65-years since Hiroshima.
by Milota Sidorova
Human race is incredible. At the same time groups of politicials and powerfull people talk about nuclear program like it would be just a chess game and at the very same time, thousands of others gather to remeber hundreds of thousands victims of nuclear monstrum. Yes, it's been 65 years since “Little Boy” a four-tonne uranium bomb detoned over Hiroshima and sent to hell immediately 140,000 people. The radiation and burns were the cause of painfull death for another 70,000. Thousands of them were never found, since their bodies simply evaporated in white burning shine.That was the price for finishing WWII in Asia. But the consequences and old ghost have remained.! Japan is actually the only one nation that have tasted direct and determined nuclear bomb attack. U.S. is currently the only one nation that was able to use that weapon on civilians. But if one looks on the power balance, there would be no one. Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said Japan had the moral responsibility to lead the efforts in decreasing nuclear weapon program. But its real position has been left far behind. Despite it was the first time, U.S. and France sent theirs diplomats to attend the ceremony. Until this day U.S. hasn't repaid Japan for the pain and waste for nuclear attacks.As thousands white doves and the peace bell rings over Hiroshima, let's ask the questions. Let's adress them to the highest positions as well as to ourselves.Do we still remeber and realize the destructing power of nuclear weapons? Are we still sensible to victims and the generations directly influenced by this suffering?Do we still seek for information, do we take active paricipatio! n in the peace process? Are we able to show some kind of human! toleran ce? Are we still seaking the peace?
related story (sgx17938): http://www.france24.com/en/20100805-us-attend-biggest-ever-h...
by Milota Sidorova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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