Greek Bailout Greeted with Rioting and Skepticism
by Magdalena Rosova
Greek demonstrators against government's massive austerity spending cuts filled Athens Acropolis on Tuesday. The government told there have to be painful sacrifices in the country. The government received a 110 billion euro debt bailout. Labor Minister Andreas Loverdos said that the only aim now was to save Greece. Because of the tension situation anger grew in the country and Communist protesters used it to fill the ancient Acropolis draping a giant banner with text like “Peoples of Europe Rise Up.” Communist Nikos Papaconstantinou told he wanted to send a message to whole Europe because he thinks similar situations when state eliminated social security we! re taking place all over Europe. Protesters did not prevent visitors from getting to the Acropolis, which is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Europe. A general strike and street demonstrations will be on Wednesday. The Greek government received a new tax hikes and wage cuts, which caused hundreds of thousands of civil servants decided for two-day strikes. One demonstration was called by the civil servants union Adedy in Athens. Pensioners also organized their separate demonstration. The public sector is paralyzed due to general strike, hospitals are operating on emergency staff. Civil aviation staff have joined the strike as well and have grounded flights on Tuesday and Wednesday. European Union and International Monetary Fund want to prevent debt crisis in Greece from spreading to other countries and therefore have agreed with rescue package in exchange for new cuts and tax hikes. Germany was not very willing to support the budget for Greece. Germ! an Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble demanded that every thr! ee month s Greek government had to give a report to EU and IMF about using the budget and implementing its plan.
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by Magdalena Rosova for Cantell TV ( |
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