Monday, August 16, 2010

Bomb hoax in Lourdes
by Milota Sidorova

Large meetings of any kind were always great targets for any kind of message distribution. As quick as the message can be understand, as quick any kind of risk may happen. Some of the greatest murders and murder attemps were done in the crowd. Attacks known from past ten years seemed to follow always any kind ofplaces or events with high concentraion of people. That way from this point of view the most vulnerable places includes traffic stations (bus, train, metro, airports), squares, festivals, religion masses, pilgrimages, political events etc. Sometimes the message turns out to be a hoax, sometimes it really happens. More than 30,000 worshippers in French Roman Catholic ! pilgrim place of Lourdes could speak of luck, after the message about bombing attack turned out to be false last Sunday. According to official news, anonymus called around 11:30 am and suggested there were four bombs set to explode around 3pm. Pilgrims were immediately evacuated, but according shrine spokesman everything passed without bigger problems. By mentioned time, nothing has happened, but the police refused to approve that the warning was message, until the area was assured with sniffer dogs and experts' check. Police still didn't know who was behind the warning, however refused summarize the case.For these reasons mass events change their organizations all over the world and keep greater focus on security. Visitors need to get through check-ins, get rid of suspicious objects and are not allowed to move at free will. Areas are controlled by security guards and police. There is no doubt the restrictions will increase in the future. But sometimes there is no differen! ce in the atmosphere between a religion celebration, political! speech and heavy metal concert. Lourdes, the place famous for Virgin Mary's appearances in the 19th century, got through the biggest mass celebration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary that took place around 15th August.  

related story (sgx17980):
by Milota Sidorova
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