Thursday, December 6, 2007

Putin, Bush and East Europe
by Jana Kokavcova

What do you think have Putin and Bush in common? Nothing? It is not true. Both have power and both are heads of big, really very big, powerful countries. Anything else? There are some common signs in their character. Both are strong, strict, and solid and have very hard nerves. Maybe you think how beautiful would it be become the head of America or Russia. In their hands are many decisions that have influence to people's lives. They must be very watchful, because have a lot of enemies. And must have respect and love people, because people are the main reason why they are in government. It is not so simple to be a president. There is big responsibility and big fear that something will not happen so well how they planned it. On Tuesday was in the U.S. visit from Russia. Pentagon visited Russia's army forces chief General Yury Baluyevsky. He met his U.S. counterpart Michael Mullen and they were talking together about policy, army… Russia and America have many things in common. It is not only in size of the country, but in some traditions, typical characters and some other facts. What they were talking about was the situation in Mideast too. America is really afraid of nuclear power of Iran and think world is in danger. Because of these reasons U.S. would like to have something like stations in Poland and Czech Republic. Putin thinks it could be only a good maneuver how to have East Europe in U.S. power. Nobody knows where the true is, but maybe we will be smarter after few months.

related story:
by Jana Kokavcova
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