Monday, May 31, 2010

Scad ratele la creditul imobiliar pe piata din SUA
by Claudia Sonea

SUA a facut-o din nou! Intr-adevar, americanii au profitat intotdeauna de naivitatea europenilor. Dupa ce s-a plans ca moneda euro se depreciaza prea repede pe piata si ca vor sprijini Uniunea Europeana pentru a depasi recesiunea, rezidentii din SUA se bucura de un adevarat festin creat de criza datoriei Europene. La sfarsitul anului 2008 si inceputul anului 2009, recesiunea si lentoarea de pe piata imobiliara a lasat multi oameni fara casa prentru ca nu au fost capabili sa isi mai plateasca ipoteca. Cu planuri de salvare din partea guvernului, piata a reusit sa isi revina si acum, cu deprecierea v! alorii euro, a vazut si o crestere a cererilor pentru imprumuturi si refinantari. Pe masura ce ratele pentru creditul ipotecar scad, refinantarea devine tot mai atragatoare. Cu toate acestea, cei ce cauta sa obtina o rata de imprumut mai mica vor trebui sa plateasca unele taxe care vor fi incluse in imprumut si sa fi facut un avans de cel putin 3,5 la suta. Ratele de imprumut mici atrag din ce in ce mai multe persoane in a cumpa case sau spre a obtine o refinantare si toate acestea sunt cauzate de instabilitatea monedei euro, de criza din Grecia si de temerile cu privire la un eventual razboi intre Coreea de Sud si Coreea de Nord. De ce ar fi atunci SUA afectata de caderea monedei euro la bursa? De fapt, SUA este cea care alimenteaza conflictul dintre Coreea de Sud si Coreea de Nord si nu este surprinzator, deoarece este beneficiarul principal al situatiei actuale. Cand vor inceta celalalte tari sa-I permita SUA sa controleze totu! l? Cand vor spune europeni spun ca nu vor mai permite american! ilor sa se amestece in treburile altor tari? China a aratat lumii ca Statele Unite pot fi refuzate politicos si liderii nostri ar trebui sa urmeze exemplul.

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Mortgage rates plunge on the US market
by Claudia Sonea

U.S. has done it again! Indeed the Americans have always taken advantage of Europeans’ naivety. After complaining that the Euro is depreciating too fast on the market and that they will support the EU to overcome the recession, US residents are now feasting on the European debt crisis. At the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, the recession and the homes’ sluggish market left many people without a home as they were not able anymore to pay the mortgage. With bailout plans from the government, the market managed to get back on tracks and now with the euro’s value depreciating, it is seeing an increase in demands for loans and refinances. As mortgage rates are getting lower and lower, the refinance becomes more and more appealing. However, those looking to get a lower loan rate will have to pay some fees that will be included in the loan and make a down payment of at least 3.! 5 percent. The loan rates are attracting more people in to buying houses or getting a refinance and that all this is caused by the euro’s instability, by the Greek crisis and by the fears about a possible war between South and North Korea. Why would then US be affected by euro’s fall on the stock market? In fact, U.S is the one fueling the conflict between South and North Korea and it is no surprise as it is the primary beneficiary of the current situation. When will the other countries stop letting US control everything? When will Europeans say that they will no longer allow Americans interfering in other countries’ affairs? China showed the world that US can be politely refused and our leaders should follow the example.

related story (sgx17423):
by Claudia Sonea
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Netanyahu in Washinghton, peace mission on the river.
by Milota Sidorova

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is currently on a “world tour”. These days he is expected to meet French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris. Israel has received an invitation to join 30 member company of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Netanyahu is scheduled formally accept the membership on Thursday. Later that day he will meet Sarkozy and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. His journey continues on Canadian ground next day and as claimed he has received last-minute invitation to White House. In Washinghton he will meet president Obama on Tuesday. The invitation was personally delivered by White House Chief in Staff! Rahm Emanuel who is currently on private visit in Israel. US invitation to the first man of the country is perceived as a sign of easing ties and conflict between two allies. Israel provoked disagreement of the international community and open frustration and conflict in US dimplomacy. Israeli officials approved expansion of the new settlement on the East bank of Jordan river. The area is considered as an occupied zone, therefore the new settlement there is illegal. Although this area is claimed by Palestinians as their future capital, Israel decided to ignore that and sink the third party peace talks with the other side. US convicted this step which later on provoked Israeli politicians as well. However, there has been political silence over this incident last weeks. The West bank si still closed for Palestinians. But today 68 years old jazz musician along with eight more volunteers will risk arrest and the jail, by an attempt to break Israeli blocade on the water. They w! ill try to sail with humanitarian supplies to the other side. ! Sso far, Israeli officials have ordered to stop the boats and arrest them. The supplies however will be checked and sent to Red Cross to deliver them to Palestinian side. What is probably the most important that the musician gave up his Israeli citizenship and started to help the “enemy”. From this point of view, today lake mission means much more for the peace talks between hundred years enemies. Than official Natanyahu's official visit. Even if he ends up in the jail, he will become a hero. Hero for everyone, because the best solutions do come from individuals who live the reality on the bottom of the social system.

related story (sgx17416):
by Milota Sidorova
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jamaican capital in a swirl of gangsters unrest
by Zuzana Zelenakova

A state of emergency has been declared in Jamaican capital of Kingston due to major public unrest caused by hunt for drug lord Christopher “Dudus” Coke. The United States is seeking the extradition of 42-year-old drug lord on drug and arms trafficking charges. The police forces hit the town´s slums on Monday in a search for Coke. Subsequently, gangsters, Coke´s supporters presumably, attacked several police stations and even managed to loot and burn down one of them. 44 civilians have been killed so far and 37 were injured. On Monday afternoon, more than 1,000 members of police and soldiers assaulted alleged stronghold of Christopher Coke in West King! ston slums. Heavily armed gangsters stood against them defending Tivoli Gardens neighborhood. "We are facing a crisis ... The measures are extraordinary, but they are extraordinary responses to extraordinary actions taken by some," said Prime Minister Bruce Golding to the parliament defending the resolute move in Tivoli Gardens. After the police assault, the local residents were kept in their homes. "We are hungry, we have no food and we cannot go outside," one woman told Reuters by telephone. "Some of us are desperate. Whenever we try to go outside our homes, the soldiers chase us back in and tell us to stay inside." The United States has already asked for the extradition of Coke once, in August last year, however, Jamaica refused the request stating that evidence against the man considered to be the leader of Jamaican gang called Shower Posse was based on illegal wiretaps. "We filed the extradition request with Jamaica last year and the government has recently decided to ! arrest him. Obviously they would have to go through a legal pr! ocess to evaluate whether extradition is appropriate under Jamaican law," said US State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley.

related story (sgx17404):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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French police arrested Rwandan genocide sustpect.
by Milota Sidorova

