Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pro-Palestinian activists provoke Israel
by Magdalena Rosova

Monday's attempt of pro-Palestinian activists to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza failed. Flotilla carrying the aid was attacked by Israel, at least nine people were killed. Activists denied that anyone aboard was armed. Israel has started to interrogate the activists from convoy and the United Nation Security Council has called for an international objective probe and for the immediate release of all civilians. Israel is now detaining 480 civilians, therefore it is difficult to get first-hand information from the activists. But Tuesday some of the activists repatriated from the southern Israeli port city of Ashdod, where they were detained. Israel reported nine activists wer! e killed and seven Israeli soldiers were wounded in the raid. The activists were from 38 countries, most of them were Turks, but there were also many Europeans, Palestinians, Israelis and Americans. Interior Ministry of Israel said only 50 activists accepted to be repatriated, rest 600 of them had refused and evidently want to stay in detention to have an international attention. 30 wounded activists are detained in hospitals. Turkish prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the incident a “bloody massacre” and said it would affect bilateral ties with Israel. But Israel warned the activists in advance that it will halt every attempt to help something that had became a terrorist base threatening existence of Israeli state. Israel also said that people on board had clubs, metal rods and knives. It has also released video footage which shows the activists attacking Israeli soldiers. The activists denied they had tried to resist and despite the deadly incident the! y promised to break the Israeli blockade again.

relate! d story (sgx17444):
by Magdalena Rosova
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