Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Few short ideas about fasting.
by Milota Sidorova

The fast has become more than a symbol in several world religions. It plays ground role in Jesus Christ story – he starved 40 days before he started his official teachings. Muslims currently start Ramandan their fasting month (although it is kind of fake fasting). Budha tried to free himself from all mundial pleasures, including food and still there are many priests and wise men who use fast as a common part of their life. Fast is a synonym of purifying process, rebirth and developing mental powers. But for our ancestors it was also common part of life, not just because of religious reasons. I remember that even my grand-grand mother used to choose a day in a week and! she didn't eat all day long. She said it was good her health and that way she could remeber the disasters of war and poverty that laid on the country during her lifetime.Today, fast and hunger has disappeared from our civilization. It was replaced by diets and or on the contrary - extremely expensive diet food, but the concept of purification has completely disappeared.It's not regarded as healthy if one refuses the food from this reason. Generally it is regarded as a symptom of anorexia or another mental disorder. However, fast has a lot of good inside. The energy coming from the body is transforming – the less food you eat, the more long-lasting energy you have. Fire-like actions and exploding power disappears and is replaced by soft power. The reactions of blody get slower, but one can really hear what he needs and what on the contrary is destroying the processes within his body. When fasting, one should drink a lot of water to support the purification of the org! anism. The water then accelerates metabolism and the body gets! rid of toxins more effectively. Medicine also uses fast to strenghten the body and improve healing process.However, one needs to understand the meaning of fast and starving before he starting it. But one day fasts don't hurt anyone and can only help.If we find out that within one day we can eat more than people from 19th century in three or four days, if we find out we do maybe three or four times less physical work we need to result with our civilisation diseases of all kind. It's not right, moral and definitely not healhy. No matter how promising advertisments may appear.

related story (sgx17943):
by! Milota Sidorova
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