Lamom, ktoré s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou Čínu nahnevalo, celú situáciu ešte skomplikovalo. Počas štvrtej návštevy Číny od svojho zvolenia v roku 2007, sa Sarkozy bude snažiť zapôsobiť na tohto komunistického giganta, ktorý je stále jedným z kľúčových hráčov vo vrcholových diploma! tických diskusiách. Plánom je prezentovať ! Sakrozyh o predstavy o globálnom menovom systéme, ktorý by mal byť menej závislý na americkom doláre. Hoci predstavitelia nečakajú, že bude hovoriť konkrétne o čínskom jene, táto téma je pre Čínu stále atraktívna, nakoľko mala vždy záujem o spochybnenie americkej meny a jej statusu ako svetom preferovanej meny. Ďalšou témou, ktorú Sarkozy počas svojej trojdňovej návštevy plánuje prerokovať je Irán, jeho nukleárny plán a sankcie Spojených národov proti nemu. Nakoľko je však Irán tretím najväčším dodávateľom ropy Číny, Francúzsky premiér bude potrebovať viac ako len odvahu, aby získal podporu ázijskej krajiny v tejto celosvetovej otázke.

related story (sgx17119):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Give and Take Rule
by Barbora Misakova

In the politics there is only one basic rule: give and take. Good relations between countries can be destroyed in a minute and two presidents can actually hate each other, but if they need mutual help, they can easily start to pretend they actually feel love and respect to their rivals. That’s why the politics stinks so much. Nicolas Sarkozy who is heading to Shanghai has similar aim – to charm not very friendly China and so rebuild damaged Franco-Sino relations. As Reuters informed, French Prime Minister wants to bury past tensions with China and win its support in global issues. In 2008 mutual relations between France and China were harm a bit when protesters ! disrupted the passage of the Olympics torch through Paris. What is more, Sarkozy also met the Dalai Lama, what had made China angry. During Sarkozy’s fourth trip to China since his election in 2007, he will try to charm this communist giant which is still one of the key players in top diplomatic disputes. The plan is to present Sarkozy’s ideas for a global currency system that should rely less on the dollar. Even though officials do not expect him to talk specifically about the Yuan, this topic could be still enough interesting for China as it was always showing interest in challenging the dollar’s status as the world’s favoured currency. Another topic planned for Sakrozy’s three day visit is connected with Iran, its nuclear plan and United Nations sanctions against it. As Iran is China’s third-biggest crude oil supplier, French Prime Minister will need more than courage to win support of this Asian country in this global issue.

r! elated story (sgx17116):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Farmers need our support!
by Barbora Misakova

We cannot feed our children on crude oil or paper profit. Money are needed, that is true, but “green papers” themselves can be eaten neither. We need bread, meat, milk. More than money we depend on agriculture and farmers! But those in France are on the ropes. The grain prices and revenues are tumbling down and French farmers are anxious and angry. Emergency aid measures are needed, that is why thousands of farmers travelled across the country on their tractors to get to the streets of Paris on Tuesday. More than 1,500 tractors and banners “Don’t sell out agriculture.” was able to see on the capital’s iconic squares and boulevards. Cereal! , sunflower and rapeseed producers are desperate. “We can no longer make a living out of what we produce.” said Yves, a 44-year-old cereal and rapeseed farmer from north-east France. The price of produced wheat is higher than the price it is actually sold for. Farmers are losing money and EU subsidies are getting smaller and smaller. Farmers ask for swift and concrete government measures. The question of reducing tax burden weighing on farmers is also concerned with us. Unfortunately, not everyone is realizing it. While Linda, 34 came to Paris with her 7-year-old son to support the farmers, Bruno, a retired electronics engineer was more excited to see the tractors. As one of the farmers said, they just need prices to be regulated so they honestly reflected what the product is worth. “We can’t deal with the unstable prices and fluctuations we’re seeing today. We’re not traders or speculators, we’re men of the land.” he said. An! d these men of the land are our real breadwinners.

rel! ated sto ry (sgx17113):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Russian fleet is to stay in the Black Sea until 2042
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Just a few days ago, Ukrainian President Yanukovych and Russian President Medvedev agreed that the Russian fleet stay in the Black Sea will be extended beyond 2017. In exchange for extending the period by 25 years Russia will provide Ukraine with cheaper natural gas. The agreement was approved by both the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments. The deal has sparked a lot of controversy with Ukrainian politicians led by former President Viktor Yushchenko claiming it violates the country´s constitution. According to the constitution, Ukraine is a neutral state and establishment of any foreign military bases is banned, however, it also says that those bases already establishe! d can be maintained, which is the argument of government lawyers. “Today will go down as a black page in the history of Ukraine and the Ukrainian parliament,” said opposition leader and former premier Yulia Tymoshenko. The deal will also prevent Ukraine from joining EU and Nato, the goal that Yushchenko was trying to achieve for a long time. Viktor Yanukovych, who is often accused of being too pro-eastern oriented, said he only did what he thought was good for the country. "We look at this in the context of a European collective security system," he said. "We understand that the Russian fleet will be a guarantee for countries on the Black Sea. Ukraine wants to find its place and get security guarantees." His Russian counterpart was evidently very satisfied with the agreement, which backed Russia´s influence in Europe in times that are seen as being dominated by the United States. “There is no alternative to this decision—because ratification mea! ns a lower price for gas and a lower price for gas means the b! udget,&# 8221; Ukraine’s Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.“The budget means agreement with the IMF, the possibility of getting investments. It is a programme of development for Ukraine in the future.”

related story (sgx17112):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to ! delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Some are more equal than the others
by Zivka Deleva

