Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mud streams flooding riverside near Mount Merapi
by Milota Sidorova

Mount Merapi, the most vulnerable Indonesian volcano has awaken once again. After storming October when seismologists measured a series of increasing intensity of shakes and volcano gas concentration it errupted in November and caused significant damages on crops of nearby area. More than 70,000 people were evacuated from their homes and fields that were once fertile remained with a thick, grey layer of dust. According to scientists the dynamics of this volcano was similar to a marathon runner – slow, but long term activities. They can be various from erruption of all kinds – lava, gas, dust and smoke erruption to earthquakes and eventuelly resulting tsunami. Ts! unami are generally created by earthquakes or volcano activities. And it's been more than a month since the first lava erruption and Mount Merapi is alive again. This time, heavy rains mixed with ash and stones covering the foothill and created fast-moving mudflows. The mass streamed down the slopes at speeds of up to 60 mph (100 kph) and inundated homes at the banks of the Code River. Mud created about a knee-high black sludge and again several hundreds of residents had to escape from their homes. The affected area spread up to 20 miles (30 kilometers) in perimeter. Merapi stopped the air traffic at the beginning of November and two airlines - Malaysian budget airline AirAsia and Singapore's SilkAir suspended several international flights to Yogykarta and Solo. Volcano eventuelly delayed U.S. president Barack Obama on his autumn way to Indonesia. So far, seismologists haven't projected how long the mountain can errupt.

related story (sgx18685): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_indonesia_volcano;_ylt=AqufiD8...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Prúdy bahna z indonézskej sopky z domovov vyhnali asi 400 obyvateľov.
by Milota Sidorova

Mount Merapi je indonézskym najzradnejším vulkánom. Posledné dni svet opäť obleteli správy o tom, že vulkán je v bdelom stave. Indonézski seizmológovia už v októbri zaznamenali sériu zintenzívňujúcich sa otrasov, zvyšujúcu sa koncentráciu vulkanických plynov. Bolo už len otázkou času, kedy sa sopka prebudí. Bolo to na začiatku novembra, kedy hora začala okrem mračna popola a prachu, chŕliť aj žeravú lávu. Kvôli erupcií bolo evakuovaných viac ako 70,000 obyvateľov priľahlej oblasti.! Polia, ktoré mali priniesť úrodu sopka pokryla vrstvou lepkavého, sivého popola. Podľa vedcov však dynamika hory pripomínala skôr maratónskeho bežca, než šprintéra – pre Mount Merapi sa predpokladali dlhodobé, hoci slabšie erupcie všetkého druhu – plyn, prach, popol, kameň a láva. Avšak aj tieto aktivity by mohli kedykoľvek spôsobiť zemetrasenie, prípadne tsunami, ktoré zvykne sprevádzať zemetrasenia, najmä v ostrovných oblastiach. Po mesiaci je sopka opäť činná – tentokrát však nepriamo. Katastrofu tentokrát spôsobili neustávajúce dažde, ktoré sa na úpätí hory zmiešali so sopečným popolom a vytvorili prúdy rýchlo tečúceho bahna. Prúdy, ktoré sa z hory valili rýchlosťou až d! o šesťdesiat kilometrov za hodinu zaplavili domy na ! brehu bl ízko tečúcej rieky – Code. Výška bahna v domoch dosiahla približne 40-50 cm – oblasť o približnej rozlohe 20 míľ (30 km) v priemere muselo opätovne opustiť okolo 400 obyvateľov. Mount Merapi na začiatku novembera spôsobila kolaps na leteckých linkách v tejto oblasti – dve ázijské letecké spoločnosti – nízkonákladová AirAsia a singapúrska SilkAir preventívne zrušili niekoľko medzinárodných letov do blízkych miest Yogykarta a Solo. Kvôli vulkánu musel návštevu Indonézie preložiť aj americký prezident Barack Obama.

related story (sgx18687): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_indonesia_volcano;_ylt=AqufiD8...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Irish people: IMF is not a friend!
by Zivka Deleva

