Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Weltnachrichten: Ein anderer Stein
by Claudia Sonea

Ich weiß nicht warum, aber auf der Welt gibt es einige Steine und Metalle, die die Menschen faszinieren und als wertvoll und edel betrachtet werden. Momentan ist das teuerste Metall auf dem Markt Platin, Gold ist das nächste wertvolle Metall, das eine große Wichtigkeit für die globale Wirtschaft hat und schließlich gibt es auch Silber. Wenn man sich auf Edelsteine bezieht, reicht man, wenn man den wichtigsten erwähnt: Diamant.
Könige und Königinnen, Piraten und der Verlobungsring machten den Diamanten zum Symbol und daher ist er sehr teuer. Das Paradox ist, dass dieser teuere Stein heutzutage in den ärmsten Teilen der Welt wie Afrika von geldgierigen Industrieländern ausgebeutet werden. Ähnlichist die Situation des südafrikanischen Königreichs Lesotho, das berühmt ist, weil gerade dort die 20 größten Rohdiamanten gefunden wurden. Anstatt zumindest die Hälfte der Gewinne zu bekommen, bekommt das Land nur 30%, weil der Rest von einem globalen Diamantenförderungsgesellschaft namens Gem Diamonds genommen wird. Die Gesellschaft stellt stolz ihre Bergwerke auf ihrer Webseite vor: Letseng in Lesotho, Ellendale in Australien, Cempaka in Indonesien. Die Frage ist, wie gut die anderen Regierungen bezahlt werden.
Einer der weltweit größten Diamanten wurde in der Letseng-Grube am 8.September entdeckt - laut Experten in Antwerpen wiegt er 478 Karate. Der Wert wird auf ungefähr 12 Millionen Dollar abgeschätzt. Man braucht sich nun nur vorzustellen, wieviele Sachen mit 6 Millionen Dollar in Lesotho verbessert werden könnten. Leider wird nichts getan, um die Situation des Volks in Afrika zu verbessern. Anstatt Spendekampagnen zu organisieren, sollten sie sich auf diesen Bereich konzentrieren: "Gib einem Menschen einen Fisch; für heute hast du ihn gefüttert. Bring ihm das Angeln bei und du hast ihn für das ganze Leben lang gefüttert." Man sollte ihnen helfen, Vorteile von Naturschätzen auf ihrem Terrirorium ziehen zu können und sich vor der Ausbeutung zu schützen.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080921/sc_nm/lesotho_diamond_discovery_dc;_ylt=AuMrCmqeywMOt51XtbLCekCs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)
translated by Barbora Haramiova

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Tenemos que recordar
by Barbora Misakova

A veces, bien, especialmente cuando miro algunas pelĂ­culas de guerra, pienso que suerte tengo. Que suerte tengo que fui nacida en estos tiempos. Solamente la visiĂłn de ser nacida en algĂşn sitio en JapĂłn durante los aĂąos 1930 me asusta. ÂĄSĂŠ que deberĂ­a tetner verguenza por decir estas palabras, pero no la tengo, porque conozco el precio de la vida y nunca lo cambiarĂ­a. Claro, no sĂŠ nada sobre la guerra, nada sobre la matanza y el vertimiento de la sangre; no conozco a los soldados que luchaban allĂ­, no conozco sus nombres, sus historias. Pero aun cuando todo lo que sĂŠ es solamente de pelĂ­culas de Hollywood, tengo que decir que los hechos que vi me asustaban a la muerte. Todo el miedo, el enfado, la ansiedad, la tristeza - yo tambiĂŠn lo sintiĂł todo. Seguro, la intensidad era incomparable con los sentimientos de los soldados. ÂĄDe todos modos creo que los sentimientos pueden ser compartidos y todo lo que una persona experienciaba se puede volver! ÂĄEntonce escucha!
DespuĂŠs de leer un artĂ­culo comprendĂ­ que no sĂŠ casi nada sobre nuestra historia. No conozco a nadie que tenĂ­a la experiencia directa de guerra. No conozco nombres, ni caras. ÂĄQue lĂĄstima! Âż Conoce alguien por ejemplo el nombre Tsuruji Akikusa? No lo creo ÂĄAkikusa es el veterano de 81 aĂąos de la Segunda guerra mundial que luchaba Iwo Jima cuando tenĂ­a sĂłlo 17! De 21,000 soldados sĂłlo 1000 sobrevivieron y ĂŠl fue uno de ellos. Âż Fue malo o bueno? Es difĂ­cil de decir. Luchar tan jĂłven es mĂĄs que terrible; ademĂĄs en la isla cual su comandante llama " la Isla del infierno " no es mejor. Escondirse en el bosque, tratando de esquivar las balas no es nada me gustarĂ­a intentar. Muriendo de hambre y herido, Akikusa, se rezagaba de un tĂşnel al otro durante meses. Todo alrededor de ĂŠl estaban solamente los cadĂĄveres de sus co-soldados y bichos que eran el Ăşnico alimento que tenĂ­a. ÂżTodavĂ­a no es suficiente? Y ver a su amigo que detona una granada sobre su cuerpo como la Ăşnica posibilidad de no ser capturado? Esto no es un cuento de hadas, ni la escritura de pelĂ­cula. Esto es la realidad y todo realmente pasĂł. Y aunque no podemos cambiarlo, al menos deberĂ­amos recordarlo; recordar los nombres, las caras, los sentimientos de miedo y confusiĂłn. De todos modos es siempre mejor conocer las historias, pero hay gente que gente las tiene como sus Ăşnicas memorias.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080921/ap_on_re_as/as_return_to_iwo_jima;_ylt=Am8BPWFZXfw6GRiZPAOw5Pas0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)
translated by Veronika Pellerova

