A new era for Guinea
by Claudia Sonea
History records various waves of invaders that subdued other nations and controlled them. It was just another step in the process of civilization and it is justified by the fact that in the beginning there were only tribes looking to expand and set the basis for future nations. Yet, the colonial era was not for expansion, for creating an empire by adding the colonial territories; it was a cruel act of exploitation. The French, the Portuguese, the English, were in a race of conquering new lands for their profit and turning the inhabitants into slaves. USA was a colony belonging to the United King! dom, but after obtaining independence it is now one of the most powerful countries in the world. On the other hand, the current inhabitants are a mix of Europeans, Asians, and Africans that either fled their countries or travelled to America looking for gold, for a better life, or slaves brought there for work. The first inhabitants, the ones that Christopher Colombo found when he discovered the land, were the Indians- various tribes that were exterminated just like the Germans wanted to do with the Jews. Another colony that has managed to get independence not long ago is Guinea. In the 1890s the country became part of French West Africa, and only after almost 70 years it managed to declare its independence. However, the civilization in the colonies was neglected by the lack of interest of the colonizers who perceived the inhabitants as slaves, primitive beings. Therefore, the leaders that took control of the Guinea were autocratic! and the regimes were not stable making the country one of the! poorest in the world. On Sunday, a new era started as for the first time, the presidential elections took place in a civilized and peaceful atmosphere, there were no frauds committed and voters were allowed to express their choice. What expects them next? Don’t go away, more to come….
related story (sgx17703): http://www.france24.com/en/20100627-guinea-conakry-president...
by Claudia Sonea for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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