When French president Nicolas Sarkozy visited Rwandan Kigali in March, he has promised that France would everything possible to find and punish all responsibles for the genocide. Actually it is one of the worst and more cold hearted massacres in human history. During approximately 100 days around 800,000 Tutsi refugees or up to 20 percent of the country population were killed. So far described as ethnical conflict between Hutu regime (supported by Francophone nations of Africa) and Tutsi groups. Hutu accused Tutsi from upcoming enslavement of Hutus and forwarded its military fractions to the mass extermination. This time however, even pro peace Hutus were killed.Although th! is is 16 years old history, not all of “responsibles” faced the justice. One of them is probably Rwandan doctor Eugene Rwamucyo who's been arrested this week by the French police.But what's probably the most curious fact is that he was long term employee in a hospital in northern France. Before landing in France he was living along with his family in Belgium. His arrest took 16 years – much too long to satisfy families of victims who accused France of letting the murderers living a “sweet life” in French cities and villages.Rwanmucyo was dismissed from his position last month and arrested in Val-dÓise region near Paris. So far he has denied all accusations and said he was the victim of hatered and lies. According his own words they (Tutsi led government) were trying to make people believed that all of the Hutus who held any position of responsibility at the time were thinking about killing Tutsis.

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by Milota Sidorova
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EU countries stepping up
by Claudia Sonea

The financial crisis that hit the Eurozone is now coming to the surface in other countries like United Kingdom, Italy, Spain or France. The main target is to bring the budget deficit to three percent as requested by the EU. On Monday Queen Elizabeth gave speech to the measures planned by the coalition government in trying to cut the budget deficit and boost the economy. The following day, the Italian government approved austerity measures to reduce public deficit from 5.3% to 2.7% in 2012. After Greece has been seriously hit by the irrational spending of the government and needed to be bailed out by th! e EU, the euro lost grounds on the market share. Fears that other EU countries might follow Greece aggravated the situation. Spain was rumored to come up next in requesting aid, but Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero denied the rumors and announced austerity measures to cut public deficit. Although the country had economic growth in the first quarter, the public sector have acquired such a huge debt that make Spain an eligible candidate for a share of the $1 trillion emergency fund set by European Union and International Monetary Fund for member countries hit by the crisis. In France the situation is not clear yet. If last week French Prime Minister François Fillon announced austerity measures to bring public deficit down to 3 percent, this week President Nicolas Sarkozy assured union leader that no such measures will be taken. However, the Bling-Bling President has a low credibility, thus most people would rather ! take into consideration Prime Minister’s statement and l! ook forw ard for an approved government plan to go public. Until then, stay connected…

related story (sgx17405):
by Claudia Sonea
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No trace of the kingpin, but innocent people lost their lives
by Zivka Deleva

More than 60 people have been killed in the massive police action in Jamaica's capital Kingston against drug gang members who support the narco boss Christopher "Dudus" Coke. Jamaican forces literally entered one house to another to find the kingpin, but only innocent people suffered, and most of them, civilians. Among the victims, there also is a baby. What an irony, what has a baby done bad to deserve this destiny? This dangerous criminal is wanted by the United States and Jamaica government wanted to deport to the US. According to the US Justice Department, he is the "world's most dangerous narcotics kingpins." In the last twenty years, he has led a gang that is smugglin! g marijuana and crack cocaine, especially in New York region. He might stuck in prison for a life time, if normally, his guilt is going to be proved. The kingpin is even trying to negotiate with US representatives through his lawyer. Kingston is in the middle of a bloodshed. And after all, the drug lord is still free. People die on the both sides. Who is going to convince the parents of that child that it's death is for the "land they love". These are the words of leading Labor Party, that tried to calm down the citizens, naming the raids as "inescapable and unavoidable". "We hope that out of the national crisis there will come a rebirth of Jamaica, the land we love." My oh my! Local residents protest in the behalf of Coke, who is winning over their support, by giving money to the impoverished people, offering them jobs and education. It is easy to catch a fish when it is hungry!
by Zi vka Deleva
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Severna Koreja mu se zakanuva na sosedot so vojna
by Zivka Deleva

Nova zakana doagja od poranešnite sestri-državi. Severna Koreja planira da ja prekine sekoja možna vrska so Južna Koreja, zašto e obvineta za potonuvanjeto na voeniot brod „Čeonan“ što se sluči pred dva meseca. Glavnite obviniteli sekako deka se, koi drugi, ako ne Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi! Pjongjang vekje se zakanuva da gi otpušti site rabotnici što doagjaat od Južna Koreja. I za da dokaže deka toa ne se samo prazni zborovi, osum južnokorejski vladini pretstavnici bea izbrkani od zaedničkiot fabrički park vo Gaesong. Amerikanskiot državen sekretar Hilari Klinton vekje go ! pokaža prstot kon Severna Koreja: „Ova beše neprifatliva provokacija od strana na Severna Koreja i megjunarodnata zaednica ima odgovornost i obvrska da odgovori“, reče Klinton. Zapadnite mediumi vekje predupreduvaat deka dokolku severnokorejskiot lider Kim Jong Vtori gi realizira najavenite sankcii, toj kje ja dovede državata i nejziniot vekje osiromašen narod vo pogolema kriza. Nekoi analitičari velat deka kako što liderite obično pravat, koga imaat pogolemi domašni problmei, tie privlekuvaat megjunarodno vnimanie so nešto i ne tolku važno. Na toj način, tie od odvlekuvaat sopstveniot narod i go držat miren. Megjunaroden tim od istražuvači izjavi deka torpedo od Severnokorejskata podmornica go uništil voeniot brod težok 1.200 toni i ubi 46 južnokorejski mornari. Severna Koreja ne go prifakja toa. Vo suština, Vladata na Južna Koreja e taa što počna da! prezema prva čekori protiv svojot severen sosed, ne dozv! oluvajkj i normalna navigacija preku moreto. Edinstvenata golema država što ja poddržuva Severna Koreja e Kina. Dobro, toa i ne e mala rabota. Mislam, koga Kina kje odlučiv nešto, nema sila što bi možela da ja zapre. Da se nadevame deka omrazenite sosedi kje ja smirat topkata i nema da počnat nova vojna.
by Zivka Deleva
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North Korea threatens its neighbor with war
by Zivka Deleva

New threat comes from the former state-sisters. North Korea plans to stop any connection with South Korea, because sit is blamed for the sinking warship Cheonan that happened two months ago. The main accuser are, of course, who else but United States of America. Pyeongyang is already threatening to fire all the workers that come from South Korea. And to prove that it is not only spreading free words, eight South Korean government officials from the joint factory park in Gaesong have already been expelled. State secretary Hillary Clinton has already pointed at North Korea: "This was an unacceptable provocation by North Korea, and the international community has a responsib! ility and a duty to respond," Clinton said. Western media already warn that if North Korean leader Kim Jong II effectuates the announced sanctions, he would bring the country and it’s already impoverished people into bigger crises. Some analysts say that as leaders usually do, when they have bigger home problems, they attract international attention with something not so important. That way, they destruct its’ own people and keep them peaceful. An international team of investigators reported that a torpedo from a North Korean submarine ruined the 1.200 ton warship, and killed 46 South Korean sailors. North Korea doesn’t accept that. It was the South Korea government that started to take some counter steps toward its northern neighbor, not letting a normal navigation through the sea. The only big country supporting North Korea is China. Well, that is not a small thing, I mean, when China decides something, no force can stop her. Let’s hope that the! hated neighbors are going to come down the balls and not star! t a new war again.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