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: We must remember
by Barbora Misakova

Sometimes, all right, especially when I watch some war movies, I think about how lucky I am. How lucky I am that I was born at the right time and on the right place. Just that vision of being born somewhere in the Japan during 1930s scares me. I know, I should be ashamed for these words, but I am not, because I know what the price of life is and I would never change it for anything! Sure I know nothing about war, nothing about killing and shedding blood; I don’t know all those soldiers fighting there, don’t know their names, their stories. But even though all I know is just from Hollywood movies, I have to say that the facts in them were scaring me to death. All that fear, anger, anxiety, sadness – I felt it all too. For sure, the intensity of it was incomparable with the feelings of soldiers. Anyway I believe that the feelings can be shared and everything what one person was going through can be retold and experienced again! So let’s listen!
After reading one article I realized I know nothing about the things which happened years ago. I know no one who ever had first-hand experience of war. I know no names, no faces. And it’s a big pity. Does anyone of you know for example the name Tsuruji Akikusa? I don’t think so. Akikusa is 81-year-old veteran from the Second World War who was fighting on Iwo Jima when he was only 17! From 21,000 soldiers only 1000 stayed alive and he was one of them. Was it good or bad luck? It’s hard to say. Fighting in such young age is more than terrible; going on the island which is called by your commander “Hell Island” is not better either. Hiding in the forest, trying to dodge the bullets is nothing I would like to try. Starving to death and hardly injured Akikusa was straggling from one tunnel to another for months. All around him were just dead bodies of his co-soldiers and bugs which were the only food he had. Is this still not enough for you? So what about seeing your friend detonating a grenade on his body as the only possibility not to be captured? This is not a fairy tale, nor even movie script. This is reality and this all really happened. And even though we cannot change it, we should at least remember it; remember the names, the faces, the feelings of fear and confusion. After all it’s nothing in comparison with those people who have known the stories and have them as their only memories.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080921/ap_on_re_as/as_return_to_iwo_jima;_ylt=Am8BPWFZXfw6GRiZPAOw5Pas0NUE

by Barbora Misakova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Another rock
by Claudia Sonea

I don't know why, but there are some rocks and metals in the world that fascinate people and are considered to be precious. At this moment on the market, platinum is the most expensive metal, gold is the next precious metal that has a high importance for the global economy and last but not least, there is silver. When referring to precious rocks it is enough to mention the most important one: DIAMDOMND.
Kings and Queens, pirates and the wedding ring have made a symbol out of the diamond and it is in consequence very expensive. The paradox is that this expensive rock is nowadays exploited in the poorest parts of the world like Africa by greedy developed countries. This is the situation of the southern African kingdom of Lesotho who is famous for giving four of the world's 20 largest rough diamonds. Instead of getting at least half of the profit, they get only 30 percent, while the rest is taken by a leading British-based global diamond mining business called Gem Diamonds. The company is proud to present the mines it has on its web page Letšeng, in Lesotho; Ellendale in Australia; Cempaka in Indonesia. The question is how well the other governments are paid.
One of the world's largest diamonds has been discovered in the Letseng Mine on September 8- it weighs according to experts in Antwerp 478 carats. The value is estimated around $12 million, now imagine with 6 million dollars how many things could be improved in Lesotho. Unfortunately nothing is done to improve the situation of the people in Africa. Instead of making donations campaigns, they should take interest into this matter: "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime". Help them to take advantage of what the nature blessed their territories with and prevent from being coned.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080921/sc_nm/lesotho_diamond_discovery_dc;_ylt=AuMrCmqeywMOt51XtbLCekCs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: O alta piatra
by Claudia Sonea

