Tuesday, May 4, 2010

US-Democracy versus Dictatorship
by Claudia Sonea

Our planet is not big enough for some country to coexist in peace. USA shows an attitude of contempt and looks down its nose at the other countries as an almighty leader. The country is starting to resemble to a dictator whose rules must be obeyed by everyone. Numerous wars and conflicts were either started by the USA or involve the most democratic country in the world as a third party that stuck its nose into other countries’ affairs? Looking back in history, we can see that many countries have gained independence and were able to establish as a self-determined territorial administration without the help of anyone else. Why would Israel and Pa! lestine need the help of USA to solve its conflict? Why would Iraq or Afghanistan need the Americans to bring peace in their countries? From the pictures and short videos made by US soldiers in those countries, we can see they brought nothing but destruction and that most of the times, they cause the damages. The soldiers, who were supposed to bring peace, are in fact responsible for some of the most horrendous acts one could imagine: raping, torture, murder. As it is, the terrorists’ hatred towards the intruders can be understood. Although revenging through violence only leads to more violence. The overbearing attitude of the United States delegates can be seen no further than the opening session of the review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at the UN Headquarters in New York. USA made serious accusations against Iran for its non-compliance with the rules of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Although US too continues to invest billion! s of dollars in nuclear research and maintains secrecy regardi! ng the n umber of weapons and atomic bombs it possesses. The American delegates want a nuclear fuel exchange plan and transparency, but they refuse to give free access to its own weapon storage. Some will say it is not true, that they just confessed having 5,113 nuclear warheads in the arsenal, but just saying something without clear evidence is nothing but rumour. If Barak and his administration would have wanted transparency indeed, then a commission with third party specialists would have been founded and it would have given the members free access to the weapons arsenal data base. Nonetheless, US representatives want nothing more than to sanction Iran without any evidence. The indifference towards the Iran’s right to defend itself and towards its point of view of the matter was expressed through the walking off of some of the working-level staff of the U.S. delegation. How democratic can one be if other people’s rights and opinions are disregarded? I! t is important to note that none of the Iranian officials walked out during Clinton's speech. Only a positive attitude can lead to an agreement and by having an overbearing and disrespectful attitude towards Iran and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will definitely not achieve success in the setting of the treaty.

related story (sgx17170): Our planet is not big enough for some country to ...
by Claudia Sonea
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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