Friday, November 30, 2007

Progress in Iraq
by Ludmila Martinicka

After long time of violence, anxiety, uncertainty, attacks, uprisings, the option of relative peace is here to present an opportunity to move forward in economical and political area. In last days, Iraq memorized another bomb attacks. One of them joined the group of extraordinary and rare suicide bomb attacks, when a women with a bomb on her belt blew herself up near the Baqouba. Fear of inhabitants is easy understandable and it seems, that their antipathy and resentment to the situation in the country reached really high level. Local people defy against al-Qaida. Local governments collaborate with U.S. army to defend their homes and neighbourhood. Conversation had begun between the military, U.S. embassy officials and the Iraq government about security initiative. About 60 000 Iraqis, including local citizens, has been manning checkpoint in their own communities. They are payed by the U.S. military. They patrol the key-areas in the country, trying to eliminate and avoid the violence. Government of Iraq stated plans to the year 2008. The budget for next year makes $16 billion and it will be the largest budget in the nation's history. Provincial ministers want to invest money from the budget mainly to reconstruction projects. This projects includes travel communications, schools, hospitals, government centers, power plants, water treatment plants, canals, and irrigation projects. In the plan is also development of the capital city & new market place, multistory parking garage, apartment blocks in the city, renovation of the sewer system. The security and health care are on the first place. Future possibilities brings hope for citizens about the peaceful life in the country and a peace vision in global meaning also for the rest of the world.

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Alternative energy sources
by Ludmila Martinicka

Global warming and fluent decreasing of power resources like fuel, oil, coal make us thinking about alternative sources of energy. To drive our cars without producing gas emissions causing greenhouse effect, to light the bulb without wringing of conscience... Scientists brings new technologies and alternatives quite fast and develop them every day. At school we are thought to think ecologically. We sort the garbage, buy bottles made of glass instead of plastic, use paper efficiently...but is it enough? Governments are discussing the nuclear energy and plan to build new power plants. Is this saving our planet or put us in even bigger danger? Are they needed? Did everybody already hear about solar panels, gaining the energy from the sea waves, river plants, windmills,...? I guess yes. But does everybody know, what the expression "alternative energy sources" means? There are several official explanations using different words, but they ave one thing in common. They say, that alternative energy doesn't harm the environment. Also they say, that it is way that do not use natural resources like fossil fuel, renewable, and some says it is nontraditional. To alternative source of energy belongs solar panels, achieving the energy from the sunshine, water plants on rivers and in the sea, gaining the energy of waves, or tidal energy, wind energy. Such a newcomer in the row is biomass. It is good and efficient to talk about use of alternative sources, but we should not forget, that building for example windmills or water plants influences the nature and the environment as well. The right thing to discuss is, how to find the right relation between nuclear energy and alternative sources, how to implement them and how to get use to them.

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Riots in Paris
by Eva Matova

Riots in Paris Another series of riots stormed thorough the city of Paris in last few days. The anger of young inhabitants was caused by an incidental death of two teenagers who died in a traffic accident hitting a police car. According to a public prosecutor the police has been cleared of blame as the victims were not wearing helmets. A similar accident happened two years ago, when two teenagers, , were electrocuted in a power substation as they where trying to escape the police. The incident took place in Clichy-sous-Bois, a commune in the east of Paris, mostly inhabited by working-class population with low education and unclear visions of a better future. The death of the two boys was followed by riots involving burning cars in the streets of Paris and then spread throughout the country. The French government promised to solve this problem and said to spend $17.68 billion on urban renewal over five years and create a plan extending work opportunities in the suburbs of Paris. Since 2005 the anger of the working class did not cool down. A resident of Villiers-Le-Bel, place where this year's incident took place, said:"These young people are wrong but they're right too in a way. These two kids were their friends and they're dead now. I can understand that they're angry."
by Eva Matova
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The Annapolis Summit Over
by Barbora Kasparova

The promised landmark conference of the Bush administration ended on Wednesday. The attendees' list was very perspective; it was for the first time the officials of the Saudi Arabia and Israel have met. Yet, the outcome is a promise by Israel to hold regular talks with the Palestinians, starting December 12th. In eyes of some, the result is not satisfactory. What did the leaders say about the summit? Iran's president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have stated on Wednesday that the conference is a failure and added, according to the official IRNA (Islamic Republic News Agency), that the sponsors of the Annapolis conference were only following "political propaganda." ( According to Syria's ambassador in Washington Moustapha, who was also present at the conference, said: "In principle, it should ease the tensions. We always hope that the tensions would ease" ( As for the foreign secretary Condoleeza Rice stated in ABC interview: "This is a good first step. But really, for Pakistan, the most stabilizing thing will be to have free and fair elections so that Pakistan can stay and return to a democratic path…" ( George Bush, in his speech on the conference stated: "Our purpose here in Annapolis is not to conclude an agreement. Rather, it is to launch negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians." ( And that purpose it had fulfilled. Will the further negotiations be of any success we will see…

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Replace this Title
by Eva Matova

Do feel like taking a break and having few days off? The only thing you need is a huge luggage and some extra money to spend. You are going to Dominican Republic! According to many travelers and backpackers, one of the most recommended place to visit is the capital of the country, Santo Domingo, where you can easily find a comfortable accommodation and see a great pieces of the local architecture. Number one to see in Santo Domingo is Faro a Colon & Columbus lighthouse, a monument dedicated to the remembrance of the famous explorer. If you would like to thank Mr Columbus for discovering America, you can do so in the cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, the oldest church in the West Indies, which was built in the early 1500s, where he is buried. You should also check out Las Tarrenas, especially if you are interested in arts and would like to have a look in the local galleries. Dominican Republic is an excellent place to visit if you are looking for white sand beaches, exotic wildlife and peace. If you are not interested in a hurricane adventure, you would better not come to the country from June to September, when there is a hurricane season.
by Eva Matova
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Uranium attack in Slovakia
by Daniela Simkova