Nu stiu de ce, dar exista pe lume pietre si metale care fascineaza oamenii si sunt considerate a fi pretioase. In acest moment pe piata cel mai bine cotat metal este platina, apoi aurul care are mare importanta pentru economia globala si in cele din urma argintul. Cand ne referim la pietre pretioase este suficient sa mentionam: DIAMANTELE.
Regii si reginele, piratii si inelul de logodna au facut din diamant un simbol si in consecinta este foarte scump. Paradoxal este ca aceasta piatra scumpa se exploateaza in cele mai sarace parti ale lumii precum Africa de catre lacomele tari dezvoltate. Aceasta este si situatia in care se afla regatul din sudul Africii Lesotho care este renumit pentru a fi dat patru din cele 20 cele mai mari diamante necizelate ale lumii. Insa in loc de a primi jumatate din profit, dupa cum ar merita, daca nu chiar mai mult, regatul primeste doar 30 la suta, pe cand restul e luat de o companie londoneza, lider in afaceri minere la nivel mondial, care se numeste Gem Diamonds. Compania este mandra in a-si prezenta pe pagina web minele Letseng in Lesotho; Ellendale in Australia; Cempaka in Indonesia. Intrebarea care ramane este cat de bine le plateste pe celalate guverne ale tarilor respective.
Unul dintre cele mai mari diamante a fost descoperit in minele Letseng pe data de 8 septembrie- cantareste conform expertilor din Antwerp 478 de carate. Valoarea sa este estimate la $12 milioane, acum imaginati-va cum ar ajuta 6 milioane de dolari Lesotho. Din pacate mu se face nimic pentru a imbunatati situatia oameniilor din Africa. In locul campaniilor de binefacere ar trebui sa se ocupe de aceasta problema: "Da-i unui om un peste si-l vei fi hranit pentru o zi; invata-l sa pescuiasca si-l vei fi hranit pentru totdeauna". Ajutati-i sa profite de ceea ce le-a dat natura si sa nu mai profite altii de pe urma lor.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080921/sc_nm/lesotho_diamond_discovery_dc;_ylt=AuMrCmqeywMOt51XtbLCekCs0NUE

by Claudia Sonea
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bush cancelled the agreement between U.S. and Russia
by Livia Cseresova

The civilian nuclear cooperation deal between Russia and the United States of America has been cancelled on Monday by the president of the United States, George Bush, as announced by Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of the United States.

Bush cancelled the agreement as a sign of disapproval of steps of Russia in Georgia. But just a couple of months ago, in May, he sent the very same deal signed after two years of negotiations between Moscow and Washington to Congress for approval.

In her speech, Condoleezza Rice said that the United States “make this decision with regret. Unfortunately, given the current environment, the time is not right for this agreement.” Truth to be told, though, it was not very likely that the agreement would be fully approved this year anyway. And Russia may not be very happy about the definite canceling, although the Russian Embassy in Washington said there would be no comment on Bush’s action.

For Bush, the canceling of the deal means slowing down some issues. The agreement would have helped Washington to access to Russian nuclear technology and to deal with climate change by rising civilian nuclear energy use worldwide.

According to Rice “The U.S. non-proliferation goals contained in the agreement remain valid: to provide a sound basis for U.S.-Russian civilian nuclear cooperation, create commercial opportunities and enhance cooperation with Russia on important global non-proliferation issues.”

Rice did not said at all whether Bush decided to cancelled the deal because of invasion of Georgia but Bush said so. He said he withdrawn it “in view of recent actions by the government of the Russian Federation incompatible with peaceful relations with its sovereign and democratic neighbor Georgia.”

by Livia Cseresova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Chris Cantell behadelt Die Weltnachrichten: Verrückter Hagelsturm malte Teil von tropischem Kenia weiß
by Barbora Haramiova

Unser Planet verwandelt sich langsam in einen verrückten Ort. Das Wetter ist in letzter Zeit ziemlich merkwürdig und sehr unstabil. Man kann diese Tatsache sehr leicht anhand von häufigeren und stärkeren tropischen Stürmen, Wirbelwinden, extremen Dürren oder umgekehrt - extremen Überflutungen, zu denen es jeden Sommer kommt, feststellen. Alle diese natürlichen Katastrophen sind eine Folge der globalen Erwärmung, des Treibhausgaseffekts und der Verdünnung der Ozonschicht. Aus diesem Grund wird die Atmosphäre und eigentlich die ganze Erde nicht genug geschützt und Wetteränderungen sind deswegen manchmal sehr ungewöhnlich, stark und grausam.

