Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tehran designing 'more powerful' nuclear reactor
by Magdalena Rosova

Iran is designing a new nuclear reactor which should be more powerful than one already existing in Tehran. Iran's nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi said Wednesday that the country will adopt a "dual-track" policy in dealing with other countries. Recently, new series of sanctions was imposed on Tehran because of its nuclear programme. Salehi said that the new reactor should produce radio more powerful isotopes. Western countries think that Iran is just masking developing of an atomic weapons. But Salehi said Tehran wanted to commission reactors in Iran soon. Iran wants to produce radio isotopes and sell and export them to regional and Islamic countries that need them. Since Oct! ober last year West was negotiating with Iran over the issue of nuclear programme. But Iran and the world powers did not come to agreement, Iran needs 20-percent enriched uranium to power its facility, which West can not tolerate. In spite of the anger of Western countries and imposed sanctions Iran decided to continue in using uranium. The resolution of the United Nations Security Council demanded stop of Iran's enrichment drive. However, Tehran did not obey and say its activities have no military aims. The “dual-track” policy which Iran adopted means that the country will communicate with other countries honestly and it also means Iran will push ahead its nuclear programme to confront the pressure from enemies. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized the policy of West and said now Tehran would be the one setting the conditions for future talks. Iranian parliament also agreed with programme to enrich uranium to 20 percent.

related story ! (sgx17624):
by Magdalena Rosova
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