Thursday, June 17, 2010

Actions and consequences of human activity
by Claudia Sonea

Mother Nature is revenging for all the mistreatments of the mankind: pollution, deforestation, exploitation and depletion of the natural resources, and so on and so forth. Driven by greed and using the progress as excuse, humans have cut down trees, exploited mines until exhaustion, exterminated various species of animals, birds, and polluted the waters, the air. However, the consequences are overwhelming and the earthquakes, the floods, the new diseases, the cataclysms, are evidence that we in fact are securing our own destruction. Among the most frequently met consequences of humans’ reckless! ness are the floods. Europe, America, Australia, Asia, Africa, all these continents have been hit by devastating floods at one time or another and lately the floods have increased in frequency and in power of destruction. France records one of the worst floods that ever took place under the name of the 1910 Great Flood of Paris, while the deadliest flood is the 1931 China floods with a death toll of 3,700,000. In 2009 the West Africa floods caused damages across 12 countries and 1 million people have been affected. This year started with massive flooding in Australia right after the New Year and over 1000 people were evacuated from the region of Coonamble. There were no casualties, but the damages rose to several millions of dollars. In February Madeira Island was hit by floods and mud slides following a violent storm that lasted several days and 42 people were killed, while 120 suffered severe injuries. Massive flooding took place in USA! in April, Rhode Island and Massachusetts residents being forc! ed to ev acuate their homes, but fortunately there were only damages of hundreds of millions of dollars. The May 2010 Tennessee floods were devastating and registered over 26 deaths. Again in May China, Poland and Azerbaijan confronted with massive floods. Recently, Romania has been flooded following the storms that take place overnight, but there wasn’t reported any death. Bangladesh was not that lucky, as following the deadly flash floods and landslides, 55 people died and over 35 were seriously injured. Myanmar is still looking for 40 people that were declared missing. It just makes you wonder if the logs cut down to make money and roads and furniture worth the loss of so money lives. What do you think?...

related story (sgx17622):
by Claudia Sonea
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