Hurrikan Gustav, der an der amerikanischen Ostküste zugeschlagen hat und sie verwüstete, ist zum Glück bereits vorbei. Das ist aber noch nicht das Ende dieser Naturkraft. Es kann einem so vorkommen, die Natur wäre verrückt geworden. Ich weiß, dass Hurrikane eigentlich nicht so ungewöhnlich sind, üblicherweise sind sie aber nicht so frequent und grausam. Heutzutage gibt es mehr "ernsthafte" oder um es besser zu sagen, merkwürdigere Situationen und Wetterbedingungen.

Was zum Beispiel sehr ungewöhnlich oder vielleicht unglaublich ist, ist Schnee in Afrika. Natürlich gibt es welchen auf den Gipfeln von den höchsten Bergen und Gebirgen, gestern hat man ihn aber auch in niedrigeren Lagen gefunden. Dieses Wunder ereignete sich in Kenia, wo die Menschen dadurch sehr überrascht waren. Auf der anderen Seite war das für sie aber auch eine sehr aufregende Erfahrung. Die meisten von ihnen haben vorher noch nie Schnee oder Eis gesehen und daher waren sie darüber sehr glücklich. Die Schneefälle wurden durch einen Hagelsturm erregt, der durch das Land ging und die Afrikaner aufmunterte. Der Schnee bedeckte die ganze Bergwand und war sichtbar sogar nach 12 Stunden trotz sehr hohen Temperaturen.

Die Dorfbewohner aus Kenia waren wahrscheinlich ein bisschen erschrocken, weil den Nachrichten nach einige sich sicher waren, Jesus würde zu ihnen zurückkommen. Natürlich hat es nicht gestimmt. Der wahre Grund war die Luftströmung. Laut der Kenianischen Meteorologischen Abteilung wurde der Sturm am Dienstag durchs Zusammenlaufen von kalten Luftströmen vom Indischen Ozean und warmen Luftströmen aus Kongo verursacht.

Na ja, dieses Phänomen ist in dem Teil der Welt sehr selten, aber ich glaube, die Afrikaner würden eine solche Erfrischung vielleicht auch öfter willkommen...

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080903/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_kenya_weather;_ylt=AtEj6ulKCD8MAThZX9lJs7Ws0NUE

by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Ludo nevreme so grad oboi vo belo del od tropska Kenija
by Zivka Deleva

Našata planeta počnuva da stanuva ludo mesto. Vremeto vo posledno vreme e nekako čudno i mnogu nestabilno. Možete da go zabeležite ova poradi počestite i sé posilnite tropski buri, uragani, ekstremnata suša ili obratno, ekstremnite poplavi koi se pojavuvaat za vreme na letoto. Sevo ova što e spomenato e posledica na globalnoto zatopluvanje, efektite od karbon dioksidot i od oslabuvanje na ozonskata obvivka. Blagodarenie na ova, atmosferata i vsušnost celata Zemja ne e dovolno zaštitena i vremenskite promeni ponekogaš se mnogu čudni, silni i grubi.

Uraganot Gustav koj go pogodi i povredi Amerikanskiot istočen breg za sreka veke pomina, no sé ušte ne e kraj na istite elementi. Se čini deka prirodata stanala poluda. Znam, uraganite ne se tolku nevoobičaeni, no obično ne se tolku česti i seriozni. Ovie denovi ima mnogu "poseriozni" ili podobro rečeno, počudni situacii i vremenski uslovi.

Na primer, ona što e mnogu čudno ili možebi neverojatno e snegot vo Afrika. Se razbira ima malku sneg na vrvot od najvisokite ridovi i planinite no včera isto taka beše pronajden pod niv. Ova čudo se sluči vo Kenija, kade lugeto bea mnogu iznenadeni, no ova beše navistina vozbuduvačko iskustvo za niv. Toa e poradi toa što poveketo od niv nikogaš ne videle sneg i mraz prethodno i bea mnogu srekni poradi toa. Pričinata za snežnata zemja beše nevremeto so grad koe pomina preku zemjata i gi razveseli afrikancite. Snegot go pokri celiot rid i beše vidliv duri i 12 časa posle toa i pokraj mnogu visokite temperaturi.

Selanite od Kenija bea verojatno pomalku isplašeni od ova zatoa što spored vestite nekoi od niv bile sigurni deka Isus doaga po niv. No se razbira, toa ne e točno. Pravata pričina beše cirkulacijata na vozduhot. Spored izveštajot na Meteorološkiot oddel na Kenija od vtornikot burata beše predizvikana od konvergiranjeto na ladniot vozduh od Indiskiot okean i topliot vozduh od Kongo.

