Tuesday, October 28, 2008

North Korea removed from blacklist
by kristina leskova

On Saturday United States of America announced that they will take North Korea off a terrorism blacklist, as informed Sean McCormack from State Department. This decision was admitted after North Korea agreed with verification actions in nuclear facilities. Pyongyang enables nuclear experts to take samples and test all official declared but also undeclared nuclear facilities. There is one more advantage for North Korea – if they will cancel the nuclear program they will get economy help – it means some financial help and they will get supplies of oil. This case lasts several months, because there are still some problems between North Korea and USA. For example several weeks ago Pyongyang limited the international inspector’s access to nuclear facilities, because Washington secluded take off North Korea from the blacklist. But after Saturday announcement North Korea is satisfied and they will let the inspectors everywhere where they need to go. But another problem is Japan. They do not agree with taking off the North Korea from blacklist. The reason is that agents kidnapped many Japanese citizens in 70´s and 80´s. But the American president George Bush informed that he will solve the question of kidnapped people on the dealings with North Korea. How did North Korea become the member of countries which support terrorism? This happened in 1987 during attempt on South Korean airplane. And after a nuclear attempt Washington inducted sanctions. Other reasons can be interest in spreading nuclear weapons, violation of human rights and status of communist country. I hope that North Korea will collaborate and this could decrease terrorism attacks in the whole world.

related story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/as_koreas_nuclear;_ylt=AjmtbpKQtc7w9WCZUbpICMqs0NUE

by kristina leskova
for PocketNews (http://pocketnews.tv)

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