Labourists want Australia break up with British monarchy
by Zivka Deleva
The Australian politicians want the Queen Elizabeth II to be the last one to reign their country. They believe that it would be the best for their people to live in a republic, after Queen Elizabeth II dies. This attitude comes just few days before the general parliamentary elections. Some experts find that it is not strange that the actual Prime Minister Julia Gillard speaks publically right now on that issue, concerning that that might bring more votes to its Labour party on the elections. Her biggest rival is the monarchist and leader of the Liberal Party Tony Abbott. No one says that this idea must come to realization so soon, it may wait for some time, but Gillard just! wanted to feel the Australian people thoughts on this topics. If I am asked, I believe that the time of the monarchies is long gone and I don’t understand why should they exist now and spend so much money only on the everyday life. I mean, royal family has no function in the countries, but some symbolic function and respect from the people. Not only Australia is under the reign of the Queen. As a Commonwealth country, she admitted the monarch. Out of 54 members of the community only 17 recognize her. And I so much believed that colonialism has ended, but obviously I was wrong. No one knows whether the Australian people would want their country to become a republic, if we take the fact that in a 1999 referendum, they accepted the British monarch to lead the country. I honestly don’t know how can 86-old lady to govern the country which is about 17.000km distanced? One can say I am stupid, but, this is not a time for formalities, but for real steps. And if we know! that Queen Elizabeth II’s mother died at the age of 101! , than I suppose Australians wouldn’t have to hurry on their status.
by Zivka Deleva for Cantell TV ( |
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You said it: Politicians want a republic. The people said NO in a referendum. In 1999 the referendum went 54:46 in favour of the Constitutional Monarchy. This week an opinion poll (published in the republican dail The Age found out, that only 44 percent of the Australians wanted a republic.
Being a republican is no vote winner. In 1999 a third of the Labor voters said NO to the republic. Julia Gillard is actually risking the precious few votes that are needed in marginal seats to win her term in office.
By the way, The Queen is 84 years old, not 86 and she is known here as "Queen of Australia". Sharing a Monarch with other nations has nothing to do with colonialism, but it is true internationalism.
Surely, Australians don't rush to establish another politicians' republic - therefore Julia Gillard does not intend to put this idea forward, but she'll keep it on the backburner.
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