Dobro, ovoj fenomen e mnogu redok vo ovoj del od svetot no mislam deka Afrikancite ke posakaat dobredojde na vakvo razladuvanje počesto...

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080903/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_kenya_weather;_ylt=AtEj6ulKCD8MAThZX9lJs7Ws0NUE

by Zivka Deleva
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Freak hailstorm turns part of tropical Kenya white
by Radka Konkolova

Our planet is beginning to become a crazy place. The weather recently is kind of strange and very vague. You could notice this fact on more often and stronger tropical storms, whirlwinds, extreme dryness or vice versa, on extreme floods occurring every summer. All of those mentioned is a consequence of the global warming, greenhouse effect and of thinning of the ozone layer. Thanks this, the atmosphere and actually the whole Earth is not protected enough and weather changes are sometimes very strange, strength and rough.

Hurricane Gustav which hit and hurt American east coast fortunately already passed away, but it is still not the end of the same elements. It can seem the nature got crazy. I know, hurricanes have been not as unusual but usually they are not so often and severe. Nowadays there are more “serious” or to say it better, stranger situations and weather conditions.

For example, what is very strange or maybe unbelievable is the snow in Africa. Of course there is some on the tops of the highest hills and mountains but yesterday it was found also under them. This miracle took place in Kenya, where people were very surprised, but this was also very exciting experience for them. It was because most of them have never seen the snow and ice before and they were also very happy because of that. The reason of the snowy land has been that hailstorm went through this state and cheered Africans. The snow covered the whole hillside and was viewable even 12 hours afterwards even in spite of very high temperatures.

Villagers from Kenya were probably little bit afraid of this because according to the news some of them were certain that Jesus was coming back to them. But of course, it was not true. The right reason was the air circulation. According to the Kenya’s Meteorological Department Tuesday’s storm was caused by the convergence of cold air currents from the Indian Ocean and warm air currents from the Congo.

Well, this phenomenon is very rare in that part of the world but I think Africans would welcome such chilling maybe more often…

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080903/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_kenya_weather;_ylt=AtEj6ulKCD8MAThZX9lJs7Ws0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Vrtošivé krupobitie zmenilo časť tropickej Kene na bielu krajinku
by Radka Konkolova

Naša planéta sa začína meniť na šialené miesto. Počasie je v poslednom čase trochu čudné a veľmi nevyspytateľné. Mohli ste si to všimnúť na čoraz častejšie sa vyskytujúcich a silnejších tropických búrkach, víchriciach, extrémnych suchách alebo naopak, extrémnych povodniach, ktoré sa vyskytujú každé leto. Všetko zo spomenutého je dôsledkom globálneho otepľovania, skleníkového efektu a stenčovaním ozónovej vrstvy. Vďaka tomuto atmosféra a vlastne celá Zem nie sú dostatočne chránené a zmeny počasia sú veľmi zvláštne, silné a nepríjemné.

Hurikán Gustáv, ktorý zasiahol a zničil východné pobrežie Ameriky, našťastie už prehrmel, ale ešte stále nie je koniec takýmto výčinom. Môže sa zdať, že príroda sa zbláznila. Viem, že hurikány nie sú až takým nezvyčajným úkazom, ale zvyčajne nebývali až také časté a kruté. Teraz sú tu však „závažnejšie“, alebo lepšie povedané, čudnejšie situácie a veterné podmienky.

Napríklad, čo je veľmi zvláštne, alebo dokonca až neuveriteľné, je sneh v Afrike. Samozrejme, že na vrcholoch najvyšších hôr a pohorí sa nachádza, ale včera sa nachádzal dokonca aj pod kopcami. Tento zázrak sa stal v Keni, kde zaskočil domorodé obyvateľstvo, ale taktiež to pre nich bolo niečo napínavé. Väčšina z nich totiž videla sneh prvýkrát v živote a boli z toho veľmi šťastní. Dôvodom zasneženej krajinky bolo to, že týmto štátom sa prehnala búrka s krúpami a takto potešila Afričanov. Sneh pokryl celé úbočie a bol viditeľný dokonca ešte 12 hodín potom a to aj napriek veľmi vysokým teplotám.

Dedinčania z Kene sa pravdepodobne aj trocha obávali, lebo podľa správ boli niektorí z nich presvedčení, že to sa k nim vracia Ježiš. Ale to samozrejme nebola pravda. Pravým dôvodom bolo prúdenie vzduchu. Podľa Kenského meteorologického ústavu bola utorňajšia búrka spôsobená zbiehaním a zrážaním prúdov studeného vzduchu z Indického oceána a teplého vzduchu od Konga.