I wonder all the time, how comes they the law gives the rights to the criminals to choose whether they would be called prisoners of war or not. If you have been laundering money and trafficking drugs, what’s on your mind to think that some judge should have the magical power to fulfill your desires. And especially if your main argument is that once you were president of a country. And who invented the institute “immunity of an ex-head of state”? What that means, that you can do whatever you want and still not be charged by anything? OK, we are all equal but some are more equal than the others. Panama’s former dictator that ruled the country from 198! 1 to 1989 Manuel Noriega, has been extradited to a Paris court saying to the judge that he wants to be sent to his home and treated as a prisoner of war. The 76-year old general looks week, explained his lawyer. He thinks that Mr. Noriega has the right to “repatriation at the end of captivity”, according to the Geneva Convention. Noriega has been convicted absent in France in 1999 for laundering drug profits and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He has transferred 2.3 million euros from Colombian drug dealers into French bank accounts. Noriega left the prison of Miami few days ago, after 21 year s as a political prisoner. He was suppose to stay 40 years there, but on the behalf of a good behavior, he has been released. He was caught by former US president George Bush troops, that had the mission name “Just cause”. What a strongman! He has convictions everywhere you can turn. Even at his home country, he is expected with another conviction. !
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Will the candidacy help him?
by Barbora Misakova

There exist many theories about the connections and bonds that are made between twins after their birth. There is a great belief that twins are linked not only physically but also psychically, mentally. Being a twin is not only about the same hair or eye color, the same clothes and other visible matters. Many other things are simply hidden. Most of twins usually attend the same school and orient at the same sphere of interest (for example psychology, economy or politics), what leads to their lifelong cooperation and coexistence. But their abilities are usually not the same, as we probably expect. It is usual that one is stronger and wiser than the other, but they are always! helping to each other. That is the power of twins and their success lies in this long lasting mutual cooperation. That is also story of Kaczynski brothers. Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who is older by 45 minutes, was attending the same Warsaw high school as his younger brother Lech and they both earned doctorates in law at university. They both were activists in the communist-era, and they helped to bloodlessly topple the regime from power in 1989. In 90s they separated for a while – Lech started to work in the national audit office while his brother was politically active. Lech became a president in 2005; his brother became Poland prime minister one year later. They were reunited just to be separated again, this time forever. As experts say, the death of a twin is always deeply traumatic. But maybe continuing in his brother’s work will help Jaroslaw Kaczynski to go through this big loss.

related story (sgx17098):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Noriega to face French courts
by Milota Sidorova

After 20 years spent in U.S. prisons, Panama's former military strongman Manuel Noriega has been extradited to France where he is going to face another trial for money-laundering. U.S. court charged Noriega for drug trafficking, racketeering and money-laundering. Long term prisoner in his 74 was transported to Paris airport, Charles De Gaulle late afternoon. The extradition order was signed by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This move, however was illegal according Noriega's daughter Sandra who gave an interview in Panama's RPC radio. His lawyer, Frank Rubino objected he wasn't informed about this step. The information didn't come from the courtesy or State Departm! ent or the Justice Department. French officials however, knew this information for two weeks, confirmed Guillaume Didier, the spokesman of French part.France sentenced Noriega in this absence to 10 years of jail, but now makes efforts to alive the trial for money-laundering. U.S. Supreme court denied the last legal chance to stop his extradition to France. Rubino said he would challenge French court with the right to immunity as a former head of state. This would prevent him from major part of charges.Panama government official said it respected American step, but repeated it was going to press its diplomacy to sent Noriega back home. According Panama's law he is facing three charges for violations of human rights. Each sentence makes 20 years. Former general came to the power with General Omar Torrijos's death in 1981 plane crash. Later on he became deeply involved with drug trafficking and was captured during the U.S. invasion in 1990.

related story (sgx170! 97):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

The Red Shirts blocked Bangkok elevated railway system
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Thai protesters called the Red Shirts blocked briefly the capital´s elevated railway system on Tuesday. Traffic in Bangkok was paralyzed as the protesters threw tyres on the platform in their efforts for immediate elections. The closure came during the morning rush hour resulting in chaos, which was only escalated by hundreds of armed soldiers scattered at the stations and boulevards. After the negotiations with the protesters, these were willing to remove the tyres by mid-morning, informed Police Maj Gen Anuchai Lekbumrung. "We talked to the Red Shirt leaders, and the guards and they have removed the tyres," he said. "They placed the tyres on the platform, not on the! tracks." The red shirt movement is led by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) and is opposed to the 2006 Thailand coup d´état that saw Thaksin Shinawatra removed from his post of Prime Minister that he held since 2001. The military coup resulted in cancelling the upcoming elections, dissolving Parliament, arresting Cabinet members and, finally, declaring martial law. According to the Red Shirts current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva came to power illegitimately due to help of the military elite. They demand that he dissolves Parliament and calls new elections. The protesters have been occupying parts of Bangkok since mid-March making various demonstrative efforts like for example closing down hotels or shopping malls. At least 26 people were killed and about thousand injured since then. The government has repeated several times it hopes for the peaceful solution of the unrest. However, taking into consideration the latest protesters´ ! move, the officials warned of tougher reaction if the Red Shir! ts do no t put an end to their actions soon. "In the country, there might be people who neglect their duties, but you can set an example that there are those who perform their duties strictly and honestly," said Thailand´s 82-year-old king Bhumbhol Adulyadej in his first public speech since the beginning of the crisis.

related story (sgx17102):;_ylt=AhA6mpG...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

! Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Pomôže mu kandidatúra?
by Barbora Misakova

