Abbas meets with French leaders
by Barbora Misakova
It is more than one year what the Palestinians have broken off peace talks with Israel because of launch of a devastating assault on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Even though Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanjahu gave in the past an order not to build construction of Jewish settlements for ten months period, for Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas it was not enough as it was only temporary solution which wouldn’t halt these constructions in the West Bank steadily. Now when France is flirting with the idea of recognizing a Palestinian state before final borders are agreed, it is making the whole conflict even worse. Mahmud Abbas who came to France on Sunday ! should meet not only France’s foreign minister Bernard Koucher, but also President Nicolas Sarkozy with whom he should have a working lunch. Direct and honest suggestion of Bernard Kouchner who has said that a Palestinian state could be proclaimed and recognized by the international community even before the issue of its borders is worked out, must be for Abbas very satisfying. But Abbas himself is fully alive to the problems they have with Israel and also the fact it would not help to solve their problem but add fuel to the fire. As it is seen in Kouchner’s statement he is in doubt: “of being followed on that.” As he added: “I am not even sure of being right.” By his words of uncertainty he just confirmed it wasn’t a good idea. Who would ever support such a suggestion which goes against the very idea of peace?
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by Barbora Misakova for SigEx Ventures ( |
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