North Korea is reactivating its nuclear facility
by Martina Janeckova
On Thursday, 9 October, North Korea announced that it wants to restart the facility that produced its atomic bomb. Yongbyon has three main facilities: a 5-megawatt reactor, a plutonium reprocessing plant and a fuel fabrication complex. The reactor is the centerpiece of the complex. The reprocessing center is able to extract weapons-grade plutonium from used fuel rods and in fuel fabrication complex there are made fuel rods from natural plutonium. North Korea agreed to remove the Yongbyon nuclear complex in exchange for diplomatic concessions and energy aid equivalent to 1 million tons of oil under the deal with the U. S., South Korea, China, Russia and Japan. According to North Korean officials, 8 of 11 steps needed to disable the reactor had been completed by July. But the agreement hit a snag in August when the U. S. refused to remove North Korea from the terrorism list until North Korea agrees to verification of the list of North Korean nuclear assets. U. N. nuclear watchdog said that “North Korea informed the IAEA inspectors that effective immediately access at Yongbyon would no longer be permitted and informed that it had stopped its nuclear disablement work.” North Korea quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in January 2003 and in 2006 it let off an underground test explosion of a nuclear weapon. John Bolton, who served as U. S. ambassador to the United Nations and U. S. undersecretary of state in charge of North Korean nuclear dossier said North Korea only wants to get more concessions and he criticized the U. S. administration that it was planning meet North Korea’s demand “within a week” by removing it from list of nations supporting terrorism.
by Martina Janeckova for PocketNews ( |
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