Existuje veľké množstvo teórií o spojeniach, ktoré vznikajú medzi dvojičkami pri ich narodení. Niektorí ľudia veria, že dvojičky nie sú spojené len fyzicky, ale aj psychicky, mentálne. Byť niekoho dvojičkou preto neznamená len mať rovnakú farbu vlasov či očí alebo sa rovnako obliekať. Množstvo ďalších spoločných čŕt je pre naše oko neviditeľných. Väčšina jednovaječných dvojčiat je spojená po celý svoj život. Navštevujú tie isté školy! , orientujú sa na podobné či rovnaké oblasti záujmov (napr. študujú rovnaký odbor), čo vedie často aj k podobným oblastiam uplatnenia v neskoršom živote. Práve toto spojenie potom určuje ich celoživotnú spoluprácu a často aj spolužitie vo vzájomnej blízkosti. Aj napriek tomu sú však ich osobné schopnosti rozdielne. Zväčša je jeden vždy ten schopnejší, silnejší či múdrejší, pričom si však navzájom pomáhajú. Práve v tom spočíva sila a úspech dvojčiat. Rovnako tomu bolo i v prípade bratov Kaczynských. Jaroslav Kaczynski, ktorí bol o 45 minút starší od svojho brata Lecha, navštevoval tú istú školu ako jeho brat a dokonca získali obaja doktorát z práva. Obaja boli v časoch komuni! stickej éry aktivistami, ktorí sa zaslúžil! i o nekr vavé zvrhnutie vtedajšieho režimu v roku 1989. V 90. rokoch sa na chvíľu odlúčili a každý šiel svojou cestou – kým Lech začal pracovať v národnom kontrolnom úrade, Jaroslav naďalej pokračoval vo svojich politických aktivitách. A hoci sa Lech stal v roku 2005 Poľským prezidentom, jeho brat, ktorý sa stal o rok neskôr ministerským predsedom, bol vždy považovaný za toho schopnejšieho a silnejšieho. Skutočnosť, že pracovali pre blaho tej istej krajiny ich znovu spojila. No nie na dlho. Ako hovoria experti, smrť dvojičky je vždy hlboko traumatizujúca. Aj preto by možno pokračovanie v bratovej práci mohlo byť pre Jaroslava Kaczynského oslobodením a pomocou pri prekonávaní tejto veľkej straty.

related story (sgx17106):
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Les fermiers au Kenya détruissent les fleurs incapables de transporter en Europe
by Milota Sidorova

Le volcan islandais éclatant des masses énormes de la poussière et du sable a été probablement l'un des sujets les plus discutés ces derniers jours. Il a stoppé le trafic d'aviation tout au-dessus le continent européen et était la raison de fermer l'espace d'aviation au-dessus du continent. Cela comprend également les lignes intercontinentales. Ainsi avec qu'un seul un nuage, la partie significative du monde a été affectée. Ce n'est pas seulement le cas des milliers de vols personnels cancellés, des milliers de personnes incapables de se retirer de leurs destinations, mais également du produit de tra! nsport et de distribution. Ce matin, j'ai vu les nouvelles au sujet des fermiers de fleur africains ayant des périodes plus que difficiles avec le nuage. Des fleurs, le troisième plus grand revenu pour le Kenya ont été distribuées à l'Europe, le plus souvent en Scandinavie ou en Amérique. Mais pendant cinq jours, les expéditions ont été retardées. Que signifie-t-il cinq jours pour la fleur tronquée ? Cela signifie toute sa vie - de la première coupe jusqu'à la mort lente à la maison du client. Les fermiers et les compagnies de distribution doivent rapidement traiter les problèmes du stockage, ainsi les halls vides aux aéroports se sont transformés en entreposages au froid pleins des fleurs. Mais cela ne fonctionne pas toujours. Quelque fois les compagnies commandent de détruire les expéditions entières des fleurs soigneusement élevées. Ça me fait penser au! x récoltes de blé qui ont dû être brû! lée s, parce qu'il était trop cher de les envoyer aux personnes affamées en Afrique. Heureusement nous ne mangeons pas de fleurs. Mais les fleurs alimentent des milliers d'ouvriers au Kenya. Les fonctionnaires ont déclaré qu'il serait difficile d'obtenir le dos d'argent et de payer les ouvriers, parce qu'ils n'ont pas d'argent à l'heure actuelle. Pour ce moment, les fermiers africains espèrent le retour du trafic d'aviation et l'abaissement de la perte. Pour l'instant, ils continuent avec les moissons de fleur et aussi, les Européens, la question se pose-t-elle ? Que se produirait-t-il si de façon à l'autre nous perdions des lignes stratégiques partout dans le monde ? Et si c'était la Chine, incapable d'embarquer les marchandises ici ? Que ferions-nous alors ? Ce temps-ci ce n'était qu'une fleur, la prochaine fois, ça peut être des vêtements, nourriture, électronique, meubles, tout ? Avons-nous un ce! rtain plan B ?

related story (sgx17095):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Medvedev possibly running for president for the second time.
by Milota Sidorova

Just before he left for Norway, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said he would run for the presidential chair for the second time. Now, when he has reached the midpoint of his presidency, it has logically come to counting and reviews. Medvedev decided to let the world know that under positive circumstances he would run for president again. But he conditioned it with the satisfaction of Russian people and achieving some results before the office is regularly over. This decision, obviously raised speculation about current Prime Minister Putin's presidency. According to them, Medvedev was a break free between Putin's governance.The truth is, general image of Putin is exceedi! ng Medvedev who is still seen as a half puppet of Putin's political decisions. This relation ship is not equal, although, it was Medvedev who was able to open U.S.-Russian talks, not only on nuclear issues. Medvedev, compared to Putin doesn't look so autocratic, or at least able to lead the dialogue. But this is also double sharp blade. It doesn't mean Medvedev would be a weak president. So far, he was able to meet many one-sided profit deals in the countries, once satellites or parts of the USSR. The feelings of superpower and Russian dominancy is still visible in all foreign talks here in the Middle Europe.So far, Putin didn't comment whether he would run for president again. According France 24, Medvedev would be a good catch even after 2012. Medvedev said, he would love to do it, but would be also able to step aside stronger rival. Who would that be except of Putin himself, one can only guess.

related story (sgx17086):
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Dozens killed in a clash between Arab nomads and South Sudan Army in Darfur
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Sudanese officials informed Sunday that at least 55 people were killed and even more wounded in one of many clashes between Arab nomads and South Sudan Army in Darfur. The clashes are result of growing number of soldiers from the neighboring southern province that escalates the tensions in the area. "We have 55 dead and 85 wounded in our camp," said one of the heads of the Rezeigat tribe Mohammed Issa Aliou. "There are many members of the Rezeigat tribe who are heading to the (site of the clashes) in order to help out. There are also reinforcements from the south Sudan army coming from three cities -- Raja, Aweil and Wau." According to Abdullah Massar, a presidential advi! ser from one of the Arab tribes the fighting began Thursday and was still going on Sunday. He further said that southern army troops were making inbreaks into south Darfur intruding on the members of the Rezeigat tribe in the Balbala area. "The soldiers attacked a local's house and a water well deep in southern Darfur," he said. "The number of people killed is huge. This is an army with modern weapons against nomads who graze their cattle in the area." However, the Sudanese army refused the claims about its involvement in the clashes resolutely through the army spokesman Sawarmi Khaled Saad. “If one of the partners in the comprehensive peace agreement has such allegations to make about the other, the joint defence council should speak about it," he said referring to the 2005 peace agreement that put an end to more than 20 years of fighting. A part of the 2005 north-south deal was also a referendum on southern secession. These days Sudan is awaiting the results of the ! first multi-party elections in more than two decades, which we! re held earlier this month.

