Monday, May 26, 2008

Rescued residents from apartment building Lucia Hrusovska

I am sure that almost every man living in China, the country which has the biggest number of its citizens, will remember the date of May 12 for the rest of his/her life. The earthquake, which reached the value of 7.9 degree of Richter scale was the China's worst one in the last decades. Many people were injured and even more of them died. The huge damages were caused not only on possession but above all on human lives and there is a huge sorrow in the hearts of family members. This horrible earthquake nailed most of people unprepared and that is also the case of residents living in an apartment building at 315 Happiness Road. As one resident of this building, Tang Xiaomin, has said, she had just been about leaving the house to buy some food, groceries, when the building suddenly started to tear down right under her feet. This women finally survived without any serious injuries and about the same luck we can also talk in case of another woman, 34-years-old Zhang Xiaoyan, who was in eight month of a pregnancy. This woman became probably the most famous one among all other rescued residents. As she said, in the moment when her home had started to quake, she had been lying still on a couch with her mother and resting. She said, that everything had happened so quickly, that they could not have done almost anything, the walls around them had just teared down and they had trapped in space less than two feet high. The rescuers relieved them about 50 hours later. Now, Zhang Xiaomin together with other rescued people are waiting for the help from the government and we all hope, they will be given a chance to start their lives again in as short period of time as possible.

related story:;_ylt=AuCYJbbVE.MgEEaAguE_Sn.s0NUE

by Lucia Hrusovska
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