Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Campbell, Farrow and....Charles who?
by Barbora Misakova

No one will ever persuade me that Naomi Campbell is normal. This super-looking British model is nothing more than just a stupid and empty doll. She not only flirted with Charles Taylor, a man who was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and took diamonds from him in 1997, but she also tried for months to avoid testifying and being questioned at Taylor’s war crimes trial. This “super model” as she is marked, is just a puppet with no soul who was probably also lying in court. While Campbell told a court at The Hague about a 1997 gift of “dirty stones” alleged to be diamonds, her ex-agent and Mia Farrow dispute Campbell’s ̶! 0;blood diamond” testimony. Campbell told a war crimes tribunal that she had received some “dirty-looking stones” after a dinner party with former Liberian ruler Charles Taylor. She added that she didn’t know if the stones were actually diamonds or who sent this gift to her. But Mia Farrow claims that Campbell knew very well who sent it. Farrow told the Liberian ex-president’s trial in The Hague: “She (Campbell) said that in the night she had been awakened. Some men were knocking at her door. They were sent by Charles Taylor and they had given her a huge diamond.” Campbell’s ex-agent, Carole White, confirmed Farrow’s words, as super-model told them both this “funny story” the next morning “before she even sat down”. Taylor’s lawyer Courtenay Griffiths accused White of lying to assist her in a separate case against her former client Naomi Campbell, but White denied it. While appearance of Cam! pbell and Farrow brought intense media interest to a case, Cha! rles Tay lor and the crimes he committed seem to be unimportant.

related story (sgx17949):
by Barbora Misakova
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