Uranium detained in Slovakia was enough to create a so called "dirty bomb" said Slovak police. "The radioactive uranium was even more dangerous because it was in powder form," said Michal Kopcik, senior police official. Uranium could have been used in a different ways for terrorist attack because of its powder form, said Mr. Michal Kopcik. The explosion of this "dirty bomb" conveys an interspersion of radioactive fractions and contamination of this area. The police said that Uranium material contained both dangerous isotopes of Uranium, Uranium 235, and Uranium 238. The police action took place in Slovakia near the Hungarian border. There were arrested three suspects, one of them was Ukrainian and the rest two were Hungarians, aged in a range of 40 to 51 years. Suspects had some under the 500g of the Uranium material in a powder form. "According to initial findings, the material originated in the former Soviet republics," said Mr. Michal Kopcik. There has been an alert in the past coming from the International agencies about the radioactive material from the former Soviet republic. Pointing at the police action in 1994 in The Czech Republic and in the Russia city of St. Petersburg where were attempts to sell Uranium material illegally.
by Daniela Simkova
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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chavez does it again
by Claudia Sonea

Apparently the Spanish King knew what he was talking when he asked the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to shut up. It seems like Chavez keeps on getting to trouble and the newest one is a personal dispute with Colombian President Alvaro Uribe. He announced a total end of contact with the Colombian government, but did not specify if there is the end of diplomatic relations. The rupture would not benefit any of the two countries; they share a 1,380-mile border and only last year it was registered $5 billion in trade. The entire dispute was created at a meeting with leftist rebels (FARC) a week ago, when Uribe removed both Chavez and a Colombian senator saying that the Venezuelan leader had violated the conditions of his involvement by speaking directly to the head of Colombia's army. That made Chavez to lash out and say at a conference in the southwestern state of Tachira that the relations are being frozen due to the fact that Uribe is a liar and he doesn't want peace. However, he is already used to this type of situation in late 2005 with former Mexican President Vicente Fox that ended by reducing the relations between Mexico and Venezuela to lower-level diplomats. Uribe proves that it is not for no reason that Washington considers him its main ally in South America and he tried to calm down differences with Chavez on Wednesday, stating that presidents should put aside their "angers" and "vanities" to get on with their work. Furthermore, Colombian Foreign Minister Fernando Araujo said that despite the fact that Chavez called back his ambassador to Colombia on Tuesday, they will not call theirs because they consider the dispute not to be with Venezuela, but with the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. Meantime, rebels are holding 46 high-profile hostages, including three American defense contractors and French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and requested in their exchange the freeing of all imprisoned rebels. What will happen next? Will the ego of Chavez endanger people's life? Stay connected, more to come.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Mideast conference
by Jana Kokavcova

Bush - president of United States had speech about Mideast and the situation between some Mideast countries. Is Bush the competitive person to tell them on the conference about it, to give them advices and recommendations? Is he the right person to do that? I think it is hard to say. Why it so that United States have the main word in some big world problems? It is because America is so big and powerful? Or because they have so big army and weapons? Who knows? Bush is very powerful president and Americans are, I think, really uninformed people. They really don't know what government does. They are sometimes like a drove and live happily in their houses, have pretty families… And people in Mideast have problems, but sometimes they are for them only terrorists. They really don't know anything about their culture and lifestyle. I know it is not possible to have such information and be a specialist to Mideast, have no prejudices against them. The 11th September was a big tragedy for all Americans, I know. But is it really a good reason to have stereotype about Mideast people? There are some really hard stereotypes in the world. About Russian, about gypsies…about women and blonds. Yes, I am a blonde, but don't have a feeling I am only a sweet Barbie with nothing in my head. No one can judge me because of my hair color. It is really stupid. And no one can judge Mideast because of one attack. I think it is not a thing of American president to talk about what Mideast should do for peace. But it is nice from him to have his own opinion to this big problem.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ecuador, the present and the past
by Lucia Mitrova

Try to guess where am I. People around here speak Spanish, there's Peru on the east and south and Colombia on the north. There's Pacific ocean also, and Galapagos Island are not that far away. Now You probably already know (if don't know I'll tell you anyway) I'm in Ecuador. Beautiful country of South America with it's shores, jungles, highlands and cities and of course people. Speaking of people, first human cultures in Ecuador dates back to 3500 B.C.. Arguably the most famous are Valdivia an Machalia culture. Later their territory were occupied by the Inca Empire and they assimilated. And yes, we are talking about the Incas. But in the 1532 Incas found themselves in the the middle of civil war (siblings, brothers Huascar and Atahualpa were fighting). Spanish conquistadors, concretely Francisco Pizarro, took advantage of this and conquered the Inca Empire. That is how Spain gained it's influence over the Ecuador. After nearly three hundred years of Spanish colonization Ecuador wanted to get rid of it. So the battle for independence began. It was a long, but successful one. In 1822 whole Ecuador gained his independence and was able to start a new era. The present Ecuador is modern, democratic, mostly catholic Latin American country with amazing and rich culture, fauna and flora (Galapagos Islands are on the UNESCO list) and also it's own problems. For instance government instability, unemployment, poverty or low safety at work. Like the incident that happened recently nearby the town Machala. Sixty miner got trapped in an underground gold mine. There was also an explosion and (at least) one person got killed. The explosion "demonstrates the need for responsible mining in Ecuador," said Interior Minister Gustavo Larrea.

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Global warning: global warming
by Ludmila Martinicka

Global warning is a fact. We can hear it from the radio, watch it on the TV, read about it on the Internet and newspapers, see it on the billboards on the streets... The situation seems to be really alarming as scientists say. Global warming attempt the life of all the creatures. It works as the domino effect. Weather is becoming too warm for plants as well as for animals. When "vegetarian animals" have nothing to eat, sooner or later there will be lack of food also for the others. Mankind produces too much greenhouse gas emissions and spoil the environment. For this reason ecological activists and "green" teams and organizations encourage people to live more ecologically and save our planet. World countries are joining in the New deal of environment. On the topic of environment were talking also presidential rivals from the year 2000, George Bush and al Gore during their meeting in White House. Gore stated it was a private talking about global warming. They met due to occasion of Gore's Nobel Peace Prize winning. He belongs to fighters for the ecology and anti-global warming activities. To focus the international attention on the problem of global warming, he shared the $1.5 million (724,000 pound) Nobel prize with U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate change. His short documentary movie "An Inconvenient Truth" showing the climate changes won an Oscar award earlier this year. Some democrats expect Gore to enter the next presidential elections, which will be in November 2008. Gore refused again.