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Singapore and Malaysia battling the oil spill
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Tuesday collision of two ships near Singapore coast resulted in a 5,000 tonne oil spill. The cosmopolitan city, which is considered one of the top financial centers in the world, now faces one of its worst disasters. Malaysian tanker that was carrying about 62,000 tonnes of crude oil and a bulk carrier registered in St Vincent and the Grenadines collided just before dawn in Singapore Strait which goes along one of the busiest ports in the world. As Singapore´s Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) informed, the oil spill was about four kilometers long and one kilometer wide. “Efforts to contain and clean up the oil spill are ongoing,” MPA said. About 20 vessel! s and 200 men both from Malaysia and Singapore have been involved in the clean up efforts. According to the MPA the air traffic in the area is not to be affected by the spill. "We are very sorry for the incident," said Paul Lovell, a spokesman for AET Tanker Holdings, which owns the Malaysian registered tanker. "It was an incident caused not by us hitting something, but by something hitting us. Not that that excuses it." He also added that dispersants were used successfully to contain the oil spill. As far as environmental situation is concerned, Singapore ecologists are still waiting for the reports that would enable them to assess the damage. “If they manage to contain it, then it won’t affect wildlife that much,” said Louis Ng, executive director of activist group Animal Concerns Research and Education Society. "Oil booms are being placed around the leaked cargo to contain the spill," said AET in a statement. Ho Yew Weng from disaster management firm Oi! l Spill response Singapore added that the situation is not jus! t as bad as it seems at first sight for the light crude will evaporate rather quickly in hot tropical climate.

related story (sgx17385):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Still no answer about Airbus crash
by Zivka Deleva

One year after the terrible Air France crash happened into the Atlantic, there is no answer what was the reason for the accident that took 228 lives. There is still no evidence of the black boxes. Investigators for the agency BEA are reluctant whether they should go on with the hunt. Poor families of the victims! I can only assume how horrible they feel when they don’t know the reason for their closest people’s death. It is not like that that is going to diminish their suffering, but in any case, it is not going to make them more peaceful. They are already suspicious that the air company knows the answer to their most important question, but are hiding somethin! g very important. The Flight 447 between Rio de Janeiro and Paris was lost and everyone in the plane, died. "We have decided to perform a review of all the search operations, which began almost a year ago. We'll bring in our partners. It'll take at least a month or two to do this review and decide whether to continue the hunt" – informed the Bureau d’Enquêtes et d’Analyses (BEA) chairman Jean-Paul Troadec. One of the biggest theories about the main cause of the accident that the Pitots have iced up and that that interfered the flight, but no one says that that has been the most important reason for the tragedy. But, it seems like, literally now everything has fallen into the water. Without the black boxes, it is impossible to point at any cause for the accident.
by Zivka Deleva
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US surface-to-air Patriot missiles at Polish military base
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The town of Morag in northern Poland, distanced only about 60 kilometers from the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad between Poland and Lithuania, became the garrison of a US Patriot Missile Defense battery. The battery of US Patriot missiles reached Morag on Monday with more than 100 soldiers that will be stationed there. They will not only service the battery, but also instruct Polish soldiers in operating it. "Ceremonies associated with the first rotation of the Patriot missile battery will be held Wednesday, May 26, in Morag", Polish defence ministry spokesman Janusz Sejmej said in a statement. The country that belonged to the Eastern bloc in the past is now facing a stron! g opposition from its neighbor, Russia, which is obviously more than unhappy with a deployment of US forces so close to the border. "The U.S. anti-missile activity in Poland is unjustified and causes our concern," said a Russian foreign ministry spokesman last month. In the future, Poland is to host also a base of SM-3 missiles. The Patriot missiles base was Poland´s condition in the 2008 deal with the United States that was aimed at protecting the US and Europe against possible Iranian attacks. The original missile defense plan of President Bush was reshaped by the Obama administration in September 2009, one of the goals was to ease the tensions regarding Russian reaction. The Patriot missiles were transported to Morag by train from US base in Kaiserslautem, Germany. The missiles and the soldiers are deployed in Poland on temporary basis for the next two years. Their arrival was the result of Poland´s ratification of the so called SOFA – Supplemental Status! of Forces Agreement, which is an agreement between a host cou! ntry and a foreign nation that is stationing its military forces in that country. So far, the United States has the largest military presence in foreign countries.

related story (sgx17380):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Clinton in Seoul for crisis talks
by Magdalena Rosova

Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, traveled to Seoul for talks between South and North Korea. Tension in the Korean peninsula has recently markedly increase as Pyongyang decided to sever ties with South Korea. On Wednesday Hillary Clinton warned North Korea to stop its provocations and policy of threats. Clinton wants world to respond to incident of sinking a South Korean warship. Clinton is visiting Seoul to show solidarity with South Korea. She said that the States are thinking about possible ways to hold the North accountable. Inter-Korean tensions worsened after international investigation concluded that North Korean submarine torpedoed South Korean corvettes! . The incident happened on March 26 and killed 46 people. South Korea answered with new set of reprisals, it has halt most trade. With a diplomatic way it is also trying to punish the North through the United Nations Security Council. North Korea has denied accusation and cut all ties with the South. Clinton said United States were committed to help and support its ally South Korea. Clinton praised new reprisals South Korea has imposed on its neighbour. She said sinking of corvette deserved strong response. Clinton went further when said: "We cannot turn a blind eye to belligerence and provocation. We will stand with you in this difficult hour and will stand with you always." Clinton will also press the Security Council, saying that it was its responsibility and duty to respond. Washington is also thinking about enhancing its defense posture to protect the country from future attacks. Clinton called North Korea to stop its provocations towards it neighbours.

re! lated story (sgx17377):
by Magdalena Rosova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ban urges UN action on Korea crisis
by Magdalena Rosova