Nuž, tento úkaz je v tejto časti sveta veľmi nezvyčajným, ale aj tak si myslím, že obyvatelia Afriky by takéto schladenie privítali možno aj častejšie...

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080903/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_kenya_weather;_ylt=AtEj6ulKCD8MAThZX9lJs7Ws0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell behadelt Die Weltnachrichten: Weltweit höchstes Gebäude wird noch höher
by Barbora Haramiova

Die Welt ist immer mehr und mehr megalomanisch. Die Menschen und Architekten brauchen mehr Platz, die Möglichkeiten von ihren Gebäuden sind aber beschränkt durch den Umfang von guten und lukrativen Gebieten. Natürlich werden sie keine Häuser, Wohnungen oder Büroräume und Infrastruktur irgendwo an verlassenen und entfernten Orten mit keinen günstigen Bedingungen bauen, wie zum Beispiel in der Antarktis oder Sibirien. Das hätte keinen Sinn, weil es klar ist, dass an solchen Orten kein Bedarf nach solchen Gebäuden besteht. Daher baut man ständig an Orten mit gut aufgebauter Infrastruktur hauptsächlich in Großstädten und größeren Gemeinden.

Allerdings ist ein Problem aufgetaucht. Viele Leute wollen am gleichen Ort leben, aufgrund seiner Lokalität oder aus anderen Gründen. Aber nicht jeder kann sein Ziel erreichen, da die Kapazität überall beschränkt ist. Daher beschlossen Architekten und Developer mehr Wolkenkratzer zu bauen, in denen man alles unter einem Dach findet. Natürlich hat es seine Pros und Kontras, auf jeden Fall können in einem solchen Gebäude mehrere Menschen leben und auch größeren Komfort und zum Beispiel auch eine schöne Aussicht genießen. In der letzten Zeit wurde das zu einer Regel oder einem Prestigezeichen, wenn eine Stadt einen eigenen Wolkenkratzer hat. Aber nicht jede Stadt kann es sich erlauben, ein so hohes Gebäude zu bauen. Ich glaube, die Vereinigten Staaten waren dafür immer am bekanntesten. Dank der Gebäude mit ihren Dächern in den Wolken. Heutzutage ist aber alles anders.

Die weltweit höchsten Gebäude findet man nun im Osten. Das zurzeit höchste Gebäude ist Burj Dubai, das bereits die Höhe von 688 m erreicht hat und noch weiter wächst. Es überholte sogar den taiwanesischen Taipei-101-Turm, der bis April 2007 das höchste Gebäude auf der Welt gewesen war. Es brach den Weltrekord, der bis dahin dem KVLY-TV-Mast in den Vereinigten Staaten gehörte.

Der Bau dieses Gebäudes wurde im Jahre 2004 angefangen und das Ende ist für September 2009 vorgesehen. Bisher besteht es aus 160 Stockwerken, die endgültige Nummer bleibt aber noch immer ein Geheimnis. Ich denke, dieses Gebäude muss auch zu den teuersten auf der ganzen Welt gehören. Es wird von einem Konsorzium von großen Developern finanziert, z.B. von Arabtec ConstructionLLC aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, Samsung aus Südkorea und Besix aus Belgien.

Die Endhöhe dieses Gebäudes wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht und der Ausmaß wird als ein Geheimnis gehalten. Einigen Spekulationen nach sollte es aber ungefähr 900m hoch werden. Hmm, wahrscheinlich wird das ein Gebäude ohne sichtbares Ende. Immerhin ist das die höchste durch die menschliche Hand konstruierte Struktur auf dem Planeten. Man wird sehen bis wann...

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080902/wl_mideast_afp/uaeconstructiondubai;_ylt=AszFZ6RKeEndnY0pkNzbY3is0NUE

by Barbora Haramiova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Najvisokata zgrada vo svetot samo što stana povisoka
by Zivka Deleva

Svetot e sé poveke megalomanski. Na lugeto i arhitektite im treba poveke prostor, no možnostite na nivnite zgradi se limitirani od namaluvanjeto na dobri i plodni oblasti. Se razbira tie nema da gradat kuki, stanovi ili kancelarii i infrastruktura nekade vo dalečni mesta so ne mnogu povolni uslovi kako na Antarktikot ili Sibir. Nema da ima nikakva smisla zatoa što očigledno tamu nema da ima pobaruvačka za vakvi zgradi. Zatoa sé ušte gradat na mesta so mnogu dobra infrastruktura, glavno vo pogolemite gradovi.

