Thursday, July 1, 2010

Clever spy!
by Barbora Misakova

It is like a movie. The whole world is watching US-Russia spy scandal, especially the last free suspect Christopher Metsos. This allegedly Russian spy in his mid-50s was caught by Cyprus police but shortly after that he was released on bail supposedly paid by Kremlin. Metsos, who purports to be a Canadian citizen, is accused of being the paymaster for a “deep cover” cell of spies in the United States, furnishing them with money and other needed materials. After more than a decade of exhaustive surveillance operations the spy ring was cracked open. The 11th suspect was allowed to go free on 26,500 Euros (32,330 dollars) bail as long as he surrendered his passport! and travel documents, pending an extradition hearing on July 29. He had to be laughing crazily while leaving police station in the southern Cypriot town of Larnaca. What are documents for secret Russian agent when he has at least two other different copies for every country in the world? It was said there was no sign of the suspected secret agent when Cypriot police rushed to his hotel room on Wednesday after he failed to sign in at a Larnaca police station. Staff at the hotel he was supposed to stay said Metsos was last seen at the reception on Tuesday evening and had paid for two weeks in advance with a credit card. The remaining 10 spy suspects were not as lucky as their paymaster: their bail bids in three separate hearings Thursday were rejected. Their future is unclear.

related story (sgx17740): http://www.france24! .com/en/20100630-alleged-russian-spy-miss...
by Barbora Misakova
for Cantell TV (

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