Irish people are nervous and anxious with their government concerning its latest decision to make-up the country's debt situation with the money their own money. Though no one was asked about this decision, the taxpayers are angry (and to be honest, they have every right to be), because the Irish government injected 17.5 billion euros of its cash and the pension reserves. With this bailout the politicians that lead the country want to cover up the banks situation. As a direct aftermath of this help, the bank stocks have risen today. Irish banks owe some 67.5 billion euros as far as a direct consequence by the economical recession that attacked the world two days ago. Some ! economical analysts and representatives of the political opposition in the country try to convince the government that when the time will come to return the money to the International Monetary Fund, the interest rate will be too high for the country. For a lot of people, this plan is not going to rescue the country and its people, but it is only going to bring more debts to the already drowned in mud Irish economy. Labor-union activists used their right to protest and this weekend they raised their voice against the injustice. Bankers do everything that's in their hand to explain to its people why does she think that the IMF is not an enemy them. "It's not cheap funding, but it's cheaper, and it buys the government time to get its finances on track" - Patrick Honohan, the independent governor of the Central Bank of Ireland said.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Korean Affair between War and Apathy
by Milota Sidorova

Although military events and actions between North and South Korea have increased tensions and evoked fears of upcoming war, it seems it is nothing surprising for markets. If we speak economy, markets and stocks haven't drowned that amount it was expected. According to Moody's Investor Service one hour lasting artillery fire causing 4 deads didn't mean something grave, because „event risks“ were already factored into South Korean credit ratings. Literally markets didn't believe that the war was coming, despite the fact U.S. war ships were allying with South Korea. But talks concerning Korea affair were about to come and these meetings should concern both Koreas! , China, Russia, U.S. and Japan. North Korea however abandoned talks two years ago and it may not be willing participate now. But kind of global pressure is falling on Beijing that fails to influence its North-East neighbor. According to international observers China fears that close ties with North Korea may be influenced in wrong way. So far, North Korea showed its independent and fearless side, backed by the power of nuclear weapons that possesses. But there is also another ticking bomb that is about to explode. Server Wikileaks informed the most powerful world daily newspapers (British Guardian, French Le Monde or Spanish El Pais) that it possessed materials containing a cache of U.S. diplomatic cables. Wikileaks reported that there were talks between U.S. and South Korea officials about the future of „Unified Korea“. Well if this wasn't a recipe for a war conflict, then it was nothing. Wikileaks said it was about to release more than 250 secret mails betwee! n Washinghton and U.S. embassies all around the world containi! ng raw i nformations (plans within plans). Wikileaks caused nightmares in Pentagon and made Hillary Clinton to phone U.S. allies to „comfort“ them. According to Wikileaks U.S. knew that there were ties between Iran and North Korea, labeled Russian Prime Minister as an„Alpha Mate“ and French President Nicolas Sarkozy was a „Naked Emperror“. So far, Washinghton accepted the tune of information was discriminating, but haven't denied the content. According to observers these information may cause deep diplomatic ice age between U.S. and the rest of the world, especially Northern part of „Unified Korea“.

related story (sgx18672): http://news.yahoo.c! om/s/nm/us_korea_north;_ylt=Alhwajj5eXdxR...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

South Korea´s defense minister resigns
by Zuzana Zelenakova

North Korea versus South Korea. That is a neverending story. Fear spreads that the Tuesday artillery attack on South Korean Island not far from a disputed frontier signals the escalation of the conflicts between the two countries. Two South Korean marines died in the attack and about dozen were wounded. Reportedly, also civilian injuries occured and houses were set on fire as scores of shell fell on Yeonpyeong Island. Immediately after the incident a state of emergency was proclaimed in South Korea. North Korea was quick to accuse South Korea of firing first. ''The South Korean enemy, despite our repeated warnings, committed reckless military provocations of firing artille! ry shells into our maritime territory near Yeonpyeong island,'' the military supreme command said. Lately, North Korea has been a subject of international attention mainly due to its newly built uranium enrichment plant and therefore worries concerning the country´s efforts to enlarge and enhance its nuclear arsenal. The artillery attack resulted in South Korea´s defense minister Kim Tae-young issuing his resignation. The minister has already offered his resignation once, back in May after the sinking of South Korea´s warship, the tragedy blamed on North Korea. This time President Lee Myung-bak accepted the resignation and the replacement is to be announced on Friday. In a response to the attack Seoul said it would increase the number of ground troops on the Yeonpyeong island and four other islands in that area. We “should not let our guard down,” said President´s spokesman Hong Sang-pyo said. "I think a similar North Korean provocation could! come at any time," he quoted President Lee. US President Barr! ack Obam a also expressed his support to South Korea and agreed with Lee Myung-bak on more joint military exercises. "South Korea is our ally. It has been since the Korean War," Obama said. "And we strongly affirm our commitment to defend South Korea as part of that alliance."