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Sharif in for elections, but not under Musharrif
by Romana Schlesingerova

The former Pakistanian Prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who had returned back from his seven years in exile, signed up as the candidate for the next parliamentary elections today, according to the AFP agency. However, Sharif declared, that in the case of his victory, he will not accept working under the present president Pervez Musharraf. There is no blaming for his statement. It would be impossible to forget, that it was Musharraf alone, who had discharged him during the military coup in 1999 and convicted him to the life sentence. "I have come to save this country," he said standing on top of a radio cab desk in the arrivals hall. "I have come to fulfill the responsibility that is given me," he told the crowd. But few could hear him, so loud was the chanting and cheering from supporters. "Long live! Long live! Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif!" they shouted. Sharif came back with a clear vision and immediately presented his ideas on the series of press conferences and to the media as well. He announced the incompatibility with Musharraf`s thoughts and acclaimed that his political party will never cooperate together with the president. Sharif disbelieves the preparing elections, because of martial law, declared November 3rd. He would change his mind, only if the constitution would be reconditioned. Another candidate signed up for the elections on Monday. Benazzir Bhuto, the other former Prime minister, who just recently returned to the country, after negotiating the division of the political power in the country. It can be Bhuto, who will be probably willing to ally with Musharraf. Nawaz Sharif can easily stay out of the game.
by Romana Schlesingerova
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Monday, November 26, 2007

by Ludmila Martinicka

First expectations about number of victims caused by the cyclone, that hit Bangladesh this month were really high. Luckily, actual number didn't go over 3200. Thanks to early warning program provided by government many people were evacuated on time and saved. Bangladesh belongs to areas often hit by the cyclones. The cyclone was packing winds of up to 240 kph (150mph) and driving rain. From meteorological point the cyclone is the area of low atmospheric pressure characterized by spiraling winds. 1724 people weren't find yet and main task for the country is to bring help to protect those, which survived and find those, which are still missing. They are not alone on this mission. Help is permanently coming from many countries across the world. The most crucial problem is lack of clean and drinking water, food, medical stuff. Rescuers, navy and army workers are doing their best to reach most critical places. Several media informs about what to do before the cyclone hits. The best would be to leave the area. To protect your home, limit the trees around, clean up all the branches hanging over the roof. The first thing to take before leaving is the drinking water. List of emergency phone numbers, torch and a radio or phone, food, first aid kit, clothes, matches will be really helpful afterwards. If it is too late to leave the house, close and fix all the windows and doors, disconnect the electricity. Be sure to have all the important things and documents close to you. Build a shelter in the strongest part of the building and wait for good news.
by Ludmila Martinicka
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cyclone Sidr – an Appeal on Humanity
by Barbora Kasparova

Cyclone Sidr, that hit Bangladesh earlier this November, caused over 3000 deaths, left more than half a million people's houses devastated and another 600 thousand damaged. The death count is not at its end just yet, as the affected population is lacking food, clean water, shelters and medical supplies. This is the right time for the human solidarity to play its part. The question of morals every individual answers for himself has been partly decided by our governments. Saudi Arabia, for example, donated the largest sum of money they ever had, and many more countries followed. However, should you choose to participate personally and join the relief process, there are several ways. Volunteers are, naturally, very welcome, and needed. Most people, of course, do not choose this option. So the last but not least thing you could do is to make a donation. It is not difficult; in fact, most of the established organizations provide the option of donating online to make it so accessible and easy it's almost impossible to find an excuse not to. There are many of such organizations, each one focusing on a different type of relief, but the goal is common. Here's few examples meant as an inspiration: The International Medical Corps (, The International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies (, Direct Relief International (, Islamic Relief (

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Rush named China`s holiday
by Romana Schlesingerova

It is finally here. The long, wishful and expected holidays. One peaceful week that you have been waiting for. Unless, you are a Chinese, because your days off represent everyone else`s vacation. Not a big deal? Remember- you are in China. The struggle for millions of travelers including precious tickets, jam-packed planes and traffic collapse comes along every year during the "Golden Weeks," the only time when citizens can get a break from their work. China is noting down one of its biggest economic growth ever. The concept of paid time off is very Western in its approach too. However, the tight holiday plan, more remind us of the communistic practice. "The problem is that everyone goes at once," said Jiang, a 41-year-old medical-equipment supplier. "It's impossible to get a ticket. And even if you do, its way too crowded. It's crazy." Week-long holidays falling on the 1st of May and 1st of October put people on the move. Husbands traveling back home, foreign visitors and family gatherings and an estimated number of 500 million travelers make it almost impossible to get anywhere on time and finally fulfill the main purpose of the holidays- rest and relax. There are voices calling for a change. 62% of Chinese are in favor of a new system, according to the survey launched by a mainland media outlet. The present administration has just recently drafted proposal suggesting various adjustment strategies. This is now waiting for the consideration of the National Congress. Maybe, it will bring the system of paid vacations to the country that came a long way for it, the relief for workers and a real bit of rest.
by Romana Schlesingerova
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Pakistan suspended
by Claudia Sonea

The Commonwealth of Nations, usually known as the Commonwealth and sometimes as the British Commonwealth, is currently a voluntary association of 53 independent sovereign states, most of which are former British colonies (the exceptions being the United Kingdom itself and Mozambique). Countries with diverse social, political, and economic backgrounds co-operate within a framework of common values and goals, outlined in the Singapore Declaration and that include the promotion of democracy, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism, and world peace. Pakistan since it's a member of this international organization, has been giving a deadline to abolish the state of emergency installed on November 7. On Thursday the Commonwealth of Nations suspended Pakistan because it has not ended the state of emergency that broke the organization's values like individual liberty, democracy and human rights. Pakistan's military ruler Gen. Pervez Musharraf has received a deadline to step down from the position of military chief and to the military government until Thursday. Secretary-General Don McKinnon stated that a council formed by foreign ministers meeting in Kampalpa, Uganda, decided to impose the suspension until restoration of democracy and rule of law in the country. It is for the second time when Pakistan is kicked out. The first time was in 1999 and the one that triggered it was Gen. Pervez Musharraf who took power in a coup. It took five years to be accepted back in the organization. However, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown shows confidence in Pakistan leader and says that he was promised that the order will be soon reinstalled and the country will comeback to democracy before the January parliamentary elections. Furthermore, Musharraf promised to step down as chief military. Stay connected, more to come!

