Trading nuclear accusations
by Claudia Sonea
USA never ceases to amaze the rest of the world. As the country has always tried maintain a distance from the other world, whenever someone address an issue regarding Americans, the stress lays on the “them”(alias the Americans) versus “us”(alias the rest of the world). If the UN’s purpose was equality and unity, the USA’s purpose was to keep the upper hand on everything as well as controlling everything. Just in the case with the Non-proliferation treaty, an overbearing attitude can be remarked at the US delegates. The review conference for the 40-year-old treaty seeks to tighten up the non-proliferation regime and p! romotes disarmament, as well as a peaceful use of atomic energy. However, the countries gathered at the conference that possess atomic technology are rather reluctant into giving it up. How is anyone expecting Iran to give up the research in the atomic field or the uranium enrichment when last month in the US’ nuclear policy, there was stated that atomic weapons can be still used as defence weapons and against non-nuclear-weapons states that fail to comply the NPT? As it is, the US is entitled to own such destructive technology and use it against those who oppose its decisions, but the rest of the world has no rights at all. This was one of the multiple arguments Iran’s president Ahmadinejad brought in justifying the country’s refusal to comply to the treaty. As far as I am concerned, the sanctions the countries want to bring upon Iran are not at all democratic as there are no proves to support US’ accusations, nor is Iran! 217;s point of view taking into consideration. Israel is rumou! red too for having atomic weapons in its arsenal, but no one does anything just based on the rumour. Furthermore, the lack of power to do anything against North Korea who is obviously possessing nuclear bombs, is not transferring into a manifestation of power upon Iran. The real question is whether such a high and mighty attitude of the USA will lead eventually to a nuclear war that will bring an end to the world as we know it. Stay connected as this promises to be a landmark in history.
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by Claudia Sonea for Cantell TV ( |
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