related story (sgx17084):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarkozy lutte pour les sanctions élévées de l'Iran
by Magdalena Rosova

Le Président français Nicolas Sarkozy souhaite auprès des Nations Unies que des nouvelles sanctions soient prises contre l'Iran à cause de son programme nucléaire. Le Président Sarkozy a communiqué son appel pendant le sommet nucléaire tenu à Washington. Les chefs de 47 nations se sont réunis sur le sommet dont la problématique principale était la menace du terrorisme nucléaire. C'était le plus grand rassemblement des chefs du monde aux Etats-Unis depuis que la conférence a eu lieu à San Francisco en 1945. La matière principale était l'appel d'Obama pour sauvegarder tous les maté! riaux nucléaires partout dans le monde de sorte que les terroristes ne puissent pas les obtenir. Les matériaux nucléaires devraient être rassemblés dans un délai de quatre ans. Le Président Obama a déclaré que si le plan réussissait les Américains seraient plus assurés et le monde plus sûr. Une attention considérable a été donnée à l'Iran et à la Corée du Nord car il y a prétention que ces nations ont réussi à développer les armes nucléaires. Cependant, l'Iran et la Corée du Nord n'ont pas été invités au sommet. Le Président Sarkozy a demandé les Nations Unies d'agir promptement et d'imposer des nouvelles sanctions à l'Iran au plus tard en mois de mai. À une conférence de nouvelles du sommet à Washington Sarkozy a indiqué aux journalistes que les sanctions devraient être imposées ! 71; en avril ou en mai, pas plus tard. » Sarkozy pense qu! 'il n'y manquait pas beaucoup de temps et donc il était important d'agir immédiatement. « La minute de la vérité approche, » a dit Sarkozy. À un sommet nucléaire, la France et les Etats-Unis étaient les plus grands défenseurs des sanctions à imposer à l'Iran. Il y a menace sérieuse que l'Iran construit déjà une bombe nucléaire. L'Iran nie les accusations indiquant qu'il ne développait qu'un programme nucléaire pour l'énergie civile.

related story (sgx17079):
by Magdalena Rosova
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Enterrement de Kaczynski
by Barbora Misakova

La Pologne pleure. Les milliers de personnes sont dans les rues posant des fleurs et des bougies pour leur président défunt Lech Kaczynski et 95 autres qui sont morts samedi passé. Tandis que le corps de Kaczynski était transporté de Russie dimanche et le cercueil était montré au public en deuil dans le palais présidentiel, les restes des 95 autres victimes de l'accident seront envoyés à Moscou pour l'identification. Le Président temporaire Bronislaw Komorowski de la Pologne n'a pas le temps pour pleurer pendant que le service commémoratif est projeté pour samedi et il sera suivi de l'enterrement de la couple ! présidentielle, ce qui aura lieu dimanche. Comme Jacek Sasin, le sous-chef du président a dit pour la radio publique polonaise : « L'endroit où la couple présidentielle sera enterrée a été déjà choisie par la famille mais ne peut pas être annoncé à l'heure actuelle. » Excepté des préparations pour l'enterrement, le Président Komorowski doit également annoncer la date de nouvelles élections présidentielles. D'après la constitution de la Pologne il a 14 jours après lesquels il est obligé d'annoncer la date et l'élection doit être tenue dans les 60 jours de l'annoncement. L'ironie de cet accident tragique se lie avec le fait que le président et d'autres personages importants étaient sur leur chemin de commémorer le massacre de Katyn - où les milliers de soldats polonais ont été tués par les forces russes. Le présid! ent lui-même et 95 autres Polonais sont également mo! rts sur le sol russe. La Pologne déplore maintenant deux catastrophes nationales et l'enterrement du Président Kaczynski et son épouse sera probablement l'événement le plus amer et le plus triste dans l'histoire politique polonaise.

related story (sgx17080):
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. C! antell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Mobilnite telefoni se najgolemite zagaduvači na sredinata
by Zivka Deleva

Mnogu često zaboravame da pomislime na rabotite što ja pravat našata Planeta da ne bide najčistoto mesto na koe možeme da bideme. Onlajn spisanieto „Live science“ objavi mala studija vo koja gi izdvoi sedumte globalni izvori na zagaduvanje. Bi možele da bidete i iznenadeni što sé í padnalo na um na ekipata na spisanieto. Definitinvo najneprikosnoveniot broj eden otide kaj mobilnite telefoni. Rabotata e vo toa što mobilnite telefoni se pravat kako i drugite tipovi električni napravi od retki elementi od zemjata. Povekjeto od uredite go koristat mineralot koltan, koj najmnogu može da se najde vo Demokrat! skata Republika Kongo. Taka, procedurata na kopanje na ovoj redok mineral, ubiva životni naokolu,kako što se gorilata. Ovie fakti doagjaat od Obedinetite Nacii. Spored Stiven Koen, specijalist za ekologija na Univerzitetot Kolumbija, „koga se frla mobilen telefon, toksični hemikalii vo negovata elektronika, plastika i baterii možat da ja zagadat zemjata i podzemnite vodi ako ne bidat soodvetno rakuvani“. Vtoroto mesto e nameneto za proizvodstvoto na beton, što pridonesuva za efektot na staklenata gradina. Nekoi biogoriva se isto tolku loši kako i fosilnite, iako prvite postojat za da gi zamenat vtorite. Proizvodstvoto na gjubrivata potrebni za biogoriva, go ispušta gasot što ja sozdava staklenata gradina – azoten oksid. Na mnogu visokoto četvrto mesto se naogjaat javnite parkovi . Znam deka ste iznenadeni štom kje go procitate ova, no novi istražuvanje pokažuvaat deka parkovite isto taka mo&! 2;at da bidat bolni za Zemjata. Tie pridonesuvat za klimatskit! e promen i. Parkovite so veštačka treva od stari gumi, možat da privlečat teški metali vo zemjata. Negovoto Visočestvo, internetot e značaen proizvoditel na emisii na jaglerod dioksid. Fizičar od „Harvard“ presmeta deka dve prebaruvanja na „Gugle“ isprakjaat tolku jaglerod dioksid vo vozuhot kolku što bi se slučilo posle varenje na sad so voda za čaj. Avtorot Robert Vejl stignal do interesna presmetka za vlijanieto na galeničinjata na zagaduvanjeto. Toj tvrdi deka produkcijata na količinata na meso što ja jade kuče preku kučeška hrana predizvikuva jaglerod dioksid kako i golema kola.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing! provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Mobile phones are the biggest polluters of the environment
by Zivka Deleva

