Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To pray with Pope in Britain, one needs to pay.
by Milota Sidorova

Strange, but maybe it's something that I have to get used to it. Nothing in this world seems to be for free. Business is business and this is basic true from the birth to death. Everything is for selling, even the peace of soul. Even the life after death, even the grace of Jesus Christ. Somehow I have to get used to the fact I have to pay several euros if I want to visit any church in European metropolises. They usually don't make exceptions – everyone's paying – Christian, Protestant or atheist. Tourists who would be really happy to spend some few minutes in contemplating silence out of rushing European capitals have to pay entrace fee.But tell me – why a! re we paying? For the house of God?I understand the cultural and economical values are slowly overwhelming the primary purpose of churches – the pray. So it is like in the Bible, when Jesus threw out all businessmen selling their praying goods. Where is the difference nowdays, when you pay entrance fee, when you can buy kitchy postcards, bulletins, crosses, plaster statues and everything that can sell the Church?Not the God. Not the magic of contemplation. Not the magic of silent joy.I know marketing is marketing and every company is trying to find its own blank hole in the market and keep up to date. But why the most powerfull organization in the world which is the Church, why one of the richest people in the world, the Pope decides to ask pilgrims to pay entrance fee to his public masses and vigils? Why does this man of God, the biggest follower of Jesus Christ needs to collect money from believers? Excuse my ironical attitude, but paying 30 euros for one his Birish! public masses with even Pope does't make any sense to me. It ! doesn't make a sense when Benedikt XVI wants to hold back to traditions of the Church, if he would like to follow Jesus example. Maybe I would accept that in case of any cultural event – something with security staff or horror of meeting several thousands of people on one place and potential terrorist attack. But the Church was always able to gather people for free, John Paul II was flying all around the world much more than his succeeder and never did it that way. There were no official statements and marketing strategies from the highest positions, although there were so many underground. Now bishops decided it would be fine to sell tickets, even pilgrim packages – for instance permanent entrances to the public appearances. Within this packages one can find also CD and some nice postcards. But what is this?Is this real God's world or just cheap business practices worth supermarket or movie studio shooting your graduation party? Why so well established organization oper! ating with the most precious value in the world – your soul and aftermortal life, why they do it in such disgusing way?Why are they selling people, heroes, statues, kitches and all kind of merchandising?Did they foreget they were serving higher purposes? Did they forget they were supposed to change people minds not their collections of holy images? Did they forget of Jesus saying, let them come to me. Without any exception...

related story (sgx17940): http://www.france24.com/en/20100805-worshippers-have-pay-att...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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