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Mushraff getting ready
by Claudia Sonea

In Pakistan changes are being made for the parliamentary elections that will take place on January 2008. President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has started already to prepare his territory and in order to please both the opposition and especially the US and Western allies 5,634 lawyers and political party members were freed, while the other 623 people remaining in custody are due to be freed, according to Law Minister Afzal Hayder. Musharraf suspended the constitution and decreed emergency powers starting November 3, leaving completely outraged Washington and the European Union. The President justified the emergency rule with the escalating danger posed by Islamic extremists and is now trying to repair his bruised credentials as a democrat and a reliable ally in the fight against international terrorism. Attorney General Malik Mohammed Qayyum told The Associated Press that the President is a man of his word and if he said that he will step down as army chief, he will do it. Among the freed hostages there are Imran Khan, a former cricket star who has become a firebrand in the opposition to Musharraf's rule and Javed Hashmi, acting president of the party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Musharraf's most dogged foe. Nevertheless after being freed they kept on calling to boycott the parliamentary elections and prevent that the deceiving President wins them. Furthermore, Khan accuses America and the West for being afraid that without Musharraf the nuclear bomb will get into extremist hands. The President's main concern is a possible alliance between the key opposition leader, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and Nawaz Sharif, who confessed to have tried to convince her in a telephone conversation. Bhutto's party cheered the release of the hostages, but they criticized the halt of the other, as well as the fact that Musharraf cannot be trusted; according to spokesman Farhatullah Babar it is too early to state an opinion on the matter. Both Bhutto and Musharraf are calling for moderate political forces to reconcile and revitalize Pakistan's campaign against Islamic militants. Therefore US see in an alliance between the two as the best choice for democratic legitimacy and that is why Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte tried to convince them to return to the agenda made on his last visit. As his replacement in the in the role of chief of staff of the army, Musharraf has chosen the military's current deputy commander, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani. It is interesting to stay and watch where everything is heading, according to Najam Sethi, editor of the Pakistani newspaper Daily Times. Pervez Musharraf is the army's candidate and that doesn't put him in a good light, while Bhutto cannot boycott elections because it would lead to gains by Islamic parties sympathetic to the Taliban and al-Qaida. More to come…

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Fighting nations.
by Zuzana Valkova

Nowadays one of the biggest reasons for wars and fighting is religion. Usually two totally different religions stand opposite and try to prove who is the right one. When you read the news almost everyday you can read about some terroristic attacks in Arabia or even in western countries. These attacks are usually done in the name of Islam. So it is natural that people are scared of these people. First we have to understand that not everybody is a terrorist. Only the small group of people is radical, connected to bigger organizations. Rests of Islamic people are normal people like we are. They are trying to live their life, work in their job, when they have some and feed their family. Usually this people have to live in very bad conditions. Their countries are in war with other countries, which are trying to fight against terrorism, or just fight them because they have different god and religion. It is hard for us like Christians to understand this situation. Maybe our common disability to understand each other is a part of the problem with the religions. But how we can understand to each other when we are living in totally different corners of the world and in different conditions? It needs lots of studying and thinking…

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cyclone Sidr caused even more rough times in Padma
by Zuzana Blazeckova

Padma,as a part of the coast of Bay of Bengal in Barquna district, has become one of the hardest hit areas of the catastrophe around whole Bangladesh. Sidr, last week cyclone, has left more than 3, 150 dead across whole country and about 4, 000 villagers tousled across rice fields and coastline. However, this is not enough. Just Padma counted 61 dead and 14 inhabitants are still missing. But caused damages are out-and-out more extensive than just a numbers. Bangladesh, as a poor country has many troubles even without nature disasters. Natives do have not just problems with dwelling, they are also deficient of basic needs like clean drinking water or food supply. Padma and people living there will probably need long-term help. An international aid group has already brought rice, high-energy cookies, etc. New clinics have been set up across, and doctors have provided help to many stricken inhabitants too. Another big question people in Padma struggle with, is fishing industry. This is really important part of the life of natives, in fact, nearly every family in Padma has at least one fishermen. But now, the fishing is more than difficult, because their boats are almost utterly destroyed. In case they won't be repaired soon, their situation will get even worse. Many of fishermen will need also financial support to repair their old boats and start over again. The Sidr cyclone was not the first catastrophe which attacke this low-lying country. For instance the year 1991 brought more than 140, 000 died in one cyclone.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Olmert meets Abbas week before peace conference
by Lucia Mitrova

On Monday, week before a U.S.-led peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to talk about their issues. Before the meeting there were voices coming from U.S. And Palestine demanding halting construction in the occupied West Bank in existing settlements. No new settlements was built in the West Bank for about 10 years, but settlers have set hilltop outpost, of course without the government permission. Olmert made a promise to remove the outposts, but did not say when. He also told his cabinet before the meeting with Abbas that, "there will be no new settlement and no land confiscations" and that Israel would fulfill it's obligations under the road map. Both Abbas and Erekat, try to draft a document addressing in general terms core issues. For instance topic about Palestinian refugees. As a gesture to Abbas, Erekat agreed to release 441 Palestinian prisoners. Initially, Abbas wanted 2,000 of them. "Both sides seem ripe for reaching an agreement before Annapolis," said Olmert's spokeswomen, Miri Eisin. "There is enough agreement on enough things that there isn't an atmosphere of crisis, although there are some issues that remain open." The meeting took about two hours. After that Erekat told the reporters: "Was the meeting difficult? Yes. Are there differences remaining? Yes." Israel, Palestine and U.S. Are hoping for Arab participation at Annapolis. This Friday Arab league foreign ministers meet in Cairo. They are about to decide to attend the peace conference or not.
by Lucia Mitrova
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Whales hunt
by Claudia Sonea