Chief on United Nations Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he hoped that Security Council would take appropriate steps regarding the sinking of a South Korean warship in March. After talks on North Korea's nuclear programme South Korea imposed new sanctions on Pyongyang. Ban told reporters that the council was aware of its responsibilities to maintain international peace and security. The council is ready to take measures to settle the situation. The actions of council should also contribute to the resumptin of the talks of the six parties over nuclear issues and other concerns. The talks included North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, the United States and Japan. Current! ly, North Korea is under sanctions of United Nations because of its tests of nucelar devices in 2006 and consequently in 2009. Furthermore Lee Myung-bak, president of South Korea, wants to take the issue to the U.N. Security Council. Past sanctions of U.N. Security Council have taken almost all energy that economy of North Korea has left. It is not clear if there is something that 15-nation council can do about the Korea crisis. China is ally of North Korea and it holds a vetou. Therefore China can block all attempts to punish Pyongyang. South Korea did not make any specific suggestions on measures that Security Council should take. But the pressure on China may cause that China will not block action of the council. Ban firmly said that international commuinty would definitely not ignore the reults of an international investigation. The investigation showed that North Korea torpedoed the South Korean Cheonan corvette in March, which caused death to 46 sailors. It was! the deadliest clash between the two ever since Korean War.
r elated story (sgx17360):
by Magdalena Rosova
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Abbas refuses violence should latest talks with Israel fail
by Zuzana Zelenakova

In March, Palestinians and Israelis began indirect talks. The first talks between the two countries since the last year´s Gaza military operation were the result of the US intervention. The man behind the mediation was the US Middle East envoy George Mitchell who will now go back and forth between Israel and the West Bank. The talks have been given the maximum time of four months in order to come up with some results. Direct talks were neglected in 2008. Although no one expects any final resolution both countries are trying to comply with US calls for trust efforts. As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said recently, his government “is prepared to do thi! ngs that are not simple, that are difficult.” Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, on the other hand, failed to deliver a traditional speech on the day that Palestinians hold ceremonies of mourning because of the creation of Israel. It was seen as his attempt to avoid speaking against Israel. Moreover, in a recent interview the Palestinian Authority told France 24 that the possibility of armed conflict in case talks should fail is out of the question. “If we fail to reach an agreement through talks, we will have to turn to the UN Security Council for a resolution. I am opposed to any other alternative, in particular that of armed struggle,” said Mahmoud Abbas. He further said he believed there was a chance the issue of Isreali-Palestinian border could be “resolved within one or two weeks.” He mentioned a kind of international military force that would secure peace on both side of the border could be part of the solution. “We have already ! said we have no problem [with a military presence along the bo! rder] as it’s an international force and not the Israeli military” he said.

related story (sgx17362):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Let them rest in peace
by Claudia Sonea

On April the 10th Poland suffered one of the worst tragedies from its history, losing 96 important people of its administration in a plane crash near the city of Smolensk, Russia. The Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, his wife Maria, his chiefs of staff (army, air force, navy) head army chaplain, head of the National Security Bureau, the Polish foreign ministry were among the notable personalities that lost their lives in an accident whose causes have not been discovered up to now. Following the investigations made in the past five weeks, it was established what it did not cause the plane crash: an act of terror, a technical failure a! t the Soviet-built airplane or an explosion. Russia showed its support regarding the whole incident and offered to help with the investigation thus Prosecutor General of Russia initiated a criminal case. There is less important what the causes were, although it is good to know that there was no terrorist plan to make a statement. It matters that a girl lost his father and mother in the same day, that someone lost a husband, a brother, and knowing the reasons won’t help get over the sorrow and the huge emptiness left behind. According to the last record, there might have been an error caused by the fog which made the pilot go down too fast and thus hitting the top of some trees. Awkward is that on the tape with the talks between the control tower and the cockpit are appearing some voices that did not belong to any of the crew members. From the whole tragedy, the only good thing is that Russia and Poland are sorting out all! differences.

related story (sgx17357)! :
by Claudia Sonea
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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dechiderea Iranului stricata de Occident
by Claudia Sonea

Singura modalitate de a stabili pacea in lume este de a face SUA sa taca din gura. Acest lucru ar putea suna ca o declaratie de terorism si cel mai probabil maine imi vor da de urma si ma vor face o amenintare la adresa securitatii lor nationale. Aparent, comportamentul paranoic american afecteaza toata lumea intrucat tentaculele sale se raspandesc in intreaga lume. Cine a murit si i-a facut regii lumii? Nici chiar natiunea americana nu isi sprojina guvernul sau, atunci de ce restul lumii doar isi pleaca capul si renunta la opiniile sale, pentru a sprijini deciziile administratiei Obama? Este in mod clar ev! ident ca Rusia este de accord in a o face in schimbul unor favoruri sau a unor secrete, arme, ceva care ar putea-o ajuta sa devina pe plan militar mai puternica. Cu toate acestea, Franta, Anglia, Spania, si alti lideri europeni continua sa uimeasca cu servilismul si lipsa de putere sa se opuna nebuniei american. Dupa ce au facut in cele din urma progrese cu Iranul in ceea ce priveste imbogatire a uraniului, reprezentantii SUA "a reusit sa convinga chiar si China si Rusia pentru a conveni asupra aplicarii sanctiunilor dure asupra Iranului. Este cineva interesat sa stii despre posibilele implicatii ale astfel de sanctiuni au fost efectiv luate? Perspectiva unui razboi atomic ar trebui sa faca Vestul sa-l asculta pe dl Mohamed El Baradei, fostul sef al agentiei de caine de paza al ONU nucleare AIEA, care asigura ca singura modalitate de a dezamorsa criza si ajunge la un acord cu Iranul, este prin negocieri. Potrivit acordului mediat de Brazilia ! si Turcia, Iran a acceptat sa trimita parti ale sale de uraniu! imbogat it in Turcia in schimbul de combustibil nuclear, aratand ca este deschisa pentru comunicare pentru discutii si sa aiba incredere in Occident, care este renumit pentru tarile navalitoare, furtul si identitatile nationale fara a tine cont asa cum se arata, prin actiuni in Irak, Afganistan, in intreaga istorie cu cruciatii, exploratori. Occidentul ar trebui sa isi reconsidere pozitia, SUA face acelasi lucru ca Iranul, cu diferenta ca SUA o face intotdeauna cu amenintari. In cazul in care SUA este nebuna, tarile celalalte ar trebui sa tina la distanta si nu sprijine actiunile sale nebune si planurlei ascunse. Europeni aveti curajul sa va impotriviti, SUA nu mai este o putere economica si actiunile sale arata incercarile disperate ale unei tari de a pastra functii de conducere. Ce veti face?