related story (sgx18659): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_koreas_clash;_ylt=At4I18DwwA3U...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcast! ing coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Artillery fire cut deadly silence.
by Milota Sidorova

Clouds of fire and smoke reached highs over Yeonpyeong island on Tuesday. The island with more than 1,700 civilians and South Korean military base became a target of artillery fire lasting for about an hour. Unfortunate brother nations of Korean Island met in perhaps the „gravest“ conflict since the Korean war in 1950's. The fire came from both sides after South Korea refused to stop its military exercises near the disputed border. The answer from communist Party ridden North Korea was sharp warning Seoul from more military strikes if the border would be crossed by „even 0.0001 millimeter“. Though tensions between North and South are regular and som! ewhat never exceeding a certain level of involuntary „tolerance“, this strike was different – the fire came from both sides and shots targeted also civilian objects. Residents of Yeonpyeong escaped into 20 temporary shelters. Incident created an avalanche of international consequences, though they may not be visible for now, but the major attention now focus on two powers – U.S. and China. U.S. clearly took a side of Seoul with some media citing President Obama's outrage to North Korea actions. So far, international media suggested U.S. was planning further military actions along with South Korea againt Pyongyang. China, being in close military or ideological relationships with both countries hasn't chosen a side, aiming for „peace“. South Korea now turns also on U.N. Sanctions against North Korea. Pyongyang was blamed for sinking down South Korean boat in the spring, killing all 42 staff on the board. Another threat is its nuclear progr! am. Pyongyang is not trying to cover that and send it out of d! iscussio ns and while Seoul pushes hard U.N. to imply third round of sanctions on North Korea, Pyongyang can be safe for now, because even if U.N. agree on that, China has a right of veto to stop the process.

related story (sgx18645): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_koreas_clash;_ylt=ArCaE8Cmzfd....
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content! through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Squeezed to death.
by Milota Sidorova

It's hard to find words for explaining the situation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. No, it's even hard to find appropriate words to describe the massacer in the city. The most bizzare aspect of it is that it may be noone's fault. However, looking at several thousands of people running or walking, squeezed in such small area of the bridge over Tonle Bassac river envokes dangerous feelings. The situation twisted from joyful celebration of the last day of rain season into a bloodshed. Look at the people that fall into panic and all of a sudden they decide to leave the bridge. The human mass is flowing every direction and tears down everything standing in the way – including p! eople. At least 378 people died from crushing, drowning or serious wounds caused by electric lines of bridge lights. Until now, the reason of suddenly hystery is not known – what made people to leave the bridge from where they had to see the concert and popular boat race? Who is now to blame? There were a lot of children between victims of the crowd – they just tripped, tumbled and couldn't stand, the mass just ran over them. All that left was a pile of bodies – dead or half alive. According to witness the police and medical support arrived into the place after a long time. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen suggested the accident was the biggest tragedy since the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror leaving about 1.7 million people dead in the late 1970s. A national day of mourning has been scheduled on Thursday.

related story (sgx18647): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_cambodia_stampede;_ylt=AuWBfQ7...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Na pokraji vojny...?
by Milota Sidorova

