Terrorism: on and on
by Barbora Misakova
Problems with environmental changes, troubles with unstable weather, constant threat of war or other kind of violence – all this is making our life harder and more difficult to live. But instead of trying to reach harmony and peace, there are still people longing for revenge and looking for new targets. Systematic use of terror, of which we are daily witnesses, has begun the part of our lives. Bombs in the cars, buses or trains, constant threat of being killed in the subway with hundreds of people I have never met before – that is something what could be called routine – especially in some part of this world. This is also the reason, why I am happy that I ! am living in the country which location is even unknown to the most of the people. On the other hand, just the simple existence of terrorism activities makes me feel more insecure. As France24 informed yesterday, Moroccan police arrested 18 people. The interior ministry said that Moroccan authorities believed they have planned attacks against “foreign interests” in the country. These 18 personas, whose identity is still unknown, created “a terrorist cell, including three former prisoners jailed for their involvement in terrorism” the ministry said in a statement. He refused to specify the date or location of the arrests. “Members of this cell were preparing to commit terrorist acts and sabotage inside the national territory and against foreign interests in Morocco.” he added. Before they would stand trial, the anti-terror investigation has to be finished.
related story (sgx17962): http://www.france24.com/en/20100811-police-arrest-18-suspect...
by Barbora Misakova for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv) |
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