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Francúzsky súd prepúšťa na slobodu vraha bývalého iránskeho premiéra Shapoura Bakhtiara.
by Milota Sidorova

“Demokraciou nazývam stav, kedy môže vyjadriť svoj názor, nech je to čokoľvek. Ale pokiaľ sa každý správa tak, ako to to chcú, nedá sa to nazvať anarchiou. Žiadna vláda na svete by to nemala akceptovať.” Ak by som mala stručne popísať prácu a ducha Shapoura Bakhtiara, vplyvného iránskeho politológa, spisovateľa a bývalého a posledného premiéra do času, kým Khomeini v Iráne prebral vládu, nenašla by som lepšie slová. Bakhtiar po celý svoj život bojoval o demokraciu. Ľudsk! é práva vyvyšoval nad všetko ostatné a na forme zriadenia mu až tak nezáležalo. Bol umierneným opozičným liberálom a veril tomu, že pokiaľ sú základné ľudské práva dodržované, môže spoločnosť demokraticky existovať aj pod monarchiou. Zasúžil sa napríklad o dočasné uvoľnenie cenzúry, zmiernenie trestu smrti, prepustenie politickýc väzňov. Jeho turbulentná politická kariéra, výstupy a pády mu však v konečnom dôsledku priniesli politický exil vo Francúzsku. Z Paríža riadil opozičnú skupinu voči prevládajúcemu Khomeiniho režimu. V roku 1991 bol vo svojom byte dobodaný na smrť. Jedného z troch vrahov sa podarilo v krátkom čase zatknúť a previesť pred súd. Ali Vakil! i Rad, Khomeiniho prívrženec bol obvinený z vra! ždy a odsúdený na doživotie.Ale o devätnásť rokov neskôr ho francúzsky súd oslobodzuje a zaručuje jeho voľný návrat do vlasti...“Je to pre mňa nebo”, vyjadril sa Vakili Rad, tesne po vynesení opätovného rozsudku. Zaujímavý je však postoj francúzskej strany. V týchto dňoch dochádza k oslobodeniu francúzskej akademičky Clotilde Reissovej, ktorá bola počas minuloročných násilností v Teheráne zadržaná iránskou políciou. Reissová skončila vo väzení za podnecovanie západných síl v krajine, za zakázané posielanie fotografií z protestných pochodov. Irán ju takmer po roku prepúšťa na slobodu. Najvyššie francúzske úrady však zamietlo informáciu, že by išlo o plánovanú v&#! 253;menu vänov. Je však ťažké uveriť tomuto tvrdeniu, pretože v minulosti sám iránsky prezident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad podmienil jej prepustenie, rovnakým opatrením na francúzskej strane. Vakili Rad dnes odlieta späť domov. Pokiaľ ide o oslobodzovanie a výmenu vänov, Francúzsko doteraz prepustilo viacero zadržaných a odsúdených osôb, ktoré boli zapletené do iránskych prípadov. Jeden z nich, muž libanonského pôvodu sa na slobodu dostal, hoci sa v roku 1980 neúspešne pokúsil o vraždu zmieneného Shapoura Bakhtiara.

related story (sgx17347):
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Trite sili so pravo na veto protiv Iran
by Zivka Deleva

Trite najgolemi svetski sili, Soedinetite Amerikanski Državi, Kina i Rusija se soglasija za edna rabota - Iran mora da ja zapre negovata nuklearna programa, za da ne zazeme pogolemi dimenzii. Tie potpišaa dogovor za rezolucija za sankcija protiv Iran, i kje mu go predadat na Sovetot za bezbednost pri Obedinetite Nacii. SAD, Kina i Rusija se državi so pravo na veto i postojani členki na Sovetot na bezbednost i tie možat da mu kažat "ne" duri i na Gospod. Dve drugi zemji-členki na Sovetot za bezbednost pri ON se Brazil i Turcija, no tie se soglasija so zdelkata na Iran da prenese pogolem del od svojot osiromašen uranium. "Ovaa objava e! ubeduvačka kako odgovor na naporite što bea prezemeni vo Teheran vo poslednite nekolku dena. Nie se trudime da ja osvestime megjunarodnata zaednica vo imeto na silnata rezolucija za sankcii što spored našite viduvanja, kje isprati nepogrešliva poraka za toa što se očekuva od Iran" - im reče Klinton na Komitetot za stranski vrski vo Senatot. Najgolemiot problem na SAD vo vrska so Iran e tvrdoglavosta na državata da prodolži so zbogatuvanje na uraniumot, bez razlika na site soveti i predupreduvanje što svetskite sili gi napravija ovie meseci. Iako Teheran insistira na stavot deka nivnata nuklearna programa kje se koristi vo mirni uslovi, sepak, svetot ne e ubeden deka zad taa strategija ne leži atomska programa što celi kon proizvodstvo na nuklearno oružje. Pred toa, Turcija potpiša dogovor so Iran, za pogolem del od uraniumot da se prefrli na turska počva. Iran se nadevaše deka dokolku ! se reši na toj čekor, nemaše da ima povekje san! kcii, no očigledno, grešeše.
by Zivka Deleva
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Yes to rescue plan and what next?
by Barbora Misakova

What would I do with 14.5 billion Euros? It sounds like a theme of school homework, isn’t it? The funny part of this story is that it actually is school homework. Crisis-hit Greece received its first loan. From a 110 billion-euro loan it is really just a small part but there are still many things that can be done. Eurozone finance ministers vowed to fix the region’s finances, but more talks will be needed to finalize the massive rescue fund for debt-hit members. While Spain and Portugal try to accelerate cuts in public spending to restore market confidence, Euro hit its lowest level since April 2006. Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker still thinks ! 220;the Euro is a credible currency.” Of course he is not totally blind and deaf, as he realizes the speed at which the exchange rate deteriorates is high. One thing everyone agrees with is that massive rescue package for the eurozone needs further talks. Some countries (for example Finland, Germany) want to be able to go back to their national parliaments to seek approval any time a eurozone country calls for funding from the rescue package – that means they will hardly sing the same tune. Juncker knows it and it makes him more frustrated. It was “all the more surprising because on May 9 it was said that there was complete agreement on the rescue plan” he said. Well, what did he expect? It is quite easy to say general “yes” to rescue plan, but much more difficult to say “yes” to particular countries.

related story (sgx17339):! -greece- eurozone-EU-loan-...
by Barbora Misakova
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Iran's bending spoilt by the West
by Claudia Sonea

The only way to establish peace in the world is to make USA shut up. This might sound like a terrorist statement and most probably tomorrow they will track me down and make me a threat to their national security. Apparently, the US paranoid behavior is affecting everyone as its tentacles are spreading all over the world. Who died and made them kings of the world? Not even the American nation is backing up its government, so why then the rest of the world just bow its head and give up its opinions in order to support the decisions of Obama administration? It is clearly obvious that Russia is doing it in exchange of some! favors or some secrets, weapons anything that might help them get military stronger. However, France, England, Spain, and other European leaders continue to puzzle with their compliance and lack of power to oppose the American madness. After finally making progress with Iran regarding the uranium enrichment, US’ representatives managed to convince even China and Russia to agree on applying tough sanctions on Iran. Is anyone interested to know about the possible implications of such sanctions were actually taken? The prospect of an atomic war should make the West listen to Mohamed El Baradei, former head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency IAEA, who assures that the only way to defuse the crisis and get to an agreement with Iran, is through negotiations. According to the deal brokered by Brazil and Turkey, Iran accepted to send parts of its enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for nuclear fuel, showing that it is open for communication! for talks and to trust the West who is famous for invading co! untries, stealing and disregarding national identities as shown through the actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, across the history with the crusaders, the explorers. The West should reconsider their position, as the US is doing just the same thing that Iran is doing with the difference that US is always making threats. If the US is mad, the others countries should keep their distance and not support its crazy actions and hidden plans. Step up Europeans, USA is no longer an economic power and its actions show the desperate attempts of a country to keep the leading positions. What will you do?

