Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another 2010 quake in the line – Mexico
by Milota Sidorova

Western coast and hemisphere remains of war zone last months. After deadly earthquake in Haiti, came catastrophe in Chile and right now another 7.2 magnitude earthquake rode on Mexico-U.S. borders. Scenario and the consequences were much the same, although Mexican case cost only 2 deaths and 200 injured. According survivors the whole ground, buildings and roads were shaking - the morning saw static violated houses in the farming town of Guadalupe Victoria, the place nearing the quake's epicenter, broken roads with more than meter deep scars and broken gas pipeline. Pipes with open fires caused power offs and several car accidents in Mexicali. Mexicali, the town of more tha! n a million has been cut from the rest of the world – the major highway to Tijuana was ruptured. Technicians were able to reconnect power in hospitals, but despite the light, many fear for their lives due static instability.It's like going to sleep with the ticking bomb. Many in Guadalupe Victoria slept overnight on football stadium, over 3,500 were removed to shelter.Although for now it seems to be over, the next quake of the same power is very probable, said Erik Pounders, a geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey. Mexican President Felipe Calderon visited area and called many to go home or to move to the safer place. Still, it's not a big news the Californian plate showed a lot of tectonic errors and broken lines – earthquake seems only a natural response. The major issue is the human response, the plan about evacuation, media attention and international help, if needed.

related story (sgx16922): http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100405/us_nm/us_quake_mexico;_y...
by Milota Sidorova
for Cantell TV (http://cantell.tv)

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