No se pojavi eden problem. Mnogumina sakaat da živeat na isto mesto, poradi svojata mestopoložba i od drugi pričini. No ne sekoj može da si go ispolni ovoj son poradi kapacitetot za živeenje. Taka arhitektite i razvojnicite na nedvižnostite rešija da izgradat poveke oblakoderi vklučuvajki sé. Se razbira i ova si ima svoi za i protiv, no vo takvi zgradi može da živeat mnogu poveke luge i tie imaat pogolema udobnost i pogled na primer. Mislam deka vo posledno vreme pravilo e ili znak na prestiž za sekoj grad da poseduva oblakoder. No ne sekoj grad može da si dozvoli da ima zgrada so tolkava visočina. Mislam deka SAD se najpoznati po ovie zgradi koi gi imaat svoite vrvovi vo oblacite. No ovie denovi toa e porazlično.

Najvisokite zgradi vo svetot se prefrlija na Istok. Momentalno najvisokata zgrada e Burj Dubai koja veke dostigna visočina od 688 metri i sé ušte raste. Ja pomina duri i tajvanskata Tajpej 101 kula koja beše najvisokata zgrada do april 2007 godina. Go skrši svetskiot rekord, KVLY-TV visoka 629 metri vo SAD.

Ovaa zgrada se gradi od 2004 godina i se očekuva da se završi vo septemvri 2009 godina. Sega ima 160 spratovi no konečnata brojka sé ušte ne e otkriena. Mislam deka ovaa zgrada ke bide edna od najskapite zgradi vo svetot. Finansirana e od konzorciumot na razvojnici kako Arabatec Construction LLC od Obedinetite Arapski Emirati, Samsung od Južna Koreja i Besix od Belgija.

Konečnata visočina na ovaa zgrada sé ušte ne e objavena i se čuva vo tajnost no nekoi špekulacii velat deka treba da dostigne visočina od 900 metri. Verojatno ke bide zgrada na koja nema da može da i se vidi krajot. Kako i da e, toa e najvisokata struktura na planetata napravena od strana na čovekot. Ke vidime za kolku dolgo....

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080902/wl_mideast_afp/uaeconstructiondubai;_ylt=AszFZ6RKeEndnY0pkNzbY3is0NUE

by Zivka Deleva
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: ¿Responderá Rusia a EE.UU.?
by Veronika Pellerova

El 8 de agosto comenzó el conflicto entre Rusia y Georgia. ¿Cómo lo comenzó? Georgia atacó la región de Ossetia de Sur y Abjasia. Durante el ataque en la región de Ossetia de Sur mataron a algunos conciliadores rusos. Al día siguiente las fuerzas rusas atacaron las unidades georgianas en Ossetia de Sur y ocuparon el territorio de Georgia. Habían muchos refugiados debido al conflicto. Paradójicamente este conflicto comenzó el mismo día que los Juegos Olímpicos en Pekín. Los atletas georgianos competíaban por medallas y los soldados georgianos luchaban por el control de Ossetia de Sur y Abjasia. Estas dos regiones son presentadas como áreas independientes pero Georgia quisiera tomar el control. Muchos ciudadanos fueron matados y las ciudades están destruidas. Este conflicto estaba presente durante muchos años, pero hasta ahora no ha estallado. La guerra terminó cuando Rusia reconoció la independencia de Ossetia de Sur y Abjasia. Lo ocurrió el 26 de agosto. El presidente ruso Dmitri Medvedev dijo que estas dos regiones nunca tendrían que experimentar este ataque otra vez. "No ha sido una opción fácil, pero es la única posibilidad de garantizar la vida de la gente." dijo Medvedev. Y hay otro conflicto entre Rusia y los Estados Unidos. EE UU quieren desplegar proyectiles en Europa. Pero Rusia piensa que este plan amenaza la seguridad rusa. El presidente ruso advierte que este paso no permanecería sin respuesta. Pero EEUU firmaron un contrato con Polonia y la República Checa sobre los proyectiles.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080826/ap_on_re_eu/russia_georgia;_ylt=AkJol1w8qkf2QjE89ryB7W.s0NUE

by Veronika Pellerova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Colombia rescues Betancourt, 3 U.S. hostages
by Radka Konkolova