related story (sgx17336):
by Claudia Sonea
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Bakhtiar's killer being freed from French jail.
by Milota Sidorova

If everyone is free to say whatever they want, that's called democracy. But if everyone acts whatever way they want, that's not even anarchy. No government on earth could accept such a thing. I wouldn't find more appropriate words to describe the work and spirit of Shapour Bakhtiar, influential Iranian political scientist, writer and ex-Prime Minister before Khomeini took over the country. For all his life Bakhtiar fought for democracy and human rights even under monarchy constitution, but this will brought him exile in France and assasination in Paris 1991. One of three killers was caught and was prooved it was Ali Vakili Rad, supporter of Khomeini regime. He was arrested ! by French police and sent to jail to serve a life sentence. But 19 years later, Ali Vakili Rad is being freed and is ready to move to Iran facing no further problems. Vakili Rad himself proved that was going to be heaven after years of hell. Let him be on his own, the most interesting thing is French attitude towards Vakili. It seems there could be more than just simple liberalization of a prisoner. Along with Vakili Rad coming back home, there is French teaching assistant Clotilde Reiss who was imprisoned by Teheran last year. Reiss is coming back to France at the very same time. Although any official confirmed it was well prepared prisoner swap, the fact it would be just a coincidence is hard to believe. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad required prison exchange if France wanted to see Reiss freed again.So far, France has released more prisoners involved in Iran related cases. One of them was also a man trying to kill Bakhtiar in 1980.

related story (sgx! 17333):
by Milota Sidorova
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Three veto weilding countries against Iran
by Zivka Deleva

The three major world powers, United States, China and Russia agreed on one thing - they stop Iran's nuclear program to take bigger dimensions. They have signed a draft about sanction resolution against Iran, and they are going to pass it to the UN Security Council. US, China and Russia are veto wielding permanent Security Council members and they can say no to God if they want. Two other members of the UN Security Council are Brazil and Turkey, but they agreed with Iran's deal to transfer much of its low enriched uranium abroad. "This announcement is as convincing an answer to the efforts undertaken in Tehran over the last few days as any we could provide. We are proceedi! ng to rally the international community on behalf of a strong sanctions resolution that will, in our view, send an unmistakable message about what is expected from Iran" - Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. US biggest problem concerning Iran is the state's stubbornness to continue with the enrichment of the uranium, no matter all the advises and warnings the world power's have given with months. Though Tehran insists on the attitude that their nuclear program is going to be used in peaceful purposes, still, the world is not convinced enough that behind this strategy doesn't lay an atomic program aiming to produce nuclear weapon. Before, Turkey has signed a deal with Iran, for much of the uranium to be brought on Turkish soil. Iran was hoping that if they agree on this accord, there won't be more sanctions, but obviously, they were wrong.
by Zivka Deleva
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

24-year-old French woman released from Iranian prison
by Zuzana Zelenakova

Clotilde Reiss, 24, has been released from Iranian prison and returned to France on Sunday. The teaching assistant was arrested on 1 July, 2009 at Tehran airport on her way home. Reiss, who worked in Isfahan was accused of espionage for the west and spent 10 months in Iranian prison. According to the Iranian authorities, she took photos of the 2009 Iranian election protests and then sent them to a friend via email, which was considered a potential espionage against the Islamic country. There is a lot of speculation about a possible deal between Iran and France that ensured release of the young woman. The thing is, Iranian assassin Ali Vakili Rad who is serving a life sente! nce in Paris for a 1991 murder of Iranian Prime Minister Shapour Bakhtiar is expected to be released from prison these days. However, the French government denies any link between the two cases. "This series of judicial rulings -- in France we don't influence judges' decision -- has nothing to do with any haggling, any alleged bargaining," said French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner in an interview. Well, it seems the media and the opposition are convinced it was the price the French President had to pay for obtaining release of Clotilde Reiss. "We will retain from this adventure the fact that Iran has superbly manipulated and defied the democratic world and France in particular," said the newspaper Midi Libre. President Sarkozy expressed special thanks to Brazilian, Senegalese and Syrian President for their active role in the process of securing the liberation of Clotilde Reiss. After arriving in France, Reiss was transported to the Elysée palace to make a brief st! atement, in which she thanked all the people involved in her r! elease a nd also shared a memory of two inmates from Tehran´s Evin prison, that were executed. "I am thinking chiefly of two men who were executed in January 2010 and who were at my sides during the public trial that you all saw on the television," she said. "Now that I am free in my country, my thoughts are with them."

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by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Euro zone nations must save money
by Zivka Deleva

Big European countries agreed that the nations in the euro zone must be more economical in their spending if they want their common currency to survive the big bounce. Europe is facing new recession if the adequate measures are not going to be taken on time. Finance ministers of the 16 euro area countries gathered on a meeting in Brussels trying to come up with the best rescue decision. Their main worry headache is the fall of the euro. It has fallen to a four-year low of 1.22 dollars in Tokyo trade, which was the lowest since April, four years ago. The leader of the meeting was Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean Claude Juncker, who is the most worried about the euro fall on th! e foreign exchange markets. "I am not worried as far as the current exchange rate is concerned, I'm worried as far as the rapidity of the fall is concerned," Juncker said. He tried to convince the businessmen and investors that "the euro is a credible currency." One thing is for sure, that everybody expects that helping the countries with big debts can really cost Europe rise of the inflation. These days, finance ministers of the 27 European Union members should define the new rules to regulate hedge funds. According to German Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, the most important task for every citizen of a euro zone country should be to low the deficit. That would be for the common good. It is his country that gave the biggest part of the bailout help for Greece, and not for Greece only, but for other euro nations as well. As EU Economy Commissioner Olli Rehn said, the first payment of 20 billion euros for Greece are going to be delivered today. Punishment for the bad economy ! leading countries, that is what everybody agreed. Wait and see! how wil l the old lady Europe save its back.
by Zivka Deleva
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Don't trust too much!
by Barbora Misakova

Trust, but verify – in a similar way could be one Slovak saying translated and advice like this should be applied all the time especially in politics. Western powers know better. Iran despite a uranium-swap deal signed with Turkey and Brazil makes them concerned by its nuclear activity. Although Iran agreed to ship low enriched uranium to Turkey, it is still trying patience of the USA. Earlier signed agreement in which Iran pledged to ship 1,200 kilograms of its low enriched uranium to Turkey doesn’t actually mean it will really happen. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs expressed “serious concerns” about the deal, but he didn’t forget to say, ! that if Tehran keeps its word and it really happen, it would represent “some progress”. But it still won’t be a total victory as Washington has concerns about the “overall thrust” of Iran’s nuclear program. It is still questionable if Tehran keeps enriching uranium to 20 percent as promised. Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief said that Monday’s deal failed to address the core issue which is the nuclear weapon intention issue. Her suggestion is to wait to see if Iran makes a move to resume these talks. As she added: “If they do, we will discuss it, if not we will continue what we are doing” --- that means penalize Iran. Bernard Valero, French foreign ministry spokesman expressed it clearly (but maybe too directly) when he said: “Let’s not be duped by this. A solution for the medical reactor, while necessary, would in no way resolve the problem posed by the Iranian nuclear programme.”