Nad maličkým ostrovom Yeonpyeong sa v utorok k nebu vzniesli husté oblaky dymu a ohňa. Ostrov, ktorý obýva okolo 1700 civilistov a leží v blízkosti hranice medzi Severnou a Južnou Kóreou sa stal terčom takmer hodinovej vojenskej paľby. Podľa viacerých komentátorov ide o najvážnejší incident medzi znepriatelenými bratskými národmi od čias Kórejskej vojny a teda pätdesiatych rokov minulého storočia. Opätovaná paľba prišla potom, čo Južná Kórea odmietla zastaviť svoje vojenské cvičeni! a v blízkosti doteraz neujednotnenej hranice. Odpoveď krajiny riadenej komunistickou stranou bola jasná – pokiaľ južný sused prekročí hranicu čo i len o „0,0001 milimetra“, môže očakávať viac vojenských zásahov. Hoci napätie a incidenty medzi Severnou a Južnou Kóreou sú dlhodobé a doteraz nikdy nepresiahli istú hranicu „nutnej tolerancie“, utorkový incident bol odlišný – šlo o priamu paľbu, ktorá vyšla z oboch strán, pričom terčami sa stali aj civilné objekty. Obyvatelia ostrova sa pred paľbou ukryli v 20 úkrytoch. Incident sa prirodzene odrazil aj na medzinárodnej úrovni – hoci mnohé je dnes ešte neviditeľné. Pozornosť sa dnes zameriava predovšetkým na dve mocnosti – Spojené štáty americké! ; a Čínu. Hoci Spojené štáty si okam&! #382;ite vybrali stranu a podľa médií spoločne s Južnou Kóreou plánujú ďalšie vojenské kroky voči Pchjongjangu, Čína ostáva neutrálna. Dôvodom sú blízke obchodné a vojenské vzťahy a ideologická príbuznosť s oboma krajinami, nuž a pod týmto rúškom maskuje svoju nečinnosť a snahu o zmierenie. Južná Kórea sa v posledných rokoch spolieha na pomoc Spojených národov. V roku 2008 a 2009 uspela s požiadavkou, aby UN na Pchjongjang uvalili sankcie. Tretie kolo sankcií im však nemusí výjsť – pretože, posledným a najdôležitejším hráčom s právom veta je Čína. A tá je nateraz nehybná ako sfinga...

related story (sgx18648): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_koreas_clash;_ylt=ArCaE8Cmzfd....
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pope changes his mind in the condom ban
by Zivka Deleva

Like it or not, but even the very conservative Catholic Church led by the Pope Benedict XVI must release its belts and let it go sometimes. Even the higher moral ideas that the church is spreading must have some change due to the modern civilization way of living. Even a small child knows the Pope's attitude on the terms of using condoms. I don't want to be misunderstood or something, but, who is the church to tell you what do you want to choose? Me, I belong to the Orthodox church (not so blindly) and no matter what opinion some religious leaders have, it is up to my conscience what would I decide to do. Few days ago visiting Africa, the Pope confused a bit its followers b! y saying that in some cases the use of the condoms could be justifiable in some limited situations, in the meaning of fight against AIDS. No matter if we speak about pretty much very big attention to what the Pope said about condoms or maybe he is really changing his mind, we have the clear minds to think through what is the best for our health and lives. The ban of contraception has been the Pope's attitude in decades. And now, this confused churchgoers. Some think that it could be a dangerous thing if the ban isn't going to be total and the new opinion interpretation gets too free. I don't believe that there can be any adult person today that is going to have the dilemma whether to use condom, just because the pope said so. I just can't put that idea in my mind. And if the church wants to be of a help for its believers, it must listen to more of their's needs. And world is already in big troubles with the evil disease, so thinking of the justification of condom use is on! ly a non-sense.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