On Sunday Japan opened the whales hunt by sending its fleet to the Antarctic Ocean. However that only made the Western allies like States, Australia, Britain and New Zealand unhappy and concerned about the emotional damage it will raise. Japan in an attempt to justify claimed that the whale meat is a part of their culture and they have legal ground thanks to a global moratorium that allows "lethal research" on the giant mammals. During the five months mission they are due 950 whales. In Australia the matter split the camp between those who think drastic measures should be taken like the Labor Party (opposition) represented by foreign affairs spokesman Robert McClelland and sustaining that the navy should be sent to track the Japanese whalers and take video footage if it takes power. On the other side Prime Minister John Howard although disapproves the Japanese actions, think the main way of iron out differences is the diplomatically one. Nevertheless, Hideki Moronuki, the whaling chief at Japan's Fisheries Agency, not only that doubts Labor Party's threats, but also says that everything they do is in perfect harmony with the International Whaling Commission. US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack acknowledge the legal right the Japanese have, still they ask them to refrain because non-lethal research techniques are available. Greenpeace also protest against Japan's hunt and therefore a ship called Esperanza is trying to find the fleet to shoot footage, but Greenpeace activist Dave Walsh told AFP by satellite telephone from aboard the Esperanza in the Pacific Ocean that the whalers had turned off identification equipment, inducing the doubt that they have something to hide. On the other side, the more militant Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is planning to physically stop the hunting if they do not cease it until next month. Another problem is if indeed the humpback whales, protected under a 1966 worldwide moratorium after years of over hunting, are on the whalers list. Despite the fact that Moronuki said they are not, the doubt still persist. All the whales hunted will end up on dinner plates. Even though their actions are despicable, there is still the fact that Norway and Iceland openly defy a 1986 moratorium on commercial hunting of all whales and no one does anything to prevent it. Why are the situations different? Stay connected you might get your answer.

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French strikes intensify as Sarkozy calls for a step forward from both sides
by Corina Ciubotaru

France is on its sixth day of strikes and the situation is starting to take its toll on the economic state of the country. It is losing $400 million each day because of transportation workers unhappy with the overhaul of pension systems enjoyed by 500,000 of them. Even though the majority of French people oppose of the strike, transportation workers have been joined by civil servants, hospital staff, teachers and other state employees on Tuesday. The commercial sector is experiencing a blow as well, and the Paris region is the hardest-hit. Hotels, exhibition centers, theaters are all suffering from the strike, as do taxi drivers who barely manage to avoid traffic jams. The crisis was started after President Sarkozy announced some categories of workers should be allowed to retire in their 50s. All kinds of workers have since joined the strike, including school teachers, firefighters and civil servants, who would like to see their working life end sooner as well. A separate strike meant also that the air traffic was slowed and that workers from the Bank of France protested along the streets of France, with railway services not reopening before Wednesday. Apparently, talks will not begin until both sides take a step forward and protesters agree to go back to work; this strike has mobilized 30 percent of French civil service employees. President Sarkozy has not intervened to stop it so far, but declared recently that he believed the strikers are inconsiderate of their colleagues who want to go to work.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Thousands killed in Bangladesh disaster
by Corina Ciubotaru

A massive storm has killed more than 3,000 people in Bangladesh and left millions more homeless during the last week. Cyclone Sidr wiped out entire villages, flattening huts and blowing off rooftops, crushing people under debris. At least 1,000 more victims are expected to be retrieved from the sea and the nearby river in the following days but the recovery effort has already begun with government money amounting $5.2 million that can be supplemented with aid from the U.S., the United Nations, France, Germany and the European Union if Bangladesh decides to ask for more money. The government is confident that they will be able to overcome the problem and reconstruct homes, but the major issue right now is being able to help those in need with short-term supplies like food and water. The U.N. says the relief operations are intended to intensify soon. The level of destruction is not as high as initially expected but due to the low landscape and quality of building materials in the region, reconstructing will take a lot of work and time. Large croplands have been seriously damaged by the cyclone so the outlook on the future isn't very optimistic either, especially since farmlands had been already affected by severe floods in August. Red Crescent workers and a U.S. military team are on the spot, helping people in this poor part of Bangladesh; the country has been previously devastated by a tropical storm in 1991, which claimed around 140,000 lives. Since then, warning systems have been constructed to help people escape nature's fury.

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Help for victims of the cyclone in Bangladesh
by Ludmila Martinicka

Suman Sengupta, director of the children in Bangladesh feared the final death toll of the tropical cyclone, that hit Bangladesh on Thursday, will take 10 000 to 15 000 victims. Forecasts based on experience and reports from the scene were talking about high numbers. Despite of the bad forecasts, the death toll didn't reach more then 4 000 of victims till now. Early warning programme provide by government had saved vast of people. About 1.5 million of people were able to hide in shelters. Fakkhruddin Ahmed, interim country leader promised the help to the damaged areas. Washington, European union, British, German, French and other governments decided to offer their help to Bangladesh immediately. Army helicopters, navy, military, rescue teams, food and non-food help were sent to the country. International groups and international aid organizations as WFP (World Food Programme), The Bangladesh Red Crescent Society didn't stay behind. Together, sent help makes tones of food and relief materials and thousands of rescuers. Financial help for rebuilding houses is counted in millions of dollars. Pope Benedict XVI consider the victims to be hardly tested and calls for every possible effort to help them. There are still unreached areas, where rescue teams didn't arrived yet. Hopefully, the forecasts and warning programs will be even more effective in the future and shelters reachable for more people. Instead of overcoming the bad situations best as we can, we will be able to avoid them before they affect.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Strong Cyclone Hits Bangladesh
by Barbora Kasparova

With 242 people killed and nearly one million evacuated on Friday, Bangladesh suffers another cyclone. According to an official at food and disaster ministry, "The death count is rising fast as we get more information from the affected districts and …it may go much higher." ( Why Bangladesh? Naturally, due to the geography of the country the cyclones are directed towards Bangladesh's coast and are intensified by the low and flat terrain of the most of the Bangladesh. A paradox is, that the areas that get most affected have very rich soil and thus many farmers settle there. What is there to be done? An important part is monitoring and being able to predict the cyclone and give an early warning. Bangladesh does not have any weather satellites of its own, but relies on information from NASA and NOAA. Even when monitored, cyclone cannot be prevented. Therefore Bangladesh government has done cyclone shelter construction, which rapidly reduced the death rate of the cyclone occurrence. For comparison, during 1970 cyclone 350 000 people died, and in 1997 during a similar cyclone, "only" 200 lost lives were reported, with more than 1 million evacuated. (For further info see & Understanding the Economic and Financial Impact of Natural Disasters & Charlotte Benson and Edward J. Clay) The cyclones cannot be fought, but with better handling of the situation, surely their severity can be lowered to a minimum.

