Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nature strikes again!
by Claudia Sonea

Just like in the prophecy of Nostradamus, Earth is marked by serious changes in climate and the frequency of earthquakes, storms, hurricanes, floods, increases at an alarming rate. 2010 was a year full of reports with floods that affected especially the USA and countries in Asia like China, Pakistan, India, and so on and so far. From June to September it is the monsoon season and floods are common for the Asian countries. However, this year the heavy rains caused serious damages through the floods, landslides, and the death toll is awfully high although there is one more month to before the season end! s. In Pakistan over 3 million people were affected by the floods that proved to be the biggest catastrophe ever, while in China 1.36 million houses were destroyed, 12 million people were evacuated, 2,567 were found death and 1,290 are still missing. Another region between China and Pakistan has also been affected by the monsoon, more specifically, the highly militarized area of Ladakh which is border neighbor with both countries. The Indian government has sent aid, doctors and engineers to help with the electricity supply and the repair of the roads and bridges that make the traffic more difficult. For the moment the search team is still looking for those declared missing and the number of deaths is not yet established. Apparently those who went to enjoy their holidays in the Himalayan area Ladaks also known as an adventure sports gateway were also affected. According to the reports, three French and two! other Europeans were found dead. Therefore, it is recommended! to chec k the weather forecast and the news before choosing where to go on holiday. Stay connected more to come…

related story (sgx17946):
by Claudia Sonea
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