North Korea unveils new uranium enrichment plant
by Zuzana Zelenakova

The United States have considered North Korea a threat for years now given the country´s nuclear efforts. However, this time Washington has more reasons to be worried than ever. North Korea has just revealed new nuclear facility that could considerably speed up the country´s delivery of nuclear weapons. The uranium enrichment plant has been called a “provocative act of defiance” by one of US administration officials. "This validates a long-standing concern that we've had with respect to North Korea and its enrichment of uranium,“ he said. The facility has been visited by US scientist Siegfried Hecker, a former director of Los Alamos Nuclear Labo! ratory, who is more than familiar with North Korea´s nuclear program as he gets to witness its progress on regular bases. According to his report, released by New York Times, the new facility is highly sophisticated. Reportedly, he saw “hundreds and hundreds” of newly installed centrifuges operated from “an ultra-modern control room”. The plant is not producing plutonium needed for a bomb, however, it does produce low-enriched uranium for new reactor that could be trasformed. Moreover, the international community is worried that North Korea could sell its technology to terrorist oranizations. "From my perspective, it's North Korea continuing on a path which is destabilizing for the region. It confirms or validates the concern we've had for years about their enriching uranium, which they've denied routinely," said top US military officer Mike Mullen. "They are a country that routinely we are unable to believe that they would do what they say." Mu! llen also reminded of an tragic insident from march, when Nort! h Korea sank South Korean warship Cheonan killing 46 sailors. "All of this is consistent with belligerent behavior, the kind of instability-creation in a part of the world that is very dangerous," he said on CNN.

related story (sgx18633): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/lt_us_nkorea;_ylt=AlGdnFi7lC01gKr...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily c! ontrol, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Pope changes his mind in the condom ban
by Zivka Deleva

Like it or not, but even the very conservative Catholic Church led by the Pope Benedict XVI must release its belts and let it go sometimes. Even the higher moral ideas that the church is spreading must have some change due to the modern civilization way of living. Even a small child knows the Pope's attitude on the terms of using condoms. I don't want to be misunderstood or something, but, who is the church to tell you what do you want to choose? Me, I belong to the Orthodox church (not so blindly) and no matter what opinion some religious leaders have, it is up to my conscience what would I decide to do. Few days ago visiting Africa, the Pope confused a bit its followers b! y saying that in some cases the use of the condoms could be justifiable in some limited situations, in the meaning of fight against AIDS. No matter if we speak about pretty much very big attention to what the Pope said about condoms or maybe he is really changing his mind, we have the clear minds to think through what is the best for our health and lives. The ban of contraception has been the Pope's attitude in decades. And now, this confused churchgoers. Some think that it could be a dangerous thing if the ban isn't going to be total and the new opinion interpretation gets too free. I don't believe that there can be any adult person today that is going to have the dilemma whether to use condom, just because the pope said so. I just can't put that idea in my mind. And if the church wants to be of a help for its believers, it must listen to more of their's needs. And world is already in big troubles with the evil disease, so thinking of the justification of condom use is on! ly a non-sense.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Indonesia buried in ash and sorrow
by Zivka Deleva

We can still feel the disaster that happened in Indonesia this October and early November. Mount Merapi volcano’s eruptions that happened several times during the period of 23rd of October to 5th of November left tragedy and sorrow behind their self. Families were moving to refugee camps, some of them even twice (after the unexpected heat clouds that traveled up to 10 miles). They left everything they had behind their self and simply moved. They left not only their houses; they left their memories behind, memories that were buried under the lava end the ashes of The Mountain of Fire. Some families even lost a member, yes people died and there is no price that can refi! ll that emptiness in a family. For days the search was enabled from the hot ash and inappropriate conditions, but now we know that more than 200 people died. Words can’t explain those ugly and scary pictures, words can’t explain the tears from children eyes their fear. Nothing can explain that adrenalin filed days. Officials say volcanic activity has slowed, but intense tremors are still being detected and a 20 kilometer exclusion zone remains in place. Only thing that is left since we have no control on nature is hope and pray that this will end and it won’t happen again. It leave us with a thought of the taxes that the nature takes from us, the same nature that we treat with no respect and no understanding of our next generations. So think about it!!!
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell! TV is t he fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Shanghai high-rise fire probably caused by negligent welders
by Zuzana Zelenakova