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Bhutto's return has not done much for Pakistan
by Corina Ciubotaru

Ever since Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan, she has not been out of the public eye for a single day. The suicide bombers threatening her life missed her but killed hundreds of her admirers but this has not stopped her from wanting what is best for her country. Pakistan's former Prime Minister is believed to have wanted to lead a protest against Gen. Pervez Musharraf, in an attempt to convince him to give up military status and return the country to democracy. She stated she would not be Prime Minister under his command but she is willing to negotiate peacefully, while Musharraf imposed emergency rule in the country and ordered she would be kept under house arrest in Lahore. Guards have been placed around the house she was in, including 600 police, to protect her against attackers, and she was only allowed to go pray at the tomb of Pakistan's national poet. Musharraf is still general, the country is still under emergency rule, and the general public still believes his election as President was a fraud. He changed the components of the Supreme Court and promised he would return to democracy, but he showed no clear intentions of doing so. Nevertheless, the general has agreed to free Bhutto from her arrest and provided her with guards for her own safety, while she stated she is now determined not to reopen negotiations with Musharraf. On Friday, a visit from the U.S. deputy secretary of state John Negroponte was scheduled and he will probably also urge Musharraf to end the emergency rule.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Iran enriches uranium
by Natalia Holvova

Since the war in Iraq started Arabic countries seem more open to talk about their development in the area of weapons and munitions. Of course we can't expect them to tell us about their exact plans and perspectives. When the country feels s to be in a danger, it tries to do its best to protect itself. No one wants to fight without the reason. Maybe Iran just wants the world to take it seriously maybe it wants to prove that it has great power which it is able to use when needed maybe it wants to prove that they are dangerous and they will fight for their things. The world is in the war! Situation in the Balkan Peninsula is very serious. Hundreds of people are dying everyday. Even while I ma writing this article. We can't even imagine the real situation especially with the thinking of regular European. Our culture and history is different. Two big wars devastated our countries, economics and people's lives. We've got a lesson and we are trying as much as possible to avoid any of violence conflict between us. Arabic countries are in different position. Different culture and beliefs make them fight! They try to develop more and more dangerous weapons and warheads to get ready to use them. Everyone wants to control them. If I was in the same situation I wouldn't show anyone what I am working at. The Iran situation is more difficult though. The power they can possible create could destroy more then we can imagine and there needs to be someone who will at least try to drop the risks that enriching of the uranium can bring into the world.

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Russian ecological disaster
by Jana Kokavcova

On Tuesday there was a great killer wind in Russia that caused big disaster, because it sank at least 11 ships and split an oil tanker in two. About 560,000 gallons of oil were spilled in the water. 30,000 birds were killed. This disaster will cause long-lasting damage to marine life in near southern Russian seaport, but not only in this part of Black sea. "We could lose the Black Sea if we go on this way": said Sergei Golubchikov, Russian environmentalist. This disaster is not only bad to the marine life, but for all life near Black sea, because it will be very hard for birds and other animals to find another food, because they used to fish. This situation will be hard for people too. But we can find answer why this disaster happened. It is maybe because of outdated and inadequate equipment that are oil transport ships allowed to use. The most important task now for all people is to build a dam to prevent the slick from floating into the Sea of Azov. Oleg Mitvol, deputy head of the Russian state environmental safety watchdog Rosprirodnazor, said : "We have a real chance to save the ecosystem of the Sea of Azov." The damage to the seafloor ecosystem is hard to measure, because we really don't know the number of dead animals. But there is need to do something to help. Environmentalists in Russia call for new law that will regulate sea pollution. But it is all about politics and policy. I think they should work on the law soon, because another disaster can be worse than this one and cause a lot of problems in our lives.

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Sarkozy's retirement reform lead to a collapse in French traffic
by Ivana Svinciakova

Trade unions are organizing a strike in France as a reaction to the intentions of their prezident Nicolas Sarkozy. He is trying to change the old retirement system that is in use since the second world war and allows the employees in some sectors to retire after 37.5 years of service. According to Xavier Bertran, Minister of Labour, if this reform doesn't get implemented today the future funds will be not sufficient to pay the rent in 10 or 15 years. The government is calling for a new system that would be more effective, fair and future oriented. First of all, the reform wants to move the retirement age higher - fixing the border at the minimum of 40 years. To carry out this kind of change doesn't leave the Trade Unions passive, especially not in France where they hold a strong position. Besides, the plans to raise the retirement age concern some 500.000 public sector workers. The strike started on Tuesday in rail sector and was followed by transit, gas and electricity workers. Only a fraction of vehicles is in service which is causing a tremendous slow down. French journals warn that this strike miht run until the 20th of november when there's planned another strike organized by state employees and teachers.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Will emergency rule prevent elections in Pakistan?
by Corina Ciubotaru

The emergency rule still goes on in Pakistan even though Gen. Musharraf promised he would end it, and so does the military regime. His opponent Benazir Bhutto has been placed under house arrest again and measures have been taken to ensure she does not lead a march against the current government in the following days. She also refuses to be Prime Minister under Pervez Musharraf, who instituted emergency rule a few days ago and thus put the Western spotlight on his country. 600 police have surrounded the house in Lahore where Bhutto is arrested and walls with barbed wire have been erected around it, allegedly to protect her from the murder attempts that have been carried out or announced since her return. The protest was intended to last for three days and involve thousands of supporters, in an attempt to persuade Musharraf to give up his military status and restore democracy to the country. She was arrested on Friday but was allowed to pray at the tomb of Pakistan's national poet on Monday, under surveillance of guards. The end of the emergency rule is believed to come after the supreme court admits the last election of Musharraf has been done legally; he has replaced its leading judge, a man who could probably rule his election was a fraud and prevent him from extending his eight-year rule. Still, he will allow the parliamentary elections to be held as planned, but his opponents question the idea that these elections could be fair if the country is under emergency rule.