Very often we forget to think about the things that make our Planet not to be the cleanest place to be. On line magazine “Live science” published a little study including the seventh biggest global pollution sources. You might be surprised what all came to the minds of this magazine’s staff. Definitely the most unchallenged number one went to the mobile phones. The thing is that the cell phones are produced as other types of electronics with rare earth elements. The most of the devices use the mineral coltan, which is the most found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So, the procedure of mining this rare mineral kills animals around, like gorillas.! These facts come from the United Nations. According to Steven Cohen, an environmental specialist at Columbia University, “when a cell phone gets thrown out, toxic chemicals in its electronics, plastics and batteries can pollute soil and ground water if not properly handled”. The second place went to the manufacturing of concrete, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. Some biofuels are as bad as fossil fuels can be, though the first exist to replace the bad second. The production of the fertilizers needed for biofuels releases the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. On the very high fourth place came the public parks. I know that you are amazed in the moment you read this, but new research shows that parks as well can be harmful for the Earth. They contribute for the climate change. Artificial turf parks made from old tires can attract heavy metals into the ground. His Majesty, the Internet is a significant producer of carbon emissions. A Harvard physicist came ! up with a calculation that two Google searches put as much car! bon diox ide into the air as if you want to boil a kettle of water for a cup of tea. Author Robert Vale came to interesting calculation about the influence of the pets in the pollution. He claims that the production of the amount of meat consumed by a dog through dog food provokes much greenhouse gas as a large car.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Des milliers de pèlerins vient au bord du Ganges pour le plus grand festival religieux dans le monde
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Mercredi, le rivage du fleuve indien sacré Ganges à la proximité de la ville de Varanasi coulaient avec des millions de pélerins indous qui sont venus se baigner dans le fleuve. L'événement à la durée de 104 jours est connu comme un des plus grands festivals religieux dans le monde et a lieu tous les trois ans. « Pour l'instant tout se passe très paisiblement et il n'y a eu aucun problème avec par exemple une foule indisciplinée, » a dit Ashok Sharma, un porte-parole de la presse de l'événement. « Plus d'une crore de personnes (10 millions) se baignent aujourd'hui. » Pour les Hindous, le Ga! nges n'est pas simplement un fleuve, mais plutôt une déesse, force puissante unissant en soi les aspects les plus importants de la culture et de la tradition indiennes. L'eau du fleuve est censée d'avoir la puissance d'effacer tous les péchés précédent et de quérir les maladies. De même que la visite de Mekka pour des Musulmans, les Hindous croient qu'ils doivent prendre un bain dans le Ganges au moins une fois dans leur vie. Beaucoup d'eux possédent une fiole remplie avec de l'eau sacré dans leurs maisons, la raison en est que quand quelqu'un meurt, on lui donne à boire de l'eau pour que son âme soit purifiée. Le célèbre membre de Beatles, George Harrison, a souhaité que ses cendres soihent dispersées dans le fleuve. Il est devenu fasciné par la culture et l'hindouisme indiens dans les années 60 et embrassé par la tradition de Hare Krishna. Des pélerins venant au G! anges sont menés à l'eau par plusieurs centaines d'h! ommes sa ints, le « sadhus de naga » dépuillés qui se considèrent d'être les guardiens de la foi. Ils accordent des instructions religieuses et des bénédictions aux gens, ils les défient également à régler des conflits ou des querelles au sein des familles ou des communautés. « C'est très embrouillant et chaotique et magnifique, » a dit Peter Hans (22 ans) d'Allemagne. « Je pense que la situation est tout à fait sûre parce que l'atmosphère est heureuse et d'une manière calme, mais la police est assez dure avec les foules. »

related story (sgx17070):! p/20100414/ts_afp/indiareligionfes...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Le président chinois a visité le compté de Yushu frappé par tremblement de terre
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Le Président chinois Hu Jintao a visité le comté de Yushu dimanche faisant des promesses aux gens locales au sujet de nouvelles écoles et maisons. « Il y aura de nouvelles écoles ! Il y aura de nouvelles maisons ! « il a écrit sur le tableau noir dans une tente transformée en une salle de classe pour les étudiants qui ont perdus leurs parents. Le président a volé au secteur après qu'il ait raccourci un peu sa visite en Amérique latine. Il est arrivé à l'endroit lorsque les moines tibétains enterraient des victime de tremblement de terre. Le Chef spirituel tibétain Dalai Lama a demand&#! 233; le journal 'Beijing Saturday' la permission de venir et d'offrir le confort aux survivants et prier pour les morts. Le 14ème Dalai Lama s'est sauvé de la Chine après le soulèvement de 1959 échoué et a vécu dans l'exil en Inde depuis lors. Il est peu probable qu'il obtiendrait la permission de visiter la Chine. Les équipes de délivrance tout au long des riverains recherchent les ruines des maisons effondrées, recherchant les personnes mortes ou emprisonnées et des choses qui pourraient faciliter les vies de gens dans des tentes froides. « Notre problème No 1 est qu'il n'y a pas assez de tentes, et un trop grand nombre de celles disponibles sont distribuées d'abord aux gens avec l'influence, » a dit un ethnique 'Dongzhu tibétain'. Le secteur peuplé de la plupart par les Tibétain se trouve à environ 4000 mètres au-dessus de niveau de la mer, donc les conditions là-bas ! sont tout à fait dures et les efforts et la reconstructio! n rapide s de relief sont nécessaires. « Quand l'hiver vient ici, il fait très, très froid et il y a énormement du vent aussi, » Dongzhu dit. « Je ne peux pas imaginer comment on peut vivre dans une petite tente quand l'hiver vient. » Les résidants du comté de Yushu sont surtout des fermiers et des herders et gagnent seulement quelque mille yuans par an. « Il y a absolument aucune manière que les familles d'ici pourraient se permettre d'acheter de nouvelles maisons elles-mêmes, et après tout ça nous préférerions des maisons résistantes contre le tremblement, » dit un officier local retraité de Donghzu. Par conséquent, il était important que les victimes entendent l'énonciation du Président Hu Jintao affirmant que le parti communiste et le gouvernement de la Chine « aideront certainement aux victimes du tremblement de reconstruire des maisons et de pouvoir aussi! tôt que possible recommencer les cours des enfants. »