28- storey building in Chinese business capital whose population amounts to almost 20 million people caught fire on November 15. High-rise that was undergoing reconstruction is situated in one of the most densely populated districts in the town. Monday, it became a place of tragedy as 53 people died in fire that started on the scaffolding´s 10th storey and quickly spread to cover the whole building. "The building was surrounded by scaffolding covered in a lot of flammable sheeting and plywood boards that caused the fire to spread to a large area in a very short time. The wind was strong and intensified the situation," said Zhu Zhixiang, a senior Shanghai fire official! . It took as much as 80 fire engines to extinguish fire of such an extent. As far as the cause of the fire is concerned that has not been confirmed yet, even though local residents claim that safety measurements on the site were often ignored and neglected by workers whose behaviour could eventually lead to such disastrous consequences. Many were seen to have been tossing used cigarettes in the building´s hallways. Officials detained four welders who were reportedly using their equipment improperly and are suspected of having accidentally started the fire. Apart from 53 dead, about 70 people were injured and transported to the hospital. 17 of them are in critical condition. "It is hard to believe the government now. The drills on TV are successful, but when a fire truly happens, it's just useless. We feel helpless," said a woman whose mother lived on the ninth floor and died in fire. "There must be something illegal in the construction materials, though we don't know.! I am waiting for the government's explanation," she said. The! buildin g´s renovation was aimed at improving its energy efficiency.

related story (sgx18611): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_china_fire;_ylt=AukGwZl4957uz_...
by Zuzana Zelenakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to del! ivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

That's the price you pay
by Milota Sidorova

Life in great metropolis is complicated. Along with the most basic things, everything is complicated – traffic, planning, social relationships, safety and control. It can be overcome and solved if you are living in relatively small city with a good community, but a life in metropolis means to be living in the jungle. More than 50 percent of global population has already been living in the cities and half of them in the cities with more than 1,000 000 inhabitants. It's just to get a picture of urban policies and trends. This morning I have heard there was a building collapse in New Delhi, India. About 15-floor building collapsed in Lalita Park area and killed about 65 ! people and injured more than 80 people. Thinking of what to say in such situation, I relied on my professional skill – urban and landscape architect. That saved me from dangerous and risky emotional attitude. As I browsed Google Earth I have found Lalita park on the river bank surrounded by small field structures, relatively cheap neighborhood typical with obsolete and unmaintained buildings, dusty and muddy roads and some important highways ensuring connection with this suburban area and the centre. Speaking frankly, Lalita Park is the site behind the interest of people coming and living in New Delhi, Indian capital. The demography is featuring mostly rural immigrants seeking better conditions in the city. The truth is seldom they really find it. They end up in these areas, sqeezed in tiny rooms, paying rents for everything that was for free out in the countryside. This is the story of the building that collapsed – it was used as a rental accomodation for hund! reds of „rural“ immigrants. Each of the rooms host! ed betwe en 3 and 6 people – so you can get a picture how was the organization of the site. Well, if you count landlord's unwillingness to improve any kind of conditions, perhaps weak basements, too much inhabitants and some illegal floors being built on the top of the building, if you add extra strong monsoon rains and flooding river in the neighborhood, the collapse was just expected consequence of all these factors. Now the question is when it will come to next collapses and next disasters. The building was connected to the twin house that was afterall evacuated. But the police and firefighters took up to 45 minutes to reach the site – to great anger and pain of local residents – more people could be saved. But the police argues that it was impossible to reach the site due narrow alleyways and bad traffic. Who can wonder about it in these conditions?

related story (sgx18610): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_india_building_collapse;_ylt=A...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Monday, November 15, 2010

High and low during Asian trip.
by Milota Sidorova

Asian tour of the U.S. President Barack Obama is over. Obama who returned to Washinghton on Sunday has been the topic of the day for any American media. All of them were summarizing his achievments during past ten days. The feelings, however were mixed. Obama started high in India and Indonesia, sealing $10 billion deals with Indian companies and cheered emerging economies that were supposed to balance Chinese increasing economic power. Until Seoul all went good for the U.S. But on the meeting of G20 held in South Korean Capital Obama failed to talk „hot“ issues. Instead of expected harsh action against Chinese currency speculation, he spoke about recent Federa! l Reserve's interference into the U.S. economy. The media reaction was low – Obama got an image of coming home with empty hands. He was supposed to make free trade deal with South Korea, but even this goal wasn't fulfilled. Though both sides are open to cooperate and sign the deal in the future, the fact that the deal wasn't signed past days didn't improve morals and image of the U.S. So if speaking frankly, Obama didn't reach everything that was expected, but still got something – an image tolerant and kind visitor of emerging Asian countries. The trip was finished in Japan where he visited enormous bronze statue of Buddha in Kamakura. Obama is returning into difficult politicial situation back home. After mixed Congressional elections Republicans got the majority in the House and were eager to challenge him during next possible occasion.

