Monday, May 10, 2010

No clear winner in Germany.
by Milota Sidorova

Political scene in Germany is split. The public opinion of German voters is split. But one thing is sure. It is the great portion of anxiety and dissatisfaction with current Chancellor Angela Merkel's government. German first lady was going through hard time with even more difficult decisions for example in the case of Greek support. Germany as the biggest European economy had had to donate the biggest part. For three months each relevant poll in Germany showed public disagreement with the 22.4 billion euros in loan, the step agreed on Friday. For Merkel one could say it was definitely bad timing, because state elections were on program on Sunday.And she's lost. Her centre! -right coalition lost in Germany's most populous state North Rhine-Westphalia. Merkel's Christian Democrats were able to gather only 34.6 percent, according to press the worst result ever among more than 13.5 million voters in NRW. But while she's lost the majority in upper house of Parliament, the other rivals weren't able to gather stronger numbers. Centre-left opposition Social Democratic party got 34.5 percent, Green party totalled 12.1 percent and far-left Die Linke got 5.6 percent. The former coalition partners Free Democrats failed to 6.7 percent.Just like in Britain, the situation with no clear winner requires alternative solutions. It is possible that the two biggest parties will have to cooperate to create ruling alliance, some even say of a “grand coalition”. Christian Democrats have lost the majority and quite easy passage for nearing tax and health care reform proposal. State elections have also showed the mood among public and the momentum of disbe! lief in any political propaganda. And that is more than intere! sting si tuation among such developed society as it is in Germany.

related story (sgx17226):
by Milota Sidorova
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