related story (sgx17069):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Military parade in Caracas...
by Milota Sidorova

Venezuela is celebrating 200 years of its independence these days. Ambitious and glamorous military presentation was prepared. Soldiers of Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Libya and Nicaragua joined Venezuelan army on the ground march, while sky was crossed by planes and fighter aircrafts during this parade. Its peculiar president Hugo Chavez appeared in military uniform and the red beret.The ceremony missed the other side, though. None of Venezuela's opposition representatives was invited to the ceremony. So far, the ceremony created place for the opposition to express disagreement with the government. These groups, now gathered under political coalition Tab! le of Democratic Unity accused Chavez from systematic reduction of Democratic spirit and abilities of the country. Even former president Carlos Andres Perez labeled current government as militarized and authoritarian regime. Chavez however, didn't make any effort to even face this objections, during the celebrations he had openly expressed his hatred against U.S. that was according his words the cause of disaster for Southern America. Cuban president Raul Castro, Bolivian president Evo Morales appeared side by side in Chavez guard. Presidents of Argentina, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic were present too, while Ecuadoran president Rafae Correa visited later ongoing summit of regional leftist leaders. The ceremony celebrated the action in 1810 when movement in Carcas first time succeeded to ruin Spanish governor over the country. The fate of post-colonial countries, as it seems, is the common topic for Southern America. Argentine is claiming for British Falkland Islands since ! 1982 when British army successfully spread its power around At! lantic o cean islands, after Argentine military invasion. Argentina, though never got rid of ownership claim.

related story (sgx17058):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Kenyans destroying flowers unable to transport to Europe.
by Milota Sidorova

Icelandic volcano erupting huge masses of dust and sand has been probably the most discussed topic last days. It halted the aviation traffic all over the European continent and was the reason to close the aviation space all over the continent. It means also intercontinental lines. So with one cloud, the significant part of the world has been impacted. This is not only a case of thousands of cancelled personal flights, thousands of people unable to move off their destinations, but also product transport and distribution. This morning, I have seen the news about African flower farmers having more than a hard times with the cloud. Flowers, the third largest income for Kenya we! re shipped to Europe, mostly to Scandinavia or to America. But for five days, the shipments have been delayed. What does it mean five days for trimmed flower? It means the whole life – from the first cut until the slow death at customer's house. Farmers and distribution companies have to quickly deal with the problems of storage, so empty halls at airports turned into cold storages full of flowers. But it isn't working all the time. Somewhere companies ordered to destroy whole shipments of carefully grown flowers. It reminds me of burning crops and wheat, because it was too expensive to send it to hungry people in Africa.Luckily, we don't eat flowers.But flowers feed thousands of workers in Kenya. Officials said it would be hard to get money back and to pay the workers, because they didn't had the money at the moment. For this moment, African famers hope for aviation traffic comeback and lowering the loss. For now, they keep on with the flower harvests and for now, E! uropeans the question rises? What happens if somehow we lose s! trategic lines all over the world? What if it would be China, unable to ship the goods in here? What would we do then? This time it may be flower, the other time, it may be clothes, food, electronic, furniture, everyting?Do we have some plan B?

related story (sgx17043):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV i! s committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chinese president visits earthquake-hit county of Yushu
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Yushu county on Sunday making promises to local people about new schools and homes. "There will be new schools! There will be new homes!“ he wrote on blackboard in a tent made into a classroom for orphaned students. President flew to the area after he cut short his visit in Latin America. He arrived to the spot as Tibetan monks cremated victim of the earthquake. Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama asked Beijing Saturday if he could come and offer comfort to the survivors and pray for the dead. The 14th Dalai Lama fled China after the failed 1959 uprising and has lived in an exile in India ever since. It is most unlikely that he wou! ld get permission to visit China. Rescue teams alongside with local residents are searching the ruins of collapsed homes, looking for the dead or trapped and things that could ease their life in tents in the cold. "Our first problem is that there aren't enough tents, and too many of the ones that are arriving are going to people with influence," said an ethnic Tibetan Dongzhu. Mostly Tibetan populated area is about 4000 meters above sea level, therefore the conditions outdoors are quite harsh and quick relief efforts and reconstruction are needed. "When winter comes here, it's very, very cold and windy too," Dongzhu said. "I can't imagine what it would be like to be living in a little tent when winter comes." Residents of Yushu county are mostly farmers and herders and earn only a few thousand yuan a year. "There's absolutely no way that the families around here could afford to pay for new homes themselves, and after this we will want quake-resistant homes," says retired lo! cal official Donghzu. Therefore, it was important for the vict! ims to h ear President Hu Jintao saying that the Communist Party of China and the government “will definitely help quake victims rebuild homes and resume classes for children as soon as possible."

related story (sgx17031):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to deliv! ering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Lives of Sourth Iceland's farmers are still endangered
by Zivka Deleva