related story (sgx18598): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_obama_asia;_ylt=Ao4Uo7FCyzH_el...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Iraqi equilibrium?
by Barbora Misakova

Instability is the Iraq’s second name. Three days of difficult negotiations finally resulted into longed-wished agreement. Iraq’s main factions have agreed on the top three political posts, informed on Thursday one party’s spokesman. Agreement which was discussed with success was finalized on Wednesday’s night and eight-month deadlock that had raised the specter of renewed sectarian violence was ended. Kurdish regional president Masoud Barzani said that incumbent Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s alliance would get the prime minister post. Former premier layd Allawi’s Sunni-backed Iraqiya faction would get the speaker’s post of parlia! ment and Allawi would head a new council of strategic policies. Negotiations that resulted in a “national parthership” government, as Barzani said, could help to stop a return to the factional fighting. However candidates for the top posts were not named so far – it should be formalized at a session of parliament later on Thursday. Lawmakers have said Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, will return as president. While Iraqi politicians praise the God for “a big achievement, which is considered a victory for all Iraqis”, tension that still exists between Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish factions will not disappear from one day to another. But Iraqi politicians are not the only one who appreciated this agreement. Also Obama’s administration valued this solution as a significant way out of double bind. As Antony Blinken, US vice-president’s adviser said, this agreement is an important step forward for Iraq. According to him, Iraqi leaders succeed! ed in creating control mechanisms and equilibrium which will n! ot permi t abusing of power by any of the factions.

related story (sgx18580): http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/us_iraq_politics;_ylt=Aki.F5Oczmf...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite c! hoices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Obamas – the next stop – Indonesia.
by Milota Sidorova

After three days in India American President Barack Obama along with first lady Michelle Obama leave for Indonesia. They will spend less than 24 hours in a nation of 250 million with prevailing Muslim religion. During the stop he will meet with Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and give a joint press conference. The atmosphere and the program is pretty much the same as in India. Obamas are paying a visit to the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, the burial site of veterans of the Indonesian National Revolution, having official dinner at the presidential palace and move towards China, South Korea and Japan. Obama however, has more personal ties with Indonesia, he spent h! ere 4 years as his divorced mother remarried Indonesian. During the stay between age of 6 and 10, he went to local school and was attending Muslim mosques, however he remained Christian later on. If speaking about religious influences, Indonesia may be a perfect example how relgions live side by side without major conflicts, although Muslim is the major religion here, its strict rules are moderated by numerous ethnical influences – therefore the image of Indonesia is not as polarized and bleak as Western media tend to depict. However, Obama will give some speeches on freedom and democracy and will probably label Indonesia an ally in fighting terrorism. This point is again pretty much the same with Indian stay. Country dispersed on large archipelago is seen as a counter power against emergin China that has become second biggest economy in 2Q. Indonesia shares this position with India that has more than one billion of inhabitants. Obamas will leave Jakarta early Wednes! day morning, heading towards G20 meeting in Seoul.

re! lated st ory (sgx18555): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/obama_asia;_ylt=AoG1johds.TSRtGA0...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Volcano threatens Indonesia
by Zivka Deleva

