Thursday, June 17, 2010

Facebook pork party banned
by Barbora Misakova

Social network Facebook is a new form of epidemic. It is not network connecting former schoolmates or friends anymore. Sharing pictures and videos are not the only thing you can see there, these days. More often it is about sharing political and ideological views and their advocacy. Various events and not only those musical ones are shared with speed of light. The bright example of it was a case of some French Facebook users that were gathering in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood of Paris while encouraging invitees to eat pork and drink wine. This event presented not only a serious risk to public order, but it was kind of pure provocation, that should not been tolerated.! This controversial “pork sausage and wine” street party that was planned by extremist groups was banned by Paris police. Extremists considering this party as combat against “islamisation” of a city neighborhood planned it for Friday evening when the district’s streets are usually jammed with Muslims coming out of mosques. The original idea for this party came from a local woman who set up a Facebook page announcing the event. Sylvie Francois, what is her pseudonym told Liberation newspaper that she no longer felt at home in the neighborhood where she had lived all her life. As she said: “People of French origin can’t have a drink in peace there. If you are a woman you get hostile looks if you are not wearing an (Islamic) veil.” First idea to bring along a bottle of wine and a “saucisson” what is the sliced, cold sausage that is a staple of traditional French before-dinner drinks, was taken up by far-right and far-! left extremist groups. They published it on other Internet sit! es. Even though this party was condemned as “hateful, racist and xenophobic”, situations like these are not so crystal clear.

related story (sgx17627):
by Barbora Misakova
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