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Nigeria"s mystic soul mates
by Natalia Holvova

When I was younger I tried to imagine how it would be to have a twin brother or sister. It was real mystery for me to understand how it is possible to be born at the same time. It seemed there was special connection between twins that I couldn't explain and was thinking who can that work. My sister is only one year younger then I am and when we used to be kids our mother tried to dress us in the same way. I hated that. I felt like loosing my own face my own identity that I was made to share with my sister. I felt betrayed. But we aren't real twins. In Nigeria there is the area in southwest part of the country where the frequency of the twin's appearance is much higher then world's average. Almost in every single family there is one or more sets of twins. People don't even think about twins like about something unusual. It's very normal to have sibling who is according to tradition possessor of the half of my soul. There are many of traditional rituals in the region concerned with twin phenomena. People consider twins as a blessing from God and they believe that twins have special divine power to protect themselves. The most of the rituals is dealing with the death of one of the twins or both of them which isn't unusual in the area where health and medical support is failing all the time. It's hard to say if the half of the twin sibling is dying while another person needs to carry on living but when your best friend your soul mate is gone you necessarily feel alone. I would feel like that without my sister...

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Wild West guns sold at auction
by Corina Ciubotaru

These days, all those with a passion for the Wild West could go to Texas and buy the very guns that once belonged to Pancho Villa and Calamity Jane. Both guns bear the names of their original owners, Doroteo Arango and Martha Jane Cannary respectively, and are part of a 1,000 piece collection of artifacts from the age of the Frontier and the battles against Indians that went on sale this weekend but brought less money than initially expected. Pancho Villa's Remington single sold for $18,000 and the entire set of 3 guns, including one he allegedly dropped in the Rio Grande, dating back from 1898 and one that belonged to his bodyguard, collectively sold for about $29,000. He was a revolutionary in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, which he eventually governed since 1913 and is still seen as a hero in Mexico, even though many believed him to be a killer during his age. He was also the man who gave the last attack by foreign troops on U.S. soil, when he attacked Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, killing 18 Americans; previously, the American territory had not been attacked since 1812. Calamity Jane was a scout under Buffalo Bill, who had the ways of a man and was very handy with a gun. She amazed the men around her with her bravery and dedication, and now her 1880's Hopkins and Allen No.2 pistol and its leather purse have found a new and enthusiastic owner, for an expected price of $35,000.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Titanic survivor Barbara West Dainton dies
by Lucia Mitrova

Dainton died October 16 in Camborne, England. She was 96 years old. The funeral was on Monday at Truro Cathedral. She was one of the two living survivors. She did not want any public attention during her life and she also wished her funeral to take place before the public announcement of her death. "We respected her privacy. We're so open with everything and our emotions nowadays, but people at that time, they just didn't talk about it," says Karen Kamuda of the Titanic Historical Society in Indian Orchard, Mass. Titanic sank on it's maiden voyage April 15 1912 and Barbara, one of 2, 208 ocean liner's passengers, was to young to remember the tragedy. She was born in Bournemouth, in southern England in 1911. Luckily she was also one of the 712 survivors. And not only she, but her mother Ada and her sister Constance survived the disaster too. However, her father Edwy Arthur West did not. Him and others 1516 people remain the victims of the disaster caused by struck of an iceberg and too low number of lifeboats. They never identified his body. After the accidents Barbara and her relatives returned to England, where she got married in 1956. She spent last years of her life at a nursing home in Camborne, where she died. This means, according to Titanic Historical Society, that Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean of Southampton, England is now the only one remaining Titanic survivor. Although, back then she was only two years old, so she don't remember Titanic calamity either.
by Lucia Mitrova
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Eruption in Indonesia volcano
by Olga Hromkova

Eruption in Indonesia volcano Anak Krakatau is volcano in Indonesia which is well known after his "father Krakatu" and its powerful explosion which happened in august 1883. For now there is a possibility, that this history could be repeated. This volcano is one of the 70 active volcanoes in 17 000 islands situated in Indonesia. There has been eruption, blasting smoke and red hot rocks seen at Anak Krakatou. Many people who are living in close villages especially from the slopes of Mount Kelud on Java island have been evacuated because of those activities. Anak began his activity last week and since that time, the level of danger dropped, which means that the residents can return to their homes. Associated Press have interviewed one of the Indonesian inhabitants: "We have lived here for generations. The land is my life," said Meseman, a 74-year-old papaya farmer on the slopes of Mount Kelud, who like many Indonesians uses only a single name and declined to heed the warnings to leave the area. "It is impossible for me leave. If anything, the volcanic ash will make my fields more fertile." The father of Anak Krakatu was very dangerous and killed around 36 000 people, but Anak for now have been consider not especially dangerous, but of course & for now. Bagong Suvanto, a professor of rural sociology at the University of Surabaya said for Associated Press "The Javanese see nature as a friend because it gives then food and life," "They trust it, they do not see it as a threat like volcanologists do."

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When your home is a prison
by Natalia Holvova

Pakistan is one of the Arabic states fighting for its own freedom and democracy. People are trying to organize demonstrations and get their voice to be heard. It's not easy when you can't go wherever you like to and whenever you wish to. Demonstrations and strikes are violently holding back by actual government which doesn't seem to be legally elected is trying to continuously install tyranny and dominance of the dictator. In the situation when even walking down the street can be the most dangerous part of your day, Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister of the country is coming back after eight years long asylum to fight for freedom for her people. A woman who is informal leader in the efforts to bring the democracy into her home country against regent government has thousands of followers who are taking an action in the streets of Islamabad. Anyhow people are getting arrested in a mass and they are not allowed to organize any demonstration as the emergency state was declared by the government and Bhutto's house became her personal domestic prison. There are barricades around the house and she is trying to get out and carry on activities leading to stall democracy. Hardly to believe this is happening in the 21st century. When your home is a prison just because there is some power inside of you that can't let you unconcerned and you try to fight for what you believe is right even you could stay in the save place watching the news about the situation somewhere far far away in the country where you don't live anymore.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Spying in the Cold War Style
by Barbora Kasparova

The head of MI5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5), UK's counter-intelligence and internal security agency, Jonathan Evans has openly touched the subject of Russian spies in Britain again in his speech on Monday. This statement only underlines the state of diplomatic relations Russia and United Kingdom are currently in. The officials of security services of both countries claim the same problem. As published on The Guardian website, in October the head of Russian Federal Security Service known as FSB (former KGB) Nikolai Patrushev in his interview for a Russian newspaper Argumenty i Fakty declared: "Politicians thinking in the categories of the Cold War still retain their influence in a number of western nations." (,,2188254,00.html) He said that British agents working for MI6 (Military Intelligence, Section 6), which is UK's external security agency, are trying to recruit Russian citizens, and are even responsible for organizing a secret campaign to destabilize Russian government. The current bad diplomatic relations have originated in a Litvinenko case in 2006. Russian former KGB agent and critic of Kremlin's policy had died in London after what proved to be polonium poisoning. British investigators asked Russia to extradict some of the suspects (Andrei Lugovoi), however, Russia strictly refused and the dispute resulted in both countries expelling the other side's diplomats from the country. Now the head of the British MI5 in his Monday statement went as far as blaming Russian spies for distracting UK Intelligence services from the real threats to the country security, as fighting terrorism. Hopefully, MI5 can handle both tasks...