Mount Merapi is a conical volcano located on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is one of at least 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548. His name literally means Mountain of Fire. Smoke can be seen emerging from the mountaintop at least 300 days a year and several eruptions have caused fatalities. In April 2006 seismicity at a regular period were noticed, which was red alert to the authorities to be prepared for evacuation process. On April 19 smoke from the crater reached a height of 400 meters and on April 23, some 600 elderly and inf! ant residents of the slopes were evacuated. By early May, active lava flows had begun and on May 13, Indonesian authorities raised the alert status to the highest level, ordering the immediate evacuation of all residents on the mountain. On 23rd of October 2010 lava began flowing down Gendol River, signaling the likelihood of an imminent eruption. Two days later eruptions began in series, several times a day, in the next couple days. On 3 November heat clouds travelled up to 10 kilometers away from the eruption forcing the government to evacuate people from within the refugee camps set up to accommodate those already dislocated by the volcano. It is a big tragedy and there are no words that can explain screaming and pain on the local villagers, leaving their homes caring only tears with them.
by Zivka Deleva
for Cantell TV! (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Četiritte smrtni javači...
by Milota Sidorova

Koga januarskiot zemjotres go pogodi Haiti, jasno beše deka nema da bide posleden i deka kje bide poslednata katastrofa za ostrovot. Iako ubi okolu 300,000 lugje i milioni gi pretvori vo begalci, visitnskite problemi doprva počnaa. Prvo, diskolacijata na tolku mnogu lugje donese problemi so koordinacijata i nabavkite. I koga site mediumski dzagor presuši, svetot vklučuvajkji ja nivnata najgolema mokj brzo gi zaboravi humanitarite vetuvanja. SAD na primer, ne ispratija nitu cent od paketot za spasuvanje od 1.15 milijardi dolari. Listata samo se zgolemuva i zgolemuva... Rabotnicite od spasuvačkiot tim, lekari i volonteri moraa da se soočat so ned! ostatok na najosnovnite raboti - higienski i sanitarni pomagala, voda i hrana. I duri deset meseca po katastrofata, iljadnici i iljdanici živeat vo privremeni zgrižuvališta, šatori. Tolku mnogu lugje što živeat na edno mesto vo takvi uslovi se mnogu lesna meta za kakva bilo bolest. Kolerata go zgolemuva smrtniot bilans, dijareata se pojavuva poradi kalta što se pojavuva vo zgrižuvalištata. Uraganskata sezona koja počna proletta ne e završena i Haiti sega se soočuva so suštinski moment. Tropskata bura Tomas što se pojavi kaj Karipskoto more se predviduva deka kje pomina nad Haiti preku nedelata. Tolku dolgo so uništena infrastruktura, iljadnici i iljadnici dislocirani i bolni lugje bez nabavki, toa e prašanje. Kolku dolgo državata kje može da ja izdrži ovaa situacija? Ako burata se pretvori vo uragan i poplavi ogromni delovi i gi uništi kampovite, što kje pravat ovie l! ugje? Zemjotresot beše samo početokot. Toa ja naprav! i zemjat a osetliva na site bolesti.

related story (sgx18538): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/tropical_weather;_ylt=AuSehItCkrB...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to you! r world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Four deadly riders...
by Milota Sidorova

When January earthquake hit Haiti, it was clear that it wasn't the last, not the worst catastrophe for the island. Although it killed about 300,000 and turned millions into refugees, the real problems had to started. First, the dislocation of so many people brought problems with coordination and supplies. And when all media buzz went dry, the world, including its biggest power quickly forgot humanitarian promises. U.S. for example haven't sent a penny from $1.15 billion rescue package. The list would go on and on... Rescue workers, doctors and volunteers have to deal with lack of the most basic supplies – hygiene and sanitarian aids, water and food. And even 10 months! after the catastrophe thousands of thousands live in temporary shelters, tents. So many people who live in one place in such conditions are easy target for any kind of disease. Cholera is increasing a death toll, diarrhea is appearing due mud flowing inside of shelters. Hurricane season that started in the spring is not over and Haiti now faces crucial moment. Tropical Storm Thomas that has appeared over Carribean sea is projected to pass over Haiti during the week. So long with destroyed infrastructure, thousands of thousands of dislocated and sick people without supplies, there is a question. How long can the country stand this situation? If the storm turns into Hurricane and flatten huge areas and destroys even camps, what are these people going to do? Earthquake was just the beginning. It made the country vulnerable to all kinds of disasters.

related story (sgx18518): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/tropical_weather;_ylt=AuSehItCkrB...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

Cantell TV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with telecommunications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface coupled with free phone calls. Cantell TV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.