Misery lasting for about six years has definitely ended. I think that fifteen people, including former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three American soldiers, will keep the date of July 2nd, 2008 in mind till their death. This was namely the day of their rescue. This 46-year old woman has been missing for six years after she was kidnapped by rebels of FARC, what is considered to be terrorist group. Other victims besides her were also three American soldiers who had been captive in 2003 when their light aircraft had crashed while a counternarcotics operation in Columbia jungle. FARC is a revolt group fighting against the Columbia government for approximately 40 years. Their stay is only in jungle, probably they don't leave it anymore or only in need. The members haven't got a job like ordinary people. Finances and guns they get from the illegal cocaine dealing which can offer them everything they want. Because Betancourt has got a double nationality (Colombian and French) also French president Nicolas Sarkozy and the whole French government have wanted and been trying to do their best to save her from the captivity of leftist guerillas. And thanks to Colombian troops posing as aid workers they passed this. The Colombian president, who has been also very popular among the citizens, is very satisfied with this result because he has spent billions of dollars to push Colombian rebels to defensive, cut crime and support economic growth. And it repaid to him and made him more popular than he was ever before. Everyone from the group of captive people have been very happy. As well as their families which have spent long years waiting and trembling about lives of their loved relatives. So now they can be more calm and savour the time they have lost. Saved hostages are in quite good health despite the fact they were busted for such a long time. Rebels sometimes during their “predominance” over captives coerced the former presidential candidate to be shown on the video in order to demonstrate to the whole world she and others were alive. But on the last video from the end of the last year she looked very despondent, gaunt and ill. But now she is in process of recovering with help of her family. Columbian president Alvaro Uribe has alerady been talking with French president Sarkozy as well as American contemporary president George Bush Jr. who congratulate him for accomplishment of such a successful action and thank him for rescuing their citizens. So now former hostages will be frightened by nightmares maybe but the good thing on it is the fact they won't have to go through them in reality as they had to till now. Because you can still wake up from the nightmare...

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080702/ts_nm/colombia_hostages_dc;_ylt=AgboCN.xM.ysMGWVKrw2S_ys0NUE

by Radka Konkolova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

posted by Lucia Adamova

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chris Cantell Discusses World News: Gustav weakens but could become hurricane again
by Paulina Neshybova

On Wedensday hurricane Gustav hit the shore of Haiti, and now is loosing ots power as it is moving across Carribean. According to National Haiti hurricane center, Gustav could again have its power either later that day or maybe on Thursday.
Before it has weakend to a tropical storm, gustav had caused landslide and heavy rinds which reached southern coast and caused many problems. The storm hit Haiti amid protests bcause of hugh prices of food and living. It raised levels of water on bananas, benas and vegetables fields. Of course, another result is, that they are afraid it could batter oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and by this raise the prices of it. The landslide and the storm damaged trees which are now lying across the main road to the capital city and killed one man so far.
However, government warned people against hurricane. They told them to find some shelters instead of prostesting. The extend of damage is now difficult to notice, as haiti has really bad infrastructure and communications. But if the sotrm continues, they for sure will have problems with flood.
Now the hurricane is moving between Cuba and Jamaica and according to forecaster, Gustav could became a hurricane of the 2nd category on Thursday.
In Cuba, the officials had to evacuate people from the low areas as the winds associated with Gustav were really tough and were bringing downpours . They even created emergency food centers in schools and municipal buildings.
Even the Amercan airlines had to cancel the flight because of storm, so some travelers cannot reach their homes just now.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/tropical_weather;_ylt=AkyNcnquOIq5ZfHt.ZvT4sSs0NUE

by Paulina Neshybova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata Biskova

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Will Russia respond to USA?
by kristina leskova

On August 8 there started a conflict between Russia and Georgia. How did it begin? Georgia attacked the region of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. There were killed some Russian peacekeepers during this attack in the region of South Ossetia. The next day Russian forces attacked Georgian units in South Ossetia and they moved into the mainland of Georgia. There were many refugees due to the conflict. Paradoxically this conflict started on the day when the Olympic Games in Beijing started. The Georgian athletes were competing for medals and Georgian soldiers were fighting for the control of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. These two regions are presented as independent areas but Georgia wanted to take control of them. Many citizens were killed and the cities are devastated. This conflict was here for more years, but until now it did not erupt. The war finished so that Russia recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This happened on August 26. The Russian president Dmitri Medvedev said that these two regions would never have to experience this Georgian attack again. “This is not an easy choice, but it is the only way to save the lives of people,” Medvedev said. And there is one more conflict between Russia and United States of America. The U.S. wants to deploy missile shields in Europe. But Russia thinks that this plan threats Russian security. Russian president is warning that this step would not remain without response. But The US signed a contract with Poland an Czech Republic about the missile shield.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080826/ap_on_re_eu/russia_georgia;_ylt=AkJol1w8qkf2QjE89ryB7W.s0NUE

by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.<br><br><font size=2>These news are original content from young talents around the world and are selected for you by Chris Cantell.</font><br>

edited by Beata biskova

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