relate! d story (sgx17321):
by Barbora Misakova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thai reconnection
by Milota Sidorova

Don't close your eyes, watch out your head, don't give up. There is something serious going on in Thailand. This monring I woke up hearing the warning news for tourists coming to Thailand. They would be better off the country, or the capital or they should stay only in touristic areas.Riots and protests in Bangkok have taken place and last for several weeks. And it's been amazing that it has come so far. I admired people able to go to the streets and risk their lives just to express their disagreement with current government and military regime ruling the country.The violence took place in the streets and the crowds were smashed by army troops. Blood was spilled and the rio! ts cost 37 civilians. But the violence seemed not to be finished. Protests have been reduced, yet thousands of people laid down in peacefull demonstration. Yet, their or maybe declining international image forced government to respond. Opposition Red Shirt, Weng Tojirakarn was given an offer to continue talks with upper house of Parliament. The condition would be simple – to stop the fighting on both sides. Earlier this month Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajva offered an ultimatum for anti-government protesters. Every one had had to leave the streets before Monday. People, however stayed. Leaders of Red Shirts got the offer. Although it seems the violence could be stopped, the governmental report is far from reality outside in the streets. Although it seems the talk efforts were accepted, so far they've always failed in the past. Both sides are more than careful. So even if it's one step forward, no one seems to be trusting each other.

related story (sgx173! 26):;_ylt=AnQe.dV...
by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thajsko: vláda a demonštranti začnú dialóg
by Milota Sidorova

Človeče, nezakrývaj si oči, nie teraz, dávaj si pozor na hlavu a hlavne nevzdávaj. V Thajsku, na druhom konci sveta sa deje niečo podstatné. S týmito myšlienkami som sa zobudila dnes ráno. Spravodajstvo na mňa vychŕlilo varovanie, aby som v prípade, že som turistka chystajúca sa do Bangkoku svoju dovolenku zrušila. Protesty zachvátili ulice a ohrozujú bezpečnosť. Zachvátila ma posvätná bázeň pred ľudmi, ktorí už niekoľko týždňov trávia v uliciach hlavného mesta. Sedia, pochodujú, neboja sa vyjadri! ť svoj názor. Aj za najvyššiu cenu – počas násilných stretov s thajskou armádou prišlo o život 37 obetí. Medzi nimi aj bývalý armádny generál, ktorý sa pridal k opozičnému hnutiu červených tričiek. Od začiatku protestných akcií vláda povolila vojenské zásahy proti obyvateľstvu – v týchto dňoch chce prejednávať či nebol postup armády v stretoch s davmi príliš prehnaný. Každopádne, vláda zareagovala. Či už to bolo stúpajúcim počtom obetí alebo klesajúcim medzinárodným imidžom krajiny, predsa len zareagovala. Premiér Abhisit Vejjajva už skoršie ponúkol ultimátum – protestujúci sa mali z ulíc stiahnúť do pondelka tohto týždňa. Nestalo sa tak a ľudia v! uliciach ostali. A vodcovia opozície dostali vládnu! ponuku na dialóg. Vodca Weng Tojirakarn sa pre média vyjadril, že rokovať s parlamentom bude.Dialóg bol podmienený zastavením akéhokoľvek násilia v uliciach. Realita, pokračujúce zatýkanie, protestné akcie a vojenské zásahy neprestali.Aj keď sa zdá, že mierové rozhovory dostali istým spôsobom zelenú, obe strany sú viac než opatrné – všetky podobné vyjednávania medzi parlamentom a rebelmi skončili neúspechom. Je to krok vpred. Ale nikto netuší čo príde potom.

related story (sgx17329):! ap/as_thailand_politics;_ylt=AnQe.dV...
by Milota Sidorova
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Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Čavez vo bitka za venecuelskata deviza duri i na Tviter
by Zivka Deleva

Otkako uapsija čovek što se obiduvaše da ja namali vrednosta na venecuelskata valuta bolivar, pretsedatelot na državata Hugo Čavez ja povika nacijata da gi koristi site možni načini za da go odbranat nego i valutata, duri koristejkji ja društvenata mreža "Tviter". Pretsedatelot se bori so site sile so nelegalnata razmena na pari i počna masovna potera po ovie kriminalci. Uapseniot čovek imal negova internet-stranica kade ja reguliral cenata na parite. "Go smenivme zakonot i počnavme napadi. Toa e grabež. Imate dolar koj oficijalno vredi 2.6 ili 4.3 bolivari i go prodavate za ...8 ili 10. Toa e kražba i s! ekoj treba toa da go izvesti" - reče pretstedatelot na negovoto nedelno televizisko šou. Včera toj potpiša nov zakon protiv špekuliranje so valutata, čija ideja e da se zajakne nacionalnata valuta. Ovoj čovek definitivno ne bira metodi kako da privleče povekje "prijateli" okolu sebe. Toj e poznat kako mnogu interesen i nekonvencionalen pretsedatel i pred nekolku nedeli, si otvori i negova smetka na internet-stranicata "Tviter". Ottogaš, toj privleče okolu 300.000 prijateli. Toj go moli negoviot narod da go posoči sekoj nelegalen prodavač, za da možat zaedno da se borat za zaedničkoto dobro. Od druga strana, nekoi ekonomisti se zagriženi deka vakvata akcija nema da í pomogne na zemjata. "Ova e Drakonski sistem. Za žal, ovaa nova šema kje završi so zgolemuvanje na inflacijata, kje ja namali ponudata i kje sozdade povekje problemi na devizniot pazar" - reče Asdrubal Oliveros,! analitičar vo "Ecoanalitika" od Karakas. Za vas koi mo&! #382;ebi kje se čudite zošto pretsedatelot spomuva dve stapki na bolivarot, toae zatoa što stapkata od 2.6 se odnesuva za uvozuvanje hrana i lekovi, a stapkata od 4.3 se odnesuva na pretvoranjeto na dolarite od nafta vo bolivari i za uvozuvanjeto na luksuznite produkti. Treba da počekame i da vidime što kje se sluči so bolivarot, no edno nešto e sigurno, deka drugite državnici treba da učat od socijalističkiot lider.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed ! to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Chavez in fight for Venezuela currency even on Twitter
by Zivka Deleva