Lives of the farmers that live near the Eyjafjallajokull glacier are still endangered. Though they have shelters where they seem to be safe, still their lives which depend on the livestock they have. These farmers live from the sold milk, but now, though they have the access to their animals, they are not able to collect all the milk they can. The roads are still bad and the existence of these residents is being questioned. OK, maybe bigger consequences suffers the aircraft industry which lost a lot of money, but still, officials should not forget the most affected people, after all. The Road 1 that passes the area in the south of the island has been partially destroyed. ! “Farmers are very busy, looking after the animals, protecting the machines from damage. For the time being the livestock seem ok, even if they aren't able to go outside. The ash isn't good in terms of health. The biggest problem is that the roads have been destroyed so the milk can't be collected. We can only stock a certain amount on the farm - if the roads aren't repaired soon, we will have to throw it away” – says Hanna Lara Andrews, a dairy farmer from the region. Another dairy farmer is concerned that the biggest risk for the animals is of fluoride poisoning if they eat too much, or breathe the air. The fluoride creates acid in their stomachs and corrodes the intestines. The floods are the biggest problem for these people. They only pray to the Gods that their land and herds is going to stay safe, so when all of the dust from the volcano is going to be soothed, their lives return to normal again. The dangerous ash can cause internal bleeding of the! animals, long-term bone damage and loss of teeth. The herbs a! nd plant s are endangered, too.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cold grips China quake survivors
by Magdalena Rosova

An earthquake in Chinese Yushu county has killed 617 people and thousands of people were wounded. Convoys of truck are doing everything possible to bring needed supplies and tents for those who have survived. The earthquake of 6.9 magnitude hit mountain area in north-western China on Wednesday. It is expected that number of victims will grow. Rescue teams and villagers are trying to rescue thousand of people who stayed trapped under the shambles. A team of 5,000 rescuers, including 700 soldier, are saving the lives in freezing temperatures, ofthen equipped just with their hands. Rescue efforts are focused mainly on the ruined town of Jiegu, which lays 50 km from the q! uake's epicenter and has population of 100,000 people. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao came to the Yushu county on Thursday. Chinese President Hu Jintao is now in Brazil, but he has canceled his scheduled trip to Venezuela and is returning bak home to deal with the quake disaster. About 10,000 of people are injured, about 1,000 of them severely. Those who survived are now facing the icy winds and have no shelter to hide in. Thousands of people were forced to spend the night in the streets. Many people spent night in their cars or set up tents. There is urgent need for medicine an shelters. But to bring the needed supplies and shelters is not easy thing to do. The conditions in the area are very poor. Jiegu has only one small airport with almost no fuel. Therefore rescue plans has to carry extra fuel which means they have less space for aid supplies.

related story (sgx17019):! -pacific /2010/04/20104...
by Magdalena Rosova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Volcano made the sky red and passengers angry
by Zivka Deleva

The sky over Europe is red. An eruption of a remote volcano right beneath Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull yesterday has provoked great amounts of ash in the sky over Europe and wider, sand that influenced badly the air traffic. A lot of air lines were canceled, lots of people couldn’t get where they wanted. As experts say, the sky should become safe for aviation again in few days, after the redness and the ash disappear completely. The only good thing about this natural phenomenon is the magnificent view, but that, I suppose is not the most important thing. Such a global airborne mess is not known in the last nine years, after the terroristic bombing attacks of the W! orld Trade Center in New York. The 3.7 mile high plum of ash can cause problems to the knock out jet engines, that’s why, without a single dilemma, all pilots just landed their plains, no matter how disappointed passengers seem to be. It is expected that per example in Great Britain all the flight would be cancelled at least till today. This is the situation with airports in Ireland, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Sweden, France and Germany. Half of the trans-Atlantic flights are already being canceled. The volcano erupted on Wednesday for the second time in one month. Hot gases were melting the ice. The worst hit were about 700 people from the areas around the volcano. Some of the people could return to their homes, but as officials say, it is still not so secure that another flood wouldn’t happen these days. Let’s hope that the volcano is going to be merciful and stay calm from now on. And for the travelers, come on people, you’ll get wherever yo! u want, don’t blame on no one for thinking of your safet! y. < br>
by Zivka Deleva
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Iceland volcano disrupts global air travel
by Magdalena Rosova

A volcanic eruption in Iceland has intesified, the eruption under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier has already thrown up a 6-km long plume of ash and it has also disrupted air traffic. The volcano is now active more than 40 hours and it does not seem that it is going to stop. According to Pall Einarsson, a geophysicist at the University of Iceland, the intensity of the eruption seemed to be growing. In consequence, a third of the glacial ice that covers the crater has melted and caused floods in the nearby area. However, the floods are now easing and people living in the neighborhood of volcano are returning into their homes. The volcano has erupted also last month, but! this eruption was 10 times more powerful. Both eruptions were parts of the same event though. A thick layer of ash has covered thousand of hectares of land eat of the volcano. In some areas the cloud of ashes was so strong that the sun was not visible. The cloud of ash further caused disruption in air travel all over northern Europe. There is a possible risk that planes' engine could suck ash from the volcanic cloud and that would cause serious damage. Scientist were closely observing the signs of increasing seismic activity in Iceland and had been expecting an eruption from last summer. The last huge eruption in Iceland was in 1996 when there was an eruption under the Grimsvotn lakes which caused big flooding. Ejfjallajokull glacier is the fifth biggest glacier in the country and since ninth century when Iceland was settled it has erupted five times.