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Mobsters seized in raid
by Claudia Sonea

On Monday the new Sicilian Mafia's boss of bosses Salvatore Lo Piccolo was arrested in a police raid together with his son Sandro and two other Mafia bosses. He was tracked for almost a quarter of century and at the age of 65 he was finally caught on a country house outside the Sicilian capital Palermo where they were holding a summit. There was a fire exchange in the raid, but no injuries were registered. Interior Minister Giuliano Amato stated that the Italian state showed they can repeatedly dismantle the leadership of the Mafia and hopes that it will lead to the destruction of the organization. They arrested last year Provenzano, the former capo di tutti capi, and now besides the one that replaced him, Lo Piccolo, another three that are among the top 30 most wanted Mafia suspects in Italy. The criminal background of Salvatore reveals that his career as a villain working as a bodyguard for a Sicilian mobster and climbed on the Mafia ladder until he managed to took over the place of Provenzano after his arrest that was followed by killings for 18 months caused by the struggle for the leadership, according to magistrates. That is why allegedly Lo Piccolo fought Matteo Messina Denaro, another contender to the desired position. The raid took place on the day Sicilians pay tribute each year to the victims of the Mafia, mostly magistrates such as Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, who were killed by bombs in 1992. Romano Prodi, the Italian Prime Minister, saluted the action as a great success for everyone. Anti-Mafia magistrate Francesco Messineo told the Italian news agency Ansa the joy is due to the fact that the mobsters were not low time criminals, but big shot chief colluding. The street are safer, people can now sleep better. The crimes for power are over, but Mafia lives on.

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Pakistan scheduled to have elections in January
by Corina Ciubotaru

Nobody knows what to believe about Pakistan. After former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned from exile a few weeks ago, suicide bombers killed more than 140 people as a reminder of the fact that not all people there want to see her back in office. She suggested peaceful negotiations with President General Musharraf, to have him continue as leader of the country and her as his Prime Minister, but it looks like he has other things on his mind. After promising to give up his military status and become a civilian president, he enforced emergency rule in the country and started getting rid of all of his opponents: 500 activists were arrested during the weekend and the head of the Justice Court was replaced, possibly out of fears that he would have exposed the fraud of the last elections in which the general became President. The Americans and the British now regret sending billions of dollars to Pakistan, their local anti-terrorism ally and are now urging Musharraf to reconsider the emergency rule. Now here's another surprise: after everyone thought that Pakistan will turn into a full dictatorship, it turns out the President wants to have elections in January. Though it's still unclear whether the planned parliamentary elections will also take place in January as scheduled, hopes are high for the country to return to civilian leadership after having been run by generals for half the time since its formation in 1947. A fair election would be good for the future, but one never knows what the future might bring.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
for PocketNews (

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Pakistan's emergency rule doesn't really seem anti-terrorism
by Corina Ciubotaru

Just days before his rule as a General would have been over, Pervez Musharraf took a sudden decision to throw Pakistan into emergency rule and force the U.S. and the U.K. to reconsider giving the country further financial aid. It's been a country permanently on the front pages after the attack on former PM Benazir Bhutto led to over 140 deaths and the current political crisis turns it into another hot topic. Billions of dollars have been pumped into it since its leader sided with the Americans after the 9/11 attacks and thus became one of President Bush's primary anti-terrorist ally in the region. Now, the funds scheduled to be sent are about to be stopped and Musharraf is urged to reconsider his stand in the political world because in Western eyes, the arrest of 500 activists in 24 hours looks a lot like terrorism. And cutting off telephone lines and TV stations other than the state-owned one doesn't sound much like democracy either. General Musharraf also changed the Constitution as he enforced emergency rule, which, according to some of his colleagues, should not be considered martial law, and has replaced the chief justice Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry, considered to be the man who would declare his win of the last elections a fraud. Hearings on this matter, scheduled for next week, have been postponed indefinitely and parliamentary elections have been delayed by at least a month. Although the official stance is that the emergency rule was imposed to fight Muslim terrorism, most believe it is all about stopping the court from ruling against him.

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by Corina Ciubotaru
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PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.

Peace Talks Successful under Rice?
by Barbora Kasparova

One of the 20th century main conflicts over religion and land may finally come to an end. The U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Palestine conflict under the governance of the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice prospects a successful finish. Although, the crucial questions of the border between the states, and of the Jerusalem territory have still not been answered, both parties seem to understand the time is running out. Rice sees the deadline in the end of George Bush's term and is refusing critics that the U.S. foreign administration has neglected the issue. The first direct mutual agreement between the State of Israel and the Palestinians - The Oslo Accords in 1993 were never fulfilled (signed also by Bill Clinton), and there have been several initiatives ever since to resolve the conflict. Rice feels the atmosphere is perfect, as with the upcoming presidential election in the U.S. , according to the Baltimore Sun web site, the Israel has expressed a worry that "a Democrat less friendly to Israel's security interests might be the next U.S. president." (,0,2070843.story?track=rss) Rice is trying hard to avoid previous mistaken steps taken in the peace-making process; she's contacted two former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter for the advice on the conflict. During the last weeks of Bush administration, she will do her best to help create "a viable, independent Palestinian state living side by side with a secure Israel", as stated by Reuters ( After all, it would be a personal achievement for Rice to be the one behind the solution.

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by Barbora Kasparova
for PocketNews (

PocketNews is a new real-time news broadcaster delivering the latest and hottest news right to your pocket ! With global clients who want to be kept up to date, PocketNews is everyone's way of keeping in touch with the World.