Progress in Iraq
by Ludmila Martinicka
After long time of violence, anxiety, uncertainty, attacks, uprisings, the option of relative peace is here to present an opportunity to move forward in economical and political area. In last days, Iraq memorized another bomb attacks. One of them joined the group of extraordinary and rare suicide bomb attacks, when a women with a bomb on her belt blew herself up near the Baqouba. Fear of inhabitants is easy understandable and it seems, that their antipathy and resentment to the situation in the country reached really high level. Local people defy against al-Qaida. Local governments collaborate with U.S. army to defend their homes and neighbourhood. Conversation had begun between the military, U.S. embassy officials and the Iraq government about security initiative. About 60 000 Iraqis, including local citizens, has been manning checkpoint in their own communities. They are payed by the U.S. military. They patrol the key-areas in the country, trying to eliminate and avoid the violence. Government of Iraq stated plans to the year 2008. The budget for next year makes $16 billion and it will be the largest budget in the nation's history. Provincial ministers want to invest money from the budget mainly to reconstruction projects. This projects includes travel communications, schools, hospitals, government centers, power plants, water treatment plants, canals, and irrigation projects. In the plan is also development of the capital city & new market place, multistory parking garage, apartment blocks in the city, renovation of the sewer system. The security and health care are on the first place. Future possibilities brings hope for citizens about the peaceful life in the country and a peace vision in global meaning also for the rest of the world.
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by Ludmila Martinicka for PocketNews ( |
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