After they arrested a man that was trying to embattled the Venezuela's currency the bolivar, the states' president Hugo Chavez called for the nation to use all the possible ways to defend him and their curency, even using the social networking Twitter. The president is fighting eagerly with the illegal money changing, and started a massive raid against these criminals. The arrested man had his web side where he ruled the money price. 'We have changed the law and started the raids. It's robbery. You take a dollar that is officially worth 2.6 or 4.3 and you sell it ... at 8 or 10. It's robbery and everyone should report it,' - said the President on his weekly television show! . Yesterday he signed a new law against currency speculation, which aims to strengthen the bolivar currency. This man definatily is not choosing the methods how to attract more and more "friends" around him. He is known as a very interesting and not conventional president and few weaks ago opened up his account on the site Twitter. Since then, he had attracted 300.000 friends. He begs for his people to point out each illegal seller, so together they will fight for the common good. On the other hand, some economists are worried that this kind of action is not going to help the country. "It's a Draconian system. Unfortunately this new scheme is going to end up increasing inflation, bringing about shortage of products and creating more distortions in the currency market" - said Asdrubal Oliveros, an analyst at the Caracas-based Ecoanalitica think tank. For you who are going to wonder why the president mentioned two bolivar rates it is because the 2.6 rate is for importing ! food and medicine and the 4.3 rate is for turning oil dollars ! into bol ivars and for importing non-essential items. We shall wait and see what will happen with the bolivar, but one thing is for sure that other statesmen should learn from this Socialists leader.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

France 24 reporter is recovering quickly
by Zivka Deleva

He was a lucky man. I talk about France 24 reporter Nelson Rand who saved his head in the demonstration of the anti-government protesters in Thailand. It’s all well that ends well, says Shakespeare, and this time these words really have the meaning. The Canadian reporter who is a France 24 English-language channel correspondent suffered three gunshot wounds few days ago in the center of Bangkok. It is good that he is recovering well. His condition is well and it is expected that he will soon be better. Rand was hurt in the abdomen, one hand and the worst injury he got was to his femoral artery in the thigh. It is good that he was successfully transferred into anothe! r hospital, passing through the big riot. It is not at all a pleasant thing to be a reporter in the middle of two opposite armed rivals. That’s what actually happened to Mr. Rand on Friday morning when was in the middle of a gun skirmish, trying to report about it. He wasn’t protected, which opens another question about the security of the reporters. He didn’t wear a helmet or bullet-proof vest. The experience says that a lot of reporters don’t like to wear them because they were uncomfortable and they couldn’t move easily. I don’t want to be sarcastic, but can Mr. Rand move easily now. There is no joke making with guns and violence. “Nelson was lucky. When he was shot he was close by a university hospital. His condition is stable and the doctors are optimistic about his recovery” - 24 France’ executive producer Franck Berruyer said after he came for a visit.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Iran, Brazil and Turkey sign the nuclear fuel deal
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The issue of Iran´s nuclear program is getting more and more heated. Iran claims that its nuclear enrichment program is supposed to serve for peaceful purposes only. It states the main reason is rapidly growing population and industrialization of the country. A great deal of pressure is put on Iran from all sides, not only the United States, but also Europe, Russia and of course the United Nations. Most notably, the US are campaigning against Iran developing the nuclear technologies, which they say could be easily used in nuclear weapons. Monday, the deal was sealed between Iran, Turkey and Brazil under which Iran pledged to deliver 1,200 kilos of enriched uranium to ! Turkey in exchange for nuclear fuel. The agreement was the result of talks between Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Iran is supposed to inform the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)officially about the deal within a week. "The IAEA should inform the Vienna group (United States, France and Russia) of this proposal," said spokesman of Iran´s foreign ministry Ramin Mehmanparast. "If the Vienna group accepts the agreement (made on Monday), there will be an exchange of 1,200 kilos of Iran's 3.5 percent enriched uranium with 120 kilos of 20 percent enriched fuel." "The uranium stockpile in Turkey will be under Iran's and the IAEA's supervision," he added. "We hope the other party accepts this proposal." The US have expressed their consent with the deal, which is actually very similar to the one proposed by Washington last year. At first, Iran agreed with the swap of th! e low-enriched uranium, however, the talks turned out to be a ! failure. Iran has been facing sanctions from the United Nations Security Council concerning the country´s nuclear program, however, Brazil and Turkey, that are members of the Security Council temporarily, claim that these would hardly achieve the desired effect.

related story (sgx17293):
by Zuzana Zelenakova
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Nor the protesters nor the troops give up
by Zivka Deleva

Thailand's capital Bangkok is bloodstained. Red shirt's demonstrations don't assuage after five days of fighting with the states' army. The death toll is more than scary - 37 people by far have died and 266 were injured. The protesters ignored government's calls for moving from the center of the city and to stop the demonstrations. But, they are stubborn, they insist on new elections and change of the actual Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva. Around five thousands demonstrators have settled in the center of the city and not one threat of facing criminal charges didn't persuade them to remove. Protests continued in the eastern and northern part of the city. The National Sec! urity Council said that there is not going to be an action for cleaning up of the camp by force, and that their main weapon are going to be the warnings. It seems like the both sides are deaf to hear one another. Nor the government accepted the Red Shirt suggestion for a ceasefire given yesterday and United Nations' moderated talks. If a third side is included, the protesters will consider to stop the riots. And now, what's left do be done, when the whole situation turns out to be like looking and angle in a circle. Some secret sources say that there are negotiations behind the scene, and that maybe someone is fooling the protesters. The army forces are more and more present around luxury places, hotels, apartments, malls. The country is definitely in a state of emergency - schools are out, tourists leave the country or at least get evacuation. The troops even offered protesters free buses to leave the demonstrations, but nor that helped.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Musulin, the honest thief
by Milota Sidorova

Hero or Anti-hero, but at least honest thief that is French Tony Musulin. Former armored van driver stole in this work car around 11 million euro last year, rushed through the country and with the back full of money and the police behind his feet, he managed to get into money kingdom of Monaco last year. For season, Musulin became the popular figure of anti-hero, his fans created several Facebook groups. Last months, this average French citizen was transferred back to France, although his lawyer objected his transfer was illegal. Now, Musulin faces the trial for theft which can bring him 3 more years in the jail. There's a question behind Musulin's motive – what coul! d bring average working man with less than average payments to make such illegal action? He answer was clear, tragic yet comic at the same time. He was angry on his boss. For a long time he'd been underpaid, earning around 2,000 euro per month. He also claimed he was “no Robin Hood”, the label media and French public gave him. His intention was to solve personal problems. Musulin stole the van with more than 11 million and made it to Monaco. 9 million sum was found in the locked garage within two weeks. The fate of more than 2 million is still unknown. Musulin is facing also insurance fraud for his car. This underpaid worker managed to buy new Ferrari that created suspicion between lawyers. Still, this whole case is just making smile upon one's face, because Musulin didn't refused the objections and charges, and honestly he agreed it was a bad thing. Although he said he was not a hero, he was certainly more courageous than a lot of politicians, CEO and those ! upper ten thousands VIP persons ruling this country. Imagine t! hem stan ding in front of court because of their new Ferrari, house of last financial fraud.

related story (sgx17268):
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.