Monday, February 22, 2010

Missionaries accused of kidnapping
by Barbora Misakova

I know it will sound weird and for some of you even ridiculous but the sentence from popular TV Series X Files “Trust no one!” is sometimes the biggest truth. How many times did we hear about natural catastrophes which killed hundreds and thousands of people? How many times were we witnesses of special concerts and charity parties arranged just to gain some money for all those affected countries and people living there? Many times, I know. But were we also told where all those money ended up? What happened with those people, their children and families we were collecting money for? No. But what are we finding out and learning is that there are still enough peopl! e abusing others, abusing their helplessness and pain. The world was shaken by the news that 10 Baptist missionaries were arrested in Haiti on child kidnapping charges. Eight of them were freed by a Haitian judge and left the country. The other two – group leader Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter stayed in Haiti where they are waiting while judge Saint-Vil determine their real motives. As they came earlier to Haiti – actually before the quake – it must be verified if they came to help out at an orphanage in the country’s northeast, as they claim. While freed missionaries and their family members are swearing they came to Haiti just “to help people rebuild after the disaster” the question is not only where is the truth, but also why should we believe them? Baptist missionaries (belonging to the New Life Children’s Refuge) were caught while they were trying to take a bus of 33 supposed orphans across the border. So what do you think? S! hould be the status of missionary an automatic guarantee of in! nocence?

related story (sgx16538):
by Barbora Misakova
for SigEx Ventures (

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