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by Magdalena Rosova
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Zemetraseniu v západnej Číne padlo za obeť prinajmenšom 600 ľudí
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Zemetrasenie o sile 6.9 stupňa Richterovej stupnice, ktoré v stredu postihlo jednu z hornatých oblastí západnej Číny si vyžiadalo prinajmenšom 600 obeti a približne 100 000 ranených. Obyvateľstvo provincie Čching-chaj tvoria z väčšej časti Tibeťania. Väčšina ľudí žijúcich v blízkosti eicentra prišla o svoj domov. V meste Jigeu, ktoré je najväčšie v oblasti a nachádza sa asi 32 kilometrov od epicentra, bolo zničených viac než 85 percent domov. „V priebehu sekundy sa domy zosunuly. Bolo to naozaj ! silné zemetrasenie,“ hovorí Karsum Nyima z miestnej televíznej stanice. „Všetci vybehli von na ulice, stoja pred svojimi domami a snažia sa nájsť členov rodiny.“ Záchranné práce sa sústredili hlavne na niekoľko zničených škôl, pod troskami ktorých zomrelo asi 66 študentov a 10 učiteľov. Podľa správ bolo v prefektúre Ju-šu na juhu provincie Čching-chaj zničených 70 percent škôl. Podľa miestneho vojenského veliteľa Shi Huajiea mali záchranári k dispozícii nedostatočné vybavenie. „Problém je, že nemáme žiadne bágre. Mnoho ľudí je pochovaných pod troskami a naši vojaci sa ich odtiaľ pokúšajú vyslobodiť pomocou ľudskej sily,“ povedal. „Je ťažké v takejto situácii ! zachraňovať ľudí len za pomoci holých! rú k.“ Do oblasti boli vyslané záchranné tímy pozostávajúce z približne 5 000 vojakov a medikov. Tí, ktorí zemetrasenie prežili museli na pomoc čakať vonku v teplotách blížiacich sa k bodu mrazu. K dipozícii potom dostali päť tisíc stanov, sto tisíc hrubých bavlnených kabátov a prikrývky. Stredajšie ranné zemetrasenie nasledovalo asi 18 následných otrasov, a je pravdepodobné, že v najbližších dňoch sa vyskytnú ďalšie dosahujúce silu do 6 stupňov Richterovej stupnice. Najničivejšie zemetrasenie v histórii modernej Číny zasiahlo provinciu S´-čchuan v roku 2008. Zemetrasenie so silou 7.9 stupňa Richterovej stupnice vtedy zabilo takmer 90 000 ľudí.

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Millions of pilgrims come to Ganges shore for the biggest religious festival in the world
by Zuzana Zelenakova

On Wednesday, the shore of the sacred Indian river Ganges in in the city of Varanasi were teeming with millions of Hindu pilgrims who came to bath in the river. The 104-days event is known as the biggest religious festival in the world and takes place every three years. "Everything is going very smoothly and there has been no problem with any unruly mobs," said Ashok Sharma, a press spokesman for the event. "More than one crore (10 million) people are bathing today." For Hindus, the Ganges is not just a river, but rather a goddess, powerful force uniting in itself the most important aspects of Indian culture and tradition. The water from the river is believed to have the p! ower to wash away all the past sins and cure the ill. Similarly as a visit to Mekka for Muslims, Hindus believe they have to take a bath in the Ganges at least once in their lifetime. Many keep a vial filled with the sacred water in their homes, it is also because when someone is dying he or she will be able to drink tha water and thus cleanse his or her soul. Famous Beatle George Harrison wished to have his ashes scattered into the river. He became fascinated with the Indian culture and Hinduism in the 60s and embraced Hare Krishna tradition. Pilgrims coming to the Ganges are led to the water by several hundreds of holy men, the naked "naga sadhus" who consider themselves guradians of the faith. They bestow religious instructions and blessings on people, they are also called to settle conflicts or disputes within families or communities. "It is confusing and chaotic and wonderful," said 22-year-old Peter Hans from Germany. "I think it is safe because the atmosphere is happ! y in a calm way, but the police are severe with the crowds." !
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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Western China earthquake killed at least 600 people
by Zuzana Zelenakova

At least 600 people dead and about 10.000 injured, that is the result of the 6.9 magnitude earthquake that hit mountainous region in western China on Wednesday. Qinghai province is mostly inhabited by Tibetan population. Most of the people living in the vicinity of the epicentre are homeles now. More than 85 percent of homes was destroyed in the city of Jiegu, the biggest town in the area located about 20 miles (32 kilometres) from the epicentre. "In a flash, the houses went down. It was a terrible earthquake," said Karsum Nyima from the local television station. "Everybody is out on the streets, standing in front of their houses, trying to find their family members." Res! cue efforts focused mainly on several collapsed schools, where at least 66 students and 10 teachers died. Reportedly, 70 percent of schools in Yushu county in southern Qinghai were destroyed in the quake. Rescuers have struggles with limited equipmet according to the local militar official Shi Huajie. “The difficulty we face is that we don't have any excavators. Many of the people have been buried and our soldiers are trying to pull them out with human labor,“ he said.“It is very difficult to save people with our bare hands.“ Rescue teams of about 5.000 soldiers and medics were sent to the area. Survivors were forced to wait for help outside in almost freezing temperatures, they received five thousand tents, 100.000 thick coats and blankets as the province´s government informed. According to the officials at the China Earthquake Networks Centre the quake was followed by at least 18 aftershocks and more reaching magnitude 6 are likely to occur th! ese days. The deadliest eartquake in history of modern China h! it Sichu an province in 2008. Magnitude 7.9 earthquake killed almost 90.000 people.

related story (sgx17013):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wave of pension reforms coming to Europe
by Zuzana Zelenakova

France as many other countries is struggling with growing debt and the solution introduced by the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy that involves extending time in the work force has provoked a lot of controversy so far. According to the government, its pension deficit for 2010 will be about 10.7 billion euros, by 2020 it is estimated to jump to 50 billion. Currently, the retirement age in France is 60 and French union leaders wish that it remains so. "If we want to save our pension system, we can no longer put off the decisions [on reform]," said President Sarkozy back in February. "These decisions will be taken in early autumn and contained in a bill that the gover! nment will present to the two assemblies." Truth is the retirement age in France is much lower than in other European countries. Mostly it is 65 and European countries are planning to raise it gradually. Originally, President Sarkozy has hoped to come up with the reform not earlier than 2012, however, the action must be taken earlier due to the global crisis. Also demographics play an important role as a large number of people is about to retire in the upcoming years. "Now, many people born between 1945 and 1952 are going to retire, so it's becoming urgent because how are we going to pay for these people in two to three years?" says Professor Laurent Marouani from HEC Business School. However, unions´ stance remains firm and the retirement age "is not negotiable" as head of the Workers Force union Jean-Claude Mailly said Monday. He continued to say that the union would not "accept in one way or another being required to work longer." His proposal how to cut spending i! s to raise the amount of money that people pay every month int! o the pe